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Fall Rally Information

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Rally Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Rally Information
CNH KEY CLUB Fall Rally Information Presented by Erinn Wong District Governor CNH | Executive Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International

2 General Information FALL RALLY NORTH FALL RALLY SOUTH Saturday, November 19 Six Flags Magic Mountain 10:30 AM-6 PM Rally at 11:30/1:30/3:30 Saturday, October 29 Six Flag’s Discovery Kingdom 10 AM-10:00 PM Rally at 11AM

AUCTION WHAT IF… Have a representative to bid Random order Final money submissions Report backstage You bid more than you have You get bought Spend 1 hour with the division who bought you Document your time together with photos to put in your Distinguished Binder Have fun!

4 PREPARATION How Should I Prepare for Fall Rally? Purchase spirit items and have your members make a donation for them! i.e. Thunder Sticks, Whistles, PomPoms, etc. BEE Creative! Not everything needs to be store made. ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE. Fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program! Create division cheers. Pump up the division.

5 Fall Rally is the time to display
REMINDERS Fall Rally is the time to display DIVISION SPIRIT So…GO ALL OUT… it is for a GREAT CAUSE!

6 Questions? ASK!


8 District Convention 2012 Updates
BEElieve – the Magic of Service District Convention 2012 Updates

9 Basics of District Convention 2012
Theme: BEElieve – the Magic of Service Location: Santa Clara Convention Center, CA Date: April 13th-15th, 2012

10 Housing Options Hyatt Regency – Connected to the Hotel
Hilton – Within walking distance Marriot – Approx. 1 mi. from Convention Center; shuttle bus provided Avatar – Approx. 1 mi. from Convention Center; shuttle bus provided

11 General Improvement Ideas
An online registration - greener and reduces errors Choice of Credit Card or Check With an online registration, each club must print one copy for future reference In-depth tutorial Host a training session of Registration process for LTG’s so they can help their clubs

12 DCON Financial Overview - Revenue
Registration fee for each Key Club Member AND Advisor: Regular Registration $160 per person Late Registration $200 per person Total Registration Revenue $448,320 Hotel & City Rebates: Total Projected Rebates $ 76,435

13 DCON Financial Overview - Expenses
Budget % Meals 315,966.00 61% Facility 89,885.00 17% Extras 56,625.00 11% Leadership Team 34,570.00 7% Administrative 24,200.00 5% TOTAL 521,246.00 100% Meals: Saturday breakfast, lunch dinner, Sunday brunch, water service, advisor ice cream social Facility: Convention Center rental, Audio-Visual and Backdrop Extras: Awards, DJ, T-shirts, program, pins, ribbons, badges, ground transportation, speakers/entertainment Leadership Team: Housing & meals for Key Club Board, Kiwanis committee, and VIPs Administrative: Background checks, online registration, staff, postage, phone, audit fees, truck rental

14 A Closer Look…

15 DCON Financial Overview
**Please remember to include hotel and transportation expenses in your overall estimate of Convention costs. TRANSPORTATION: Airfare Train Fare Bus Rental Van Private Auto (mileage) HOTEL: Approximately $160/night for 2 nights (Fri & Sat) = $320 Divide by 4 students = $80

16 Old Board Dinner Techmart-The Network Meeting Center
Place approx. a 5 minute walk down from the Convention Center. Their rooms can hold up to guests for special events, occasions, and meetings. Served with a buffet style dinner with a theme + possible entertainment. Winchester Mystery House A mystery house about 15 minutes away by driving. Garden facility can hold 100+ people. A catered menu or buffet style in the gardens. Tour of mansion + $19 PLUS $10-$12 per person for bus transportation.

17 Old Board Dinner Roux Louisiana Kitchen
About a 20 minute drive from Convention. Main dining room with 130 seats available for banquet. The festive spirit, soulful jazz and bold flavors of New Orleans served in the menu. PLUS $10-$12 per person for bus transportation. City Beach Santa Clara About a 10 minute drive from Convention. Five Multi-Purpose Volleyball / Basketball Courts, billiards, foosball, air hockey, obstacle course, and more! Themed catering with buffets or plated menus PLUS $10-$12 per person for bus transportation.

18 Ribbons at DCON 2012 Each attendee will receive a ribbon saying “BEElieve – the Magic of Service” Special ribbons will be given to workshop presenters, board members, advisors, delegates, SAAs, and Walk for Life Please participate in the survey to help us choose the optional ribbons

19 Ribbons Available to All Attendees
There will be about 10 ribbon choices available for each attendee There will be ribbons of each choice available Attendees receive one ribbon for each $1 donation to PTP

20 Examples of DCON 2011 Ribbons

21 - Was past District Governor in Key Club
DCON SPECIAL SPEAKER Patrick Maurer - Was past District Governor in Key Club - Retired at District Santa Clara, CA

22 Possible Alternative Activities
Board games – Donated to the District as of last year Karaoke Machine Video games – borrow/rent DDR Organized floor games Service projects for PTP - making trauma dolls, etc. Movies* - borrow/rent Game tables* Air hockey Foosball Pool table Magic show Open Mic Improv shows

23 Governor’s Ball DJ Choices
DJ Cinnaminh In the Mix Mobile Entertainment Sugar Rhythm Dance Pro’s


25 THANK YOU! Committee Secretary Taylor Le
Alternative Activities Coordinator Doug Bi Program Coordinator Eric Cho Logo/T-Shirt Coordinator Vivian Luu Governor’s Ball Coordinator Jordan Martinez OBD/I+V Coordinator Tianna Nguy Registration Coordinator Rita Phang Special Speakers Coordinator Jarren Santos Promotions Coordinator Nick Sianipar Ribbons & Buttons Coordinator Alyssa Yocom THANK YOU!

Presented by Philip Nguyen and Taylor Le QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? Go for it!


28 Year-Long Recognition
C N H | K E Y C L U B Year-Long Recognition Presented by Sasha Spala Keagan Sakai-Kawada MR | Member Recognition Committee Resources Subcommittee Created by Kyle de la Cena, Lt Governor 42East & Johnny Cao-Nguyen, Lt. Governor 30 South

29 C N H | K E Y C L U B Recognizes clubs that work hard monthly
Clubs of the Month Recognizes clubs that work hard monthly Information can be taken directly from the Division Report Forms Posted on the Cyberkey for the members to see Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

30 Information also reliant on club MRFs Most Funds Raised
C N H | K E Y C L U B Clubs of the Month Information also reliant on club MRFs Most Funds Raised Most Funds Raised per member Most Service Hours Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

31 Certificates Available for Use
C N H | K E Y C L U B Certificates Available for Use Located on the CNH Cyberkey under “CNH Board” tab Available for use by Lt. Governors and also by Club Presidents Can be presented monthly or yearly Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

32 Certificates Available for Use
C N H | K E Y C L U B Certificates Available for Use Introduce these to the division to show members that their work can be being recognized These certificates can be used as incentives for a club and/or member to perform more service Updated certificates will be posted by August 15. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

33 C N H | K E Y C L U B Member of the Month This award can be presented to a member who exemplifies the four core values while serving the community. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

34 C N H | K E Y C L U B Outstanding Officer This award can be given to an officer who went above and beyond his/her call of service. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

35 C N H | K E Y C L U B On Time Submissions This award can go to an individual who submitted the required documents to respective individuals. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

36 C N H | K E Y C L U B Most Funds Raised This award can go to the club that has raised the most funds, whether for service or for the club, in the division. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

37 C N H | K E Y C L U B B Most Service Hours This award can go to the club that has accumulated the most service hours in the division. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

38 C N H | K E Y C L U B Club of the Month This award can go to the club that has gone above and beyond in serving the community for a certain month. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

39 C N H | K E Y C L U B Club of the Year This award can go to the club that has shown excellence in service and in growth for the entire year. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

