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A Tale of Two Krogers It was the best of Kroger…It was the worst of Kroger… Frankfort, KentuckyGeorgetown, Kentucky.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tale of Two Krogers It was the best of Kroger…It was the worst of Kroger… Frankfort, KentuckyGeorgetown, Kentucky."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tale of Two Krogers It was the best of Kroger…It was the worst of Kroger… Frankfort, KentuckyGeorgetown, Kentucky

2 Kroger is a necessary excursion for a family of five. Kroger offers more variety and better quality products. Kroger is basically the same layout from store to store. So what makes these two Krogers different? My most recent shopping experience is a continuous shopping experience with Kroger. I live relatively the same distance between the Georgetown and Frankfort Krogers. Experiencing grocery shopping in a Kroger on Sunday afternoon or on Senior’s day, would make anyone subscribe to a grocery delivery service! I must shop, but I don’t always like it. But this is what I’ve observed between my two neighborhood Krogers.

3 Let’s Go Krogering! The Georgetown Kroger haphazardly arranges open spaces to cause an obstacle course for shoppers. Items are difficult to obtain in an orderly fashion. There is the appearance of clutter and disorder. The “chi” is wrong. The Frankfort Kroger greets you with order. Similar type items are placed nearer together for easier flow of shopping. The store is neat, clean and tidy in appearance. The flow of the store is orderly and convenient.

4 Georgetown Kroger  The aisles are almost too small for two carts at the same time, especially if one of the carts is a “kiddy” cart.  Smaller aisles between the coolers are regularly blocked by stock or clutter. Often times all the smaller aisles are blocked.  Main aisles are difficult to navigate due to excess kiosks. If there are two people in the aisle, it’s impossible.  Stockers load shelves during peak shopping times causing more blockades.  The store is messy.  Items aren’t always neat on the shelves.  The fish/seafood area is smelly.  Food items are mismatched in their displays.

5 Frankfort Kroger Aisles are wide, clear of clutter and obtrusive kiosks. Items are neatly displayed on shelves and shelves give the appearance as fully stocked. Passages between coolers are not only kept clear, but are used as areas to display like items in a pleasing manner. Have not observed an employee stocking shelves during peak times. There is no clutter or stocking debris in the aisles. Areas that would give off offensive odors (meat/seafood) are strategically placed toward the back of the store. It is a more calming shopping experience without dodging obstacles!

6 Why the differences? What is Georgetown doing wrong? What is Frankfort doing right? Management – Georgetown’s general manager, many have said, is ineffective. This is proven by employees stocking shelves during peak times, shelves giving the appearance of lack of stock despite the constant stocking, store is almost dangerously cluttered. Section Managers – Georgetown’s section managers don’t seem to be held accountable for poor appearance/cleanliness, lack of stock, arrangements, accessibility. Frankfort’s section managers seems almost be in competition to see which section can be the most effective – creating an overall pleasing appearance. Making the most of what you have – Georgetown is a somewhat smaller store, but its space is not utilized to the fullest potential. In fact, there are areas where space seems wasted. Frankfort has used every inch of its retail space for products thus allowing the luxury of shortening one aisle to accommodate a table and two chairs outside the meats department for a coffee while customers wait for their orders. Eye candy – Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. Outside of mortgage/rent, consumers probably spend a large portion of their income on food. Frankfort uses this reality to its advantage by trying to make the shopping experience more pleasurable thereby causing the consumer to spend more time in the store. Georgetown hasn’t quite grasped this idea. It has all the appearance of what it is – a huge warehouse that stores food.

7 It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done…… What is the perceived underlying reason the Georgetown Kroger is ineffective?  Lack of competition  Lack of initiative to change management/corporate oversight  Inadequate shelving space  Desire to force corporate to expand current store and therefore giving the illusion of inadequate store space  Lack of pride  Poor timing of personnel consistent with need for stocking demand How can the Georgetown Kroger improve? Management should give more consideration to customer convenience and appeal Section managers should be held accountable for their areas Employees should stock during off peak times, using more employees Clutter should be kept at a minimum Space should be maximized to be fully effective and cost beneficial Reduce areas that appear not to be working for the store (i.e. perfumes, over – sized health food area) Take pride in the store

8 And the main reason the Frankfort Kroger works…


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