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Compact fluorescent light bulb Filed by: Gunter Franck Filing date: Oct 23, 1995 Issue date: Mar 17, 1998.

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Presentation on theme: "Compact fluorescent light bulb Filed by: Gunter Franck Filing date: Oct 23, 1995 Issue date: Mar 17, 1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compact fluorescent light bulb Filed by: Gunter Franck Filing date: Oct 23, 1995 Issue date: Mar 17, 1998

2 Abstract This invention relates to a compact fluorescent light bulb in the form of a reflector. The light is discharge through a U-shaped glass tube, which is located in the same plane at right angles to the reflector axis.

3 Description This invention is an improved version of a compact fluorescent light bulb, especially a reflector lamp, which is an energy-saving alternative to the incandescent light bulb. Compact fluorescent bulbs are normally oriented vertically, which makes the bulbs bright on walls but dim on horizontal surfaces.

4 Description This U-shaped design corrects the problem of the compact fluorescents dim lighting on horizontal surfaces. This patent also includes bulbs with more or less than 2 U-shaped glass tubes that discharge light.

5 Claims


7 Conclusion Compact fluorescent light bulb Filed by: Gunter Franck Filing date: Oct 23, 1995 Issue date: Mar 17, 1998 Patent Number 5,729,079

8 Questions?

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