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Coaches Pre Season Meeting April 30th, 2015. Agenda Welcome Uniforms FIFA Women’s World Cup Partnerships Registration Operations Discipline process Any.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaches Pre Season Meeting April 30th, 2015. Agenda Welcome Uniforms FIFA Women’s World Cup Partnerships Registration Operations Discipline process Any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaches Pre Season Meeting April 30th, 2015

2 Agenda Welcome Uniforms FIFA Women’s World Cup Partnerships Registration Operations Discipline process Any other business Cup draws

3 Uniforms The NCISL has ordered for all teams shorts and socks. The main order is to be received Friday May 1 st. All teams MUST wear the same colour shorts and socks. Jerseys must be the same.

4 FIFA Women’s World Cup BE THERE when Canada welcomes the world! GET YOUR SEAT – FIFA Women’s World Cup™ Individual Tickets are now available! Don’t miss your chance to be part of Canada 2015 for $20.15*.

5 Goalkeeper Skills Golden Gloves Academy will again be running an NCISL program on Thursdays Starts Thursday May 21 st Head coach is Tania Singfield who played in 1999 World Cup for Canada Held at the University of Ottawa (end zones) Details are posted on her website http://www.goldenglovesacademy.com

6 2015 Outdoor Calendar 29 th April Registration opens on the web site 30 th April Pre Season Coaches Meeting 4 th MayExhibition games start 11 th MayLeague season starts 27 th AugustLeague season ends 25 th AugustPresidents Cup Final 27 th AugustChallenge Cup Final 12 th SeptemberTournament – 1 day 30 th SeptemberPayment balance deadline

7 Registration Overview All players must register with the NCISL and OSA before they can play in the NCISL The process has 2 steps and can take up to 4 days to be completed (start of season only) Teams are recommended not to leave registration until the last possible moment Women and Men’s Open teams – please choose eligibility A and list your company as your team name. Corporate teams – choose your eligibility based your status with your team and employment.

8 Player Eligibility for Men’s Corporate Divisions There are three eligibility types for players registered with the NCISL: 3. Eligible players for the Corporate Divisions are persons who meet at least one of the following requirements: a)Persons currently employed by the Corporation(s) which the club represents; (Men’s Open and Women should register under A) b)Persons who have previously registered for the club, except as a guest player, in one of the previous two seasons, and have not registered for any other NCISL club since that time c)Persons who were former guests and have been made eligible by the NCISL Board of Directors in accordance with rule 5.5

9 Guest Player Eligibility 2. Eligibility policy for players are registered in other leagues Guest players may be registered with NCISL teams according to the league bylaws and the following policy NCISL Men Divisions 1 and 2 Players registered in the following divisions can not be registered as guest players or play on a TRP in the NCISL. OCSL Men Premier OCSL Men C1 ERSL Men Under 21 NCISL Men Divisions 3 and 4 Players registered in the following divisions can not be registered as guest players or play on a TRP in the NCISL. OCSL Men PremierOCSL Men C2 OCSL Men C1OCSL Men C3 ERSL Men Under 21OCSL Men C4

10 The 2 step registration process The 2 step process is summarized as follows: 1.Player registers on the NCISL web site 2.The Team Coach approves the player for that team 3.Player can now log into the site 4.The player is eligible to play 24 hours after being registered with the OSA.

11 Step 1 - On line registration Visit the NCISL web site at Click on the Register button and follow the instructions

12 Step 1 - On line registration You will be asked to select your NCISL club in the top drop down box Then you will need to state how you are eligible to play in the NCISL Complete the on line registration process to completion

13 Step 2 - Team Coach Approval After you have finished your on line registration an email is sent to your team coach The coach is asked to approve you for the team To do this the coach needs to go to the NCISL web site, log in and approve the new player When the coach has done this another email is sent, this time to the player, giving instructions on how the player can log in to the NCISL web site to obtain access to his or her registration form – PLEASE IGNORE THIS PART

14 Player Identification Cards To prove that they have been registered properly, all players must bring with them either a valid OSA player photo card (available from the EODSA office) or a valid government issue photo ID. Note that OSA cards obtained will be charged to the player. The NCISL does not pay for OSA cards. Examples include: Drivers license (with photo) Health card (with photo) Passport (with photo) The website will only allow registered players to be added to the game sheet. Hand-written names on the game sheet will be inspected by the league office to confirm player’s registration.

15 2015 Men Divisions Division 1 (Monday) Division 2 (Tuesday) Division 3A (Wednesday) Division 4 (Thursday) Division 3B (Tuesday) Division 1 has AR’s

16 Promotion & Relegation for 2015  Division 4 – First place team will be promoted to division 3A  Division 4 – Second place team will be promoted to Division 3B.

