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Laura Ramos, ILL & Document Delivery Assistant George Mason University (VGM) July 12, 2013 15 th Annual VIVA Interlibrary Loan Community Forum (Sweet Briar.

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Presentation on theme: "Laura Ramos, ILL & Document Delivery Assistant George Mason University (VGM) July 12, 2013 15 th Annual VIVA Interlibrary Loan Community Forum (Sweet Briar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laura Ramos, ILL & Document Delivery Assistant George Mason University (VGM) July 12, 2013 15 th Annual VIVA Interlibrary Loan Community Forum (Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA)

2  Started September 2010 – completed 3 rd year  Both Head of ILL and Borrowing Supervisor authorized to begin purchasing books “on demand” using the ILL fund  First guidelines for eligibility:  Not owned or “on order” at Mason Libraries  Not readily available through ILL from a free/reciprocal lender

3  Additional guidelines: ◦ Scholarly title – written in English ◦ Published by a North American publisher  In print  Within last 3 years  EBooks and other non-print formats not eligible  Textbooks are not eligible ◦ Maximum list price of $200  Multi-volume sets are considered if less than $200 total ◦ Available at or Barnes & Noble

4  General stats: ◦ Average between 20-30 titles a year ◦ Total cost average between $1,300 - $2,000 a year

5  Quarterly & Fiscal Year Reports ◦ Proactively pull reports for Liaison Librarians  Normalize data (i.e. adjust reports a bit to make it less confusing) ◦ Share reports so that liaisons can identify needs/emerging trends for their programs  Identify most requested books/journals that are possible purchase for collection  Provide list of ILL Borrowing requests

6  Canned ILLiad Reports: ◦ Can identify who borrow from most ◦ Which departments request more books vs. articles  Customized ILLiad Reports ◦ Have to capture the data in order to generate the report ◦ Many more reports can be generated using data in the ILL database by writing a custom query ◦ Can manually include data on some requests to generate specific reports later using data not automatically captured in your database  i.e. Searching for music score requests, can code an unused or generic field or can focus on Call No. field (lending)

7 Examples of requested reports:  Report ILL requests for list of journal titles  Can aid in decision making process (keep print, deaquisition, move to storage, purchase Backfile subscription, etc.)  Report ILL requests for books and other materials  Reports/data show and identify strengths/weaknesses of collection  Helps determine interest and use of materials  WorldCat Collection Analysis subscription maps OCLC ILL data to your library’s holdings in OCLC

8  Initially driven by ILL reports, Mason created Textbook Reserve collection (Fall ’09) ◦ Stemmed from Borrowing requests ◦ Strictly textbooks  Supports School of Engineering programs  Soon to be expanding to other programs ◦ 4 th year completed

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