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With a team of 33 qualified European patent attorneys and 70 technical experts based in our offices in Paris, Munich, and other major French cities, REGIMBEAU’s.

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Presentation on theme: "With a team of 33 qualified European patent attorneys and 70 technical experts based in our offices in Paris, Munich, and other major French cities, REGIMBEAU’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 With a team of 33 qualified European patent attorneys and 70 technical experts based in our offices in Paris, Munich, and other major French cities, REGIMBEAU’s expertise covers all technological fields. REGIMBEAU maintains regular high quality communications with clients and associates in all major jurisdictions, through frequent visits, seminars and developmental updates in European patent law. With a team of 33 qualified European patent attorneys and 70 technical experts based in our offices in Paris, Munich, and other major French cities, REGIMBEAU’s expertise covers all technological fields. REGIMBEAU maintains regular high quality communications with clients and associates in all major jurisdictions, through frequent visits, seminars and developmental updates in European patent law. European Patents: The Essentials REGIMBEAU in figures 200 employees Ranked in the top tier of French Industrial Property Law firms 7 offices in France: Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Grenoble, Montpellier, Caen, Toulouse 1 office in Germany: Munich Certification ISO 9001, covering the entirety of its Intellectual Property activities This 4-day Seminar is designed for patent practitioners wishing to gain a practical understanding of the European Patent System. The lectures address essential aspects of this system, with a view to helping participants optimize their efficiency in handling cases before the European Patent Office. The Seminar also includes practical workshops aimed at maximizing the benefits of this learning experience. All the lecturers are experienced European Patent Attorneys with significant experience in training international audiences, through firm initiatives and events organized by major worldwide IP organizations and Universities. Pre-Requisite : preferably, participants should already have a good knowledge of the basic aspects of patent law. SEMINAR - SPRING 2016

2 REGIMBEAU IP ACADEMY – European Patents: The Essentials Introduction to the EPC -Legal framework -EPC vs. national right -Inside the EPO Substantive Patent Law -Patentable subject matter -Novelty - Art 54(3) EPC, double patenting -Inventive step - Problem solution approach -Sufficiency of disclosure vs. Clarity Workshops - Claim drafting (Mech. and Chem.) -Presentation of simple Mechanical / Chemical cases -Teamwork or Group activities and debriefs on claim drafting and claim amendments Proceedings before the EPO -General presentation of proceedings - from filing to grant -Amendments (Mechanical / Chemical) -Opposition -Limitation -Oral Proceedings -Appeal Priority -Basic concepts of priority at the EPO -Partial priorities -Multiple priorities -“Poisonous” situations Recent developments in the European Patent System Searching for information on European Patents -Introduction to databases -Practical exercises Interacting with your European Patent -Modes of Communication -Content and format of instructions Social Events to be announced REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU “REGIMBEAU IP Academy has improved my understanding of European Patent Law!” “Very clear and interesting approaches regarding the main patent prosecution matters in EP, thank you!” “Very knowledgeable speakers, you can tell that they are truly experts!” “Thank you for all the organization and planning that went into it. It was noticeable and I think a remarkable initiative by a GREAT firm!” “Enthusiasm and good quality of speakers ; order of the topics are well organized.” “All aspects were positive: technical, social events, organization etc… Very good program. Very informative and entertaining. I’m happy I decided to register.” “I really enjoyed the workshops.” “Thanks for all lecturers who prepared this Academy enthusiastically!” P ARTICIPANTS F EEDBACK FROM THE 2015 SESSION P ROVISIONAL P ROGRAM – S PRING 2016

3 REGISTRATION FORM : Title ……………………………………………….…………………… First name……………………………………………….…………… Last Name……………………………………………….…………… Position ……………………………………………….……………… Company name……………………………………………….…… Address……………………………………………….………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… E-mail……………………………………………….………………….. Phone……………………………………………….……………………. Fax ……………………………………………………………………….. Mobile …………………………………………………………………… Account nameREGIMBEAU Account number09625260001 91 Bank NameCREDIT AGRICOLE D’ILE DE FRANCE Bank BranchCENTRE D’AFFAIRES PARIS Bank Address26 quai de la Rapée 75596 Paris Cedex 12 Swift CodeACRIFRPP882 IBAN NumberFR76 1820 6004 2009 6252 6000 191 Reference of your paymentREGIMBEAU IP ACADEMY 2016 Lectures and workshops will be held at REGIMBEAU’s Head Office: 20, rue de Chazelles - 75847 Paris Cedex 17 Tel. +33 1 44 29 35 00 Seminar fees include tuition, lunches and visits/tours:  1,500 euros (early Bird Discount before November 30, 2015)  1,750 euros (standard fee after November 30, 2015 )  500 euros (guest fees for social program only) Registration should be received no later than January 29, 2016. Please send the completed registration form to: or by fax to +33 1 44 29 35 99 We will send confirmation of your registration upon receipt of the completed form Maximum number of participants: 18 Minimum number of participants for REGIMBEAU IP Academy to take place: 12 Cancellation policy: All cancellations must be sent by email to: For cancellations four weeks or more before the seminar, a full refund, less an administrative fee of 100 euros will be issued. For cancellations less than four weeks before the seminar, a 50% refund will be issued Payment is to be made by wire transfer to : REGIMBEAU IP ACADEMY – European patents: the essentials Please note that evening meals, accomodation and travel costs are not included in the price. ACCOMODATION : Below you will find some examples of hotels near our office. Accommodation costs vary depending on the hotel category. The prices indicated are for information only and are subject to change. Hotel Résidence Villiers ( - 68 avenue de Villiers 75017 Paris 2 stars : around 110 euros/night Hotel Monceau Elysées ( - 108 rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris 3 stars : around 320 euros/night Best Western Mercedes (,Best-Western-Hotel-Mercedes,93635) - 128 avenue de Wagram 75017 PARIS,Best-Western-Hotel-Mercedes,93635 4 stars : around 280 euros/night REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU To register, please complete the registration form and questionnaire

4 REGIMBEAU IP ACADEMY – European Patents : The Essentials REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU REGIMBEAU - E UROPEAN AND F RENCH P ATENT & T RADEMARK A TTORNEYS PARIS – MUNICH – LYON – RENNES – MONTPELLIER – GRENOBLE – TOULOUSE – CAEN e-mail : – website : - ©2015 REGIMBEAU QUESTIONNAIRE for REGIMBEAU IP ACADEMY 2016 For our organization and insurance, please complete the following questionnaire and return it to: My expertise/practice area is: Patents  Trademarks & Designs  IP Valuation  Law  Other  please specify …………………… How many years’ experience: …………………… My technological sector is: Electrical, Electronics, Computing  Manufacturing, Construction & Mining  Life sc, Pharma Bio  Chemical Ind  Transport, Automotive, Aerospace  Renewable & Nuclear Energy  The main subject(s) of the program that I am interested in: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Is there any specific topic(s) you would like to see added to the program ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… My accommodation during the seminar (address and phone number) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… In case of emergency, REGIMBEAU can contact (name and title): ………………………………………………………………… at (country code and phone number): …………………………………………………………………… Social activities All events are included in the course/guest fees. We hope you will join us for all our events! Please tick if you wish to attend You will be present:Your guest will be present: --------------------------------------  (Guest name, if applicable): ……………………………………………………………………………………. I agree that REGIMBEAU can use photos of me taken during the session, as well as my comments and/or feedback, for future communications about REGIMBEAU IP Academy Yes  No  Please specify if you have any special requirements (e.g. wheelchair access, dietary needs or allergies, health problems, large print etc.) details ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date & Signature:

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