40 Other Examples to Recognize
C N H | K E Y C L U B Other Examples to Recognize Division Point System Overall Club Excellence Friendly competition between the clubs Promotes more service within the division and club Recognize in the division newsletter Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

41 Other Examples to Recognize
C N H | K E Y C L U B Other Examples to Recognize Division Spirit “Sticks” Club Spirit Overall Club Excellence Friendly competition between the clubs Promotes more service within the division and club “Trophy” of their achievements for the month Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

42 Other Examples to Recognize
C N H | K E Y C L U B Other Examples to Recognize Newsletter Recognition Recognize clubs or members who excelled in the division newsletter Task for the DNE NOT the Lt. Governor “Member of the Month” and/or “Officer of the month” Use a page solely for recognition purposes Promotes club and member activity! Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

43 Other Ways to Recognize
C N H | K E Y C L U B Other Ways to Recognize INCENTIVES! INCENTIVES! INCENTIVES! DCM Incentives (Food!) Club who performed the best can be the first to get food! Free Giveaways! Reward members/clubs with random freebies to promote member activity. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

44 Questions? Comments? Concerns?
C N H | K E Y C L U B Questions? Comments? Concerns? Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

45 Contact Information: Member Recognition Chair & Mentor: Sasha Spala Mike Van Etten Lieutenant Governors: Johnny Cao-Nguyen Kyle de la Cena Iris La Feiyang Liu Elizabeth Lucero Mian Ong Keagan Sakai-Kawada Aldrin Santamaria Jocelyn Sy Nancy Wu Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee


47 2011-2012 Recognition Program MR | C N H | K E Y C L U B
Contests & Awards Presented by Kyle de la Cena Jocelyn Sy MR | Member Recognition Committee Resources Subcommittee Created by Kyle de la Cena, Lt Governor 42East & Johnny Cao-Nguyen, Lt. Governor 30 South

48 CNH | K E Y C L U B Types of Judging: Resources Subcommittee
Each contest is judged at the DIVISION, DISTRICT, or INTERNATIONAL level. Judged at DIVISION Level: Member of the Year Club of the Year Most Improved Club Faculty Advisor of the Year Kiwanis Advisor of the Year Judged at DISTRICT Level: Officer Contests Sandy Nininger Jack Luther Hall of Fame Marvin J. Christiansen Club Attire Club Newsletter District Project Talent Judged at INTERNATIONAL Level: Club Poster Club Video Major Emphasis Program Partners in Service Prepared Oratory Single Service Year-in-Review Advisor Recognition Program Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

49 Division Contests and Awards
CNH | K E Y C L U B Division Contests and Awards Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

50 How division Contests Work:
CNH | K E Y C L U B How division Contests Work: Applicants should review the contest applications on the CNH Cyberkey. Applicants must compile and submit an E-Portfolio to their respective Lieutenant Governor in February (due date is determined by the Lieutenant Governor). The Lieutenant Governor will determine a committee that will judge the E-Portfolios. Results will be submitted to the District. The winning applications will receive and be recognized during District Convention. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

51 Division Contests and Awards
CNH | K E Y C L U B Division Contests and Awards Member of the Year This contest recognizes one MEMBER per division who has served his or her club, division, and district diligently throughout the past year. This is a divisionally judged contest. Faculty and Kiwanis Advisor of the Year These contests recognize one Kiwanis advisor and one faculty advisor per division who have gone ABOVE and beyond in SERVING their clubs. Club of the Year This contest recognizes one club per division for overall excellence Most Improved Club This contest recognizes one club that has improved dramatically over the past year Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

52 District Contests and Awards
CNH | K E Y C L U B District Contests and Awards Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

53 How District Judging Works:
CNH | K E Y C L U B How District Judging Works: Applicants should review the contest applications on the CNH Cyberkey. Applicants must compile and submit an E-Portfolio to the District by March 2, 2012 All applications must be sent to The winning applications will be recognized during District Convention. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

54 CNH | K E Y C L U B Automatic Entries Achieved Increased Membership
The following contests do not require an application and each club will be automatically entered: Achieved Increased Membership Club Achievement Award Distinguished Club Award District Tree Governor’s Focus Kiwanis Family Membership Retention Most Improved Division Overall Division Excellence Spirit Website Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

