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Presentation on theme: "WE PROVIDE A HEALTHIER LIFE FOR EVERYONE AND A BETTER LIFE FOR ANYONE."— Presentation transcript:



3 What people look for in an opportunity. 1. A strong company with leadership and a vision for the future 2. High quality products 3. A lucrative marketing plan 4. A support system to guide them step by step to their desired achievement


5 Career with Purpose









14 The Landmark Study Conducted by UC Berkeley and Dr. Gladys Block. She is one of the top epidemiologists in the US. Compared the health of 3 groups  Non-Supplement Users  Multi-vitamin Users  Shaklee Supplement Users of 20+ years. More information at Average age of Shaklee group was 63 and they took an average of.5 prescription drugs per year! Published in Nutrition Journal 2007 Concluded the Shaklee Supplement Users were remarkable healthier than those in the other two groups.

15 Results of Landmark Study Shaklee users had: Users of no supplements Users of other brands of multivitamin Users of Shaklee supplements DIABETES 65% lower risk HEART ATTACK 43% lower risk C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Optimal levels

16 STEP 1: VITALIZER Most common supplements taken by those in Landmark Study EXCLUSIVE 12 PATENTS EFFECTIVE 12 STUDIES 4 POWERFUL Enhanced with BIO-OPTIMIZED NUTRIENTS DELIVERY SYSTEMS Brain Health Heart Health Breast Health Bone Health Vision Health Colon Health Digestive Health Lung Health Once Daily with a Meal

17 Resveratrol is Key Ingredient Vivix ingredients impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging.* 1.Protect and repair cellular DNA 2. Activate genetic regulators that slow down cellular aging 3. Revitalize Mitochondria (energy packs) 4. 10X more powerful than resveratrol alone at slowing AGE proteins (sludge in our cells) PATENT PENDING & EXCLUSIVE TO SHAKLEE * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Step 2 –VIVIX Protects our Cells One teaspoon = resveratrol in 100 glasses of wine!

18 Best Breakfast on the Planet Hunger fighting protein Leucine helps you keep muscle Fiber for digestive health Low Glycemic Index Step 3: CINCH Builds muscle and burns fat EXCLUSIVE LEUCINE NON-GMO SOY PROTEIN EFFECTIVEPOWERFUL 100% RETENTION OF LEAN BODY MASS 24 21 GRAMS OF PROTEIN* VITAMINS & MINERALS 6 GRAMS OF FIBER *when prepared as directed 2 out of every 3 people need to lose weight and all others need to maintain a healthy weight

19 Protect your Immune System TREON NUTRIFERON- EXCLUSIVE TO SHAKLEE Developed by Dr. Kojima, the immunologist who helped discover interferon (key component of immune response) Increases Interferon production* Supported by five clinical studies Reduced Hepatitis C counts, Reduced allergies symptoms Reduced Menopausal and PMS symptoms Activates Natural Killer cells * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Step 4 - Supercharge your immune system Boost your immune system safely and naturally with this patented blend of 4 Plant extracts

20 Rx For a Healthier Life NUTRIFERON - Boosts your immune system safely and naturally. CINCH SHAKE – Great tasting and nutritious meal replacement. VITALIZER- foundation for a longer, healthier life. VIVIX – anti-aging tonic protects your cells. Save up to $99 with Autoship

21 What’s in It for You?

22 Every 3 Months Advance a RankAnnual IncomePlus Fast Track Bonus Director$10,600Convention in DC Senior Director$14,000$1000 Coordinator$21,700$3000 Senior Coordinator$39,000$5000 Executive Coordinator$56,700$25,000

23 Shaklee has paid over $5 Billion in Commissions. *Based on the form 1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income of US Business Leaders, earnings were calculated on a monthly basis of those Business Leaders in the achieved rank. Results will vary with effort. Shaklee Corporation does not guarantee that any particular income level will be achieved. REAL PEOPLE MAKING REAL MONEY Annual Average Income by Rank Figures based on 2008 earnings* Stairway to Success

24 $34,000 in Bonuses + a $60,000 annual income in less than a year!


26  Get started as a Gold Member  Find 3 other people who want it all and start as Gold Members  Along the way find 10 Customers who want to get healthy WHAT DO YOU DO? Gather people who: want to be healthy & people who want a better lifestyle. DO IT AGAIN! 3 GOLD MEMBERS AND 10 CONSUMER MEMBERS The average Shaklee member uses products for 14 years!

27 Start to Earn Right Away IN YOUR FIRST 90 DAYS Earn $150 every time you earn 15 points for introducing people you know to Shaklee GOLD BONUSES – Earn at least $50 when your contacts join Shaklee as a Gold Ambassador (the best way to start). Paid to INFINITY

28 Reach Rank of Director Total Purchase Volume = 2000 PV Around $2,750 per month of nutritional products. Around 35 regular customers in your personal group. Average Income of $900 a month.

29 Drive a New Car at Sr. Director

30 Prius Infinity Jeep Own or Lease a Car of your choice starting at Senior Director Level. As your rank increases your monthly car allowance increases.

31 Infinity Bonuses You get paid for what you do, but you get wealthy from what you start. Rank Senior Coordinator Executive Coