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Climbing up Bald Spur was a challenge. Half way up we saw some plants such as cutti grass and gorse. Eventually we met the halfway point up the gigantic.

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Presentation on theme: "Climbing up Bald Spur was a challenge. Half way up we saw some plants such as cutti grass and gorse. Eventually we met the halfway point up the gigantic."— Presentation transcript:



3 Climbing up Bald Spur was a challenge. Half way up we saw some plants such as cutti grass and gorse. Eventually we met the halfway point up the gigantic mountain that made Mt Maunganui look small. steep People were slipping and sliding down the steep climb up the hill but then we found the rope that everyone made good use of

4 O v e r n i g h t c a m p i s a b l a s t l e a r n h o w t o s e t u p a t e n t m a k e a b l a z i n g f i r e a n d t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e o u t d o o r l i f e s u r r o u n d e d b y b r i l l i a n t n a t u r e f u n g a m e s a n d a f i r e - c o o k e d m e a l m a d e b y y o u a n d f r i e n d s. Enjoy a tasty meal of noodles, soup, sausages and potatoes for dinner and eggs and bacon for breakfast. We went swimming in a beautiful water fall not to far from the campsite

5 The obstacle course is a real challenge but if your smart and have a courageous team that come up with good Ideas you will do It no problem! Enjoy the spider web a game that will make you think about size then do the wall a game where you rely on strength then the practical obstacle course

6 Abseiling was one big challenge but also very rewarding at the same time. People said that Mama Bear is much more of a challenge than Papa Bear but for some they decided to go on the short Mama instead of Papa Bear bad choice Papa Bear is much easier because it has hardly any drops

7 Y o u g o t o t h e r o c k y s h o r e a n d f i n d l o a d s o f s t a r f i s h a n d o t h e r t h i n g s l i k e c r a b s Swim in a little rock pool that you probably cant touch the bottom

8 NO food in the dorms When all lights go out the talking stops No one is allowed out of bed until 7 am except for using the toilet Come to evening meals dressed neatly You must have a shower every night after activities have been completed (maximum of 3 mins for a shower Everyone must remain at their duties until dismissed by a parent or teacher


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