55 Officer Contests can be classified as OUTSTANDING or DISTINGUISHED.
CNH | K E Y C L U B Officer Contests Officer Contests can be classified as OUTSTANDING or DISTINGUISHED. To attain OUTSTANDING status, applicants must fill in and submit their respective officer checklist. To attain DISTINGUISHED status, applicants must compile and submit an E-PORTFOLIO of supporting documentation. President Vice- President Secretary Treasurer Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

56 Sandy Nininger and Advisors
CNH | K E Y C L U B Sandy Nininger and Advisors Sandy Nininger This contest recognizes one Key Club member who has most actively and effectively served the district during the past year. This is the most prestigious award that a Key Clubber can receive. Marvin J. Christiansen This contest recognizes one member that has gone above and beyond in serving the district for at least 5 years. Jack Luther Hall of Fame This contest recognizes one Kiwanis or faculty advisor from the entire district who has gone above and beyond in serving his/her club for at least 5 years. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

57 Attire, Newsletter and Talent
CNH | K E Y C L U B Attire, Newsletter and Talent Club Attire This contest recognizes club attire that is both appealing and Key Club related. Submissions may include any appropriate forms of attire including shirts, jackets, hats, and aprons. Club and Division Newsletter These contests recognize club and division newsletters that promote the ideals and values of Key Club, comply with graphic standards, and timeliness of the information. Talent This contest recognizes a club or division group that represents the divers talents of the CNH District. Winning groups are chosen to perform at District Convention. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

58 International Contests and Awards
CNH | K E Y C L U B International Contests and Awards Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

59 How International Judging Works:
CNH | K E Y C L U B How International Judging Works: Applicants should review the contest applications on the CNH Cyberkey. All applications must be sent to the Kiwanis District Office (8360 Red Oak Street, Ste 201, Rancho Cucamonga, CA ) by March 2, 2012. Applications must first be submitted for judging at the District Level. At District Convention, contest winners will be announced and the first and second place will go on to compete at the International level. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

60 CNH | K E Y C L U B Service Contests Major Emphasis Program
This contest is award to the Key Club that has most actively participated in the Major Emphasis Project throughout the previous year. The winner will move on to compete at the international level. Partners in Service This contest recognizes Key Clubs that have actively participated in projects with UNICEF, Children’s Miracle Network, and March of Dimes throughout the previous year. The top two winners will move on to compete at the international level. Single Service This contest recognizes the club that has created and hosted an outstanding service project in the previous year.  The top two winners will move on to compete at the international level Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

61 Video, Poster and Year-in-Review
CNH | K E Y C L U B Video, Poster and Year-in-Review Club Video This contest recognizes club videos that best reflect Key Club ideals and core value. The top two winners will move on to compete at the international level. Club Poster This contest recognizes club posters that best reflect Key Club ideals and core values and best promotes membership recruitment. Posters may be digitally or traditionally created. The top two winners will move on to compete at the international level. Year-in-Review This contest recognizes club scrapbooks for excellence in the creation of a scrapbook that documents the Key club’s activities from the previous year. The scrapbook should promote the ideals and values of Key Club International. The scrapbook may be either traditional, non-traditional, or digital. The top two winners will move on to compete at the international level. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

62 Prepared Oratory and Advisor
CNH | K E Y C L U B Prepared Oratory and Advisor Prepared Oratory This contest recognizes talented orators who answer and delivers the message of the contest topic. The top two orators will move on to compete at the international level. Advisor Recognition Program This contest recognizes Key Club advisors who have diligently served their club for a minimum of one year. Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee

63 Contact Information: Member Recognition Chair: Sasha Spala Lieutenant Governors: Johnny Cao-Nguyen Kyle de la Cena Iris La Feiyang Liu Elizabeth Lucero Mian Ong Keagan Sakai-Kawada Aldrin Santamaria Jocelyn Sy Nancy Wu Member Recognition Resources Subcommittee


