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18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 51 New resource types from VOEvent Matthew J. Graham Caltech T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY.

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Presentation on theme: "18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 51 New resource types from VOEvent Matthew J. Graham Caltech T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 51 New resource types from VOEvent Matthew J. Graham Caltech T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

2 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 52 What is VOEvent? Standard information packet for representing, transmitting, archiving and publishing both the discovery and follow-up of an (immediate) astronomical event:

3 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 53 VOEvent infrastructure AuthorPublisherRepository Subscriber responsible for scientific content persists events supports querying validates XML assigns identifier receives events

4 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 54 Registry use cases Tell me about this author: ivo://sdss.fnal/snsurvey Tell me about this publisher: Tell me about this repository: ivo://nvo.caltech/nexus Which publisher has this author? Which repository has this publisher?

5 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 55 New type: Publisher List of authors (c.f Registry and managedAuthority) Subscription interface: –Transport protocol (TCPV, Jabber/XMPP, JMS) –Endpoint –User account/anonymous

6 18 May 2006 IVOA - Victoria: Registry 56 New type: Repository List of publishers (c.f Registry and managedAuthority) Query interface: –Endpoint –SEAP

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