17 2015 Women Divisions Division 1 (Monday) Division 2 (Monday) DivisionPromotionRelegation 1None6 th 21 st placeNone

18 Cups Challenge Cup – open to all men’s Corporate teams Presidents Cup – open to all men’s Corporate teams in Division 3 & 4 Cups are played as a single game elimination and scheduled throughout the season Tie breaking process Penalties from the mark Cup final will have 2 x 10 minutes, golden goal Semi finals and finals will be played at the Richcraft Recreational Complex turf field with Assistant Referees for the games

19 Tournament September 12 th in Kanata All NCISL teams can enter as well as teams from outside the NCISL (i.e. OCSL, RA League, out of town adult registered teams etc.) 4 Divisions Men A Men B Men C Women Guaranteed 3 games All games are 40 minutes long in the round robin, single play off game Only play offs have AR’s

20 2015 Fields Corp., Open & Women’s League Kanata Bannockburn Park Coyote Run Park Earl of March HS Insmill Park (Monday, Tuesday) Richcraft Rec Complex Roland Michener 1 (Monday, Tuesday) Somerton Park (Monday, Tuesday) WC Bowes Nepean Centrepoint West Carling Campus Corkstown 1 & 2 Ottawa University of Ottawa * Rideau HS 2 * All games at Ottawa U and Richcraft are 90 minutes long.

21 NCISL Game Process Bring 3 copies of the game sheet with you Give 1 copy to your opponents and 2 copies to the referee Each team must provide a goal net and a set of corner flags Home team provides the game ball Away team changes if there is a uniform clash When ARs are provided both teams have their bench on the same side When no ARs are provided home team decides which side to place their bench away team takes other side you do not change at half time Collect your completed game sheet from the referee at the end of the game and use it to enter a game report on the NCISL web site

22 Player Card Inspections Player card inspections are mandatory and must occur prior to kick off Failure to perform a player card inspection will result in a fine of $50 Each team lines up in the centre circle and each coach inspects the other teams cards Check the cards thoroughly and make sure the name appears on the game sheet Players without a card can not play – no exceptions If there is a dispute about a players card try to resolve it with the opposing coach If you can not resolve it then inform the referee that you are protesting the game prior to the game commencing Players who arrive late must show their cards to the opposing coach at half time Players arriving after the 2 nd half has started can not play

23 Discipline Process The NCISL use the OSA Discipline Process Discipline by hearing Discipline by review

24 Discipline by hearing You can not appeal a red card, instead you can request a hearing A hearing costs $50 and must be requested in writing within 48 hours of the game If you are found not guilty you will have your $50 refunded You will be asked to meet a panel who will decide what action to take You must attend the hearing Decisions made by hearing may be appealed to the EODSA according to your rights of appeal (see web site under About section)

25 Discipline by review If you do not request a hearing within 48 hours then the discipline by review process will be used You will be issued the mandatory minimum suspension identified by the OSA You will also be fined $25 and are not eligible to play until this fine has been paid. You can not appeal a decision made by discipline by review

26 About Discipline Index A Discipline Index is used to help maintain an enjoyable and sporting environment for all NCISL members. A team’s Discipline Index will determine whether or not their application into the NCISL league will be accepted, accepted with sanctions, rejected or possible expulsion from the league Due to the increased numbers of cards last season, all teams that have a Discipline Index greater than 0.70 will be on Performance Bonds (PB). All teams will start at the YR1 level of the Performance Bonds Each Club in the NCISL should be striving to be in the Green Zone of the Discipline Index.

27 How to determine your Discipline Index? 1 red card = 2 points 1 yellow card = 1 point Divide the total points by the total number of games that your team plays in the league during a season. This includes cup games. IE: A team plays 20 games in a season obtains 2 red cards and 15 yellow cards. Their Discipline Index= (4+15)/20 The Discipline Index for this team is equal to 0.95

28 Discipline Index Green Zone 0.01 – 0.59 Warning Zone 0.6 – 0.69 Red Zone 0.7 and above $100 for every 0.10

29 Referee Complaints Each season, the NCISL receives several Referee complaints The NCISL Director of Referees will review each complaint and will respond to the person making the complaint, within 14 days If required, the Director will speak to the Referee involved in the complaint to obtain their view of the situation The Director will then determine if the complaint is justified or not If the Director determines the Referee requires more education in applying the Laws of the Game, he will speak to the Referee personally If the Director concludes the Complainant needs an explanation of the Laws, as the Referee was correct in applying the Laws, he will communicate directly with this person Any serious misconduct by a Referee, who contravenes any of the OSA published rules, and a complaint is received by the NCISL, will be forwarded to the EODSA Referee Discipline Committee for further action

30 Further information Dawn Dinsdale, 613-852 – Andy Weston, Head Referee – Tim Wong, Director of Discipline – Or check out our web site

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