65 CNH | K E Y C L U B The Judging Process MR | Feiyang Liu
Presented by Feiyang Liu Aldrin Santamaria MR | Member Recognition Committee Resources Subcommittee

66 Automatic Entry Contests
CNH | K E Y C L U B Automatic Entry Contests Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

67 Governing Rules of Automatic Entry Contests
CNH | K E Y C L U B Governing Rules of Automatic Entry Contests Rights to revise and edit the list of these contests belong to the CNH Board of Trustees All CNH Key Clubs in good standing are eligible for these recognition opportunities Information is extracted from Club Reports, Division Reports, District Reports, Annual Achievement Reports, and Dues Reports Awards shall be presented by either District or International The decisions of the judges are final and no re-judging or alterations will be allowed Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

68 Achieved Increased Membership
CNH | K E Y C L U B Achieved Increased Membership Club’s PAID MEMBERSHIP (as of February 1st) will be compared to the Paid Membership as of February 1st of the previous year Recognition will also be based on the following criteria: -100% Membership Increase and at least 40 New Members -50% Membership Increase and at least 20 New Members -25% Membership Increase and at least 8 New Members Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

69 Club Achievement Award
CNH | K E Y C L U B Club Achievement Award Submission of Annual Achievement Report is mandatory for this recognition All entries for this award will also be entered into the Distinguished Club Award Contest Lt. Governors collect AAR scores from the Club Report and submit to the Contest Archive International sets the minimum scores for Distinguished & Diamond Level Distinguised Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

70 Distinguished Club Award
CNH | K E Y C L U B Distinguished Club Award Submission of Annual Achievement Report is mandatory for this recognition All entries for this award will also be entered into the Club Achievement Award Contest Judging will be based upon percentage of points accumulated on the AAR Form Number of points needed in order to be designated as a “Distinguished Club” shall be predetermined by the Key Club International Board. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

71 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B District Tree Recognition will be based on the on-time submission of the Club Monthly Report Form for each month of the administrative year Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

72 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Governor’s Focus Recognition will be based on the club support of the project identified by the District Governor Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

73 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Kiwanis Family Clubs earning a score of 90% or higher will be recognized Recognition will be based on the following criteria: Kiwanis attendance at Key Club meetings Key Club attendance at Kiwanis meetings Kiwanis Projects Foundation Projects Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

74 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Membership Retention Recognition will be based on 100% retention of the total dues-paid membership count of the previous year by December 1st of the current year Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

75 Most Improved Division
CNH | K E Y C L U B Most Improved Division This recognition is determined by the District Governor and the District Administrator Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

76 Overall Division Excellence
CNH | K E Y C L U B Overall Division Excellence This recognition is determined by the District Governor and the District Administrator Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

77 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Spirit FALL RALLY Criteria Judging will consist of division cheering before and during the session DISTRICT CONVENTION Criteria Energy: Continuous Involvement Originality/Creativity Spirit Supplies Team Participation Style Sportsmanship: Positive Cheers Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

78 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Website Website judging will be conducted on random dates between November and March using the following criteria: Accessibility Content Creativity Format Style 5. Use of Graphic Standards 6. Interactivity 7. Technology 8. Ad/banner-free Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

79 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Officer Contests Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

80 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Officer recognition is for club officers who have gone above and beyond their normal duties in serving their club during the administrative term. Two levels of Officer Recognition available: Outstanding and Distinguished. Outstanding applicants must submit completed Officer Checklists and Distinguished applicants must submit e-portfolios of supporting documentation in addition to the Officer Checklists Contests available: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There is no longer a Bulletin Editor contest. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

81 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Individual Contests Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

82 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Sandy Nininger The Cali-Nev-Ha Sandy Nininger Award is given to an outstanding, dues-paid Key Club member who has completed a minimum of 50 service hours and has done an outstanding job of serving the district. Criteria used with judging: Merit of Application and Presentation Commitment to Service Commitment to Key Club Core Values Attendance at Kiwanis Family events 5. Involvement within all levels of Key Club 6. Kiwanis Family Fellowship and Unity 7. Personal Contributions 8. Inspirational Qualities Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

83 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Advisor Contests Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

84 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Jack Luther Hall of Fame Recognition is first determined by Division judging and advisors who have served their club for at least 5 years automatically go on to compete for the Jack Luther Marvin J. Christiansen Recognition is for advisors who have been active for at least 5 years and have noticeably served the CNH District. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

85 Club/Division Contests
CNH | K E Y C L U B Club/Division Contests Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

86 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Club Attire This District Contest recognizes club attire that is both appealing and Key Club related Talent This District Contest recognizes performing acts that represent the diversity of the district and winning groups are chosen to perform at District Convention Club Newsletter This District Contest recognizes club and Division newsletters that promote the values and ideals of Key Club, comply with graphic standards, and are informative District Project This District Contest recognizes Key Clubs who have demonstrated successful participation and promotion of the CNH District Project during the administrative year Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

87 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Division Judging Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

88 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 1 | Know The Contests
Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

89 How Division Judging Works
CNH | K E Y C L U B How Division Judging Works Five of the Cali-Nev-Ha District contests are judged at the division level: Member of the Year Club of the Year Most Improved Club Kiwanis Advisor Faculty Advisor Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

90 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Member of the Year Based on a 100 point scale Points are determined based on: Number of Service Hours Quality and Variety of Service Club Involvement Division Involvement District/International Involvement Training Attendance Exemplification of Core Values Specific Accomplishments Miscellaneous Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

91 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Club of the Year Based on a 100 point scale Points are determined based on: Administrative Information Club of the Year Checklist Total service hours per member Quality and Variety of Service Fundraising Efforts Kiwanis Family Relations Essay (1-4 Pages) Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

92 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Most Improved Club Based on a 100 point scale Points are determined based on: Administrative Information Most Improved Club Checklist Total service hours per member Quality and Variety of Service Fundraising Efforts Club Improvement Program Essay (1-4 Pages) Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

93 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Kiwanis Advisor Based on a 50 point scale Points are determined based on: Kiwanis Advisor Checklist Essay (max. 20 pages) Faculty Advisor Based on a 50 point scale Points are determined based on: Faculty Advisor Checklist Essay (max. 20 pages) Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

94 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 2 | Mark Your Calendar
Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

95 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Applications Deadline: All of the applications must be received some time in early or mid-February on a date set by the Lt. Governor. Applications should be sent directly to the Lt. Governor. Division Judging Date: Set on a day in February after the Applications Deadline. On this date, the Division Judging Committee (DJC) should meet at a mutual location with multiple computers and wireless internet. Judging Report Deadline: Once applications are scored, scores must by reported to the CNH Contest Archives by a currently undetermined date. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

96 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 3 | Assemble Your Division Judging Committee (DJC) Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

97 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Rules to the DJC The Lt. Governor will NOT judge any applications. Must be assembled by February 1st. At least one-third (1/3) of the clubs in good standing in your division need to be represented on your DJC. At least one half (1/2) of your DJC members must be non-elected and/or non-appointed Key Club members. Membership in the DJC is voluntary. LTGs may not coerce people to join. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

98 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Rules to the DJC (cont.) DJCs must have no fewer than 5 members and no more than 12. All interested members must be given an equal opportunity to join the DJC. DJC members should be chosen based on character, Key Club contributions, enthusiasm, and timeliness. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL RULES ACCORDINGLY. THEY WILL BE ENFORCED. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

99 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 4 | Promote The Contests
Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

100 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Promotion Let your division know about the five division judged contests as soon as possible! All contest applications are on the CNH Cyberkey under the “Recognition” tab. It is your responsibility to distribute the applications for the 5 division judged contests electronically to members in your division. Remind potential applicants of the application deadline. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

101 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 5 | Judge The Contests
Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

102 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Judging Guidelines Judging will be overseen by a Division Judging Committee Leader, a member of the DJC (not the LTG) who will ensure that sufficient Contest Judging Sheets Rubrics are printed for the judging event. This Leader should be chosen ahead of time and must read the “Instructions” tab on the Division Judging Report (DJR) prior to judging. Judging must be conducted as follows: Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

103 Judging Guidelines (cont.)
CNH | K E Y C L U B Judging Guidelines (cont.) Each contest will be judged as outlined by its contest grading rubric. Judges may NOT judge entries from their home club. Each contest must be judged by at least three judges. These judges must judge ALL entries for that contest to ensure consistency throughout the scores (except for entries from their home club). Judges may judge more than one contest, buy may only judge one contest at a time. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

104 Judging Guidelines (cont.)
CNH | K E Y C L U B Judging Guidelines (cont.) Judges may not share their scores with other judges until the contest being judged has been fully judged. No contest may have more than two winners. If a tie occurs, an additional judge may be asked to judge the contest. However, he/she must judge all the applications for that contest, not simply the two tied winners. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL THE RULES ACCORDINGLY. THEY WILL BE ENFORCED. Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

105 CNH | K E Y C L U B Step 6 | Report The Scores
Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

106 Member Recognition Committee
CNH | K E Y C L U B Reporting Scores All scores must be reported on the Division Judging Report (DJR). Once you are done judging, you are to report the participants with the highest scores to the “Award Report” tab as well as their scores. Please note that no winner will be reported on the tab if no applicant for a certain contest meets a minimum score of 60%. Ensure that all tabs of the DJR are completed. Submit your DJR by a currently undecided date to Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

107 Questions, Comments, Concerns?
CNH | K E Y C L U B Questions, Comments, Concerns? Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process

108 Contact Information: Member Recognition Chair: Sasha Spala Committee Advisor: Mike VanEtten Lieutenant Governors: Johnny Cao-Nguyen Kyle de la Cena Iris La Feiyang Liu Elizabeth Lucero Mian Ong Keagan Sakai-Kawada Aldrin Santamaria Jocelyn Sy Nancy Wu Member Recognition Committee The Judging Process


110 with a quick stop at bee-ing outstanding
C N H K E Y C L U B Bee-ing Distinguished with a quick stop at bee-ing outstanding Presented by: Erinn Wong District Governor

111 OUTSTANDING STATUS… Are you someone who
Completed the serve agreement tasks for the clubs you serve? Met the minimum requirements? Then, the Robert F Lucas Outstanding Lt. Governor award should be an EASY recognition to earn!

112 13 categories of CRITERION
Communication Officer & Leadership Training Club Visitations Required Attendance Delegates Dues Collection Growth Directory Division Wide Event Committee Division Council Meetings SERVICE Miscellaneous

113 Lucas Application ELECTRONICALLY… Your e-Porftolio is waiting
Submitted by you: Division Report File All tabs completed & accurate Training Conference Reports DCM Agendas Committee work on the REFLECTORS Submitted on your behalf: Division News Editor  Newsletters District Secretary  District Records District Treasurer  Dues Reports Committee chairs  Monthly Reports

114 Lucas scoring Scoring process is… Your e-Porftolio is…
Updated with EVERY submission EVERYTHING you submit is READ EVERYTHING submitted on your behalf is READ Scoring process is… Ongoing process, updated EVERY month Completed by the District Administrator

115 Distinguished status…
Do you have what it takes? Are you someone who goes above and bee-yond? Do you love to reflect? Have you developed as a leader? THEN GO FOR IT :]

116 Compilation Read the guidelines
Think…what are the highlights that I can include? Put it together Include a table of contents, title page, reflections Include only a sampling of the most important items Organize it under the different sections BEE proud of it!

117 Fears? Don’t have any! Go with your first instinct…don’t let anything stop you. You might surprise yourself. Ask questions.

118 You’re not just a number
Remember… You’re not just a number

119 Find Inspiration Ask past Lt. Governors if they made a binder. If they didn’t then ask why. Think of all the hard work you’ve put into this year – you deserve it!


121 Don’t focus on the Beauty…
Focus on the content

122 Questions? Ask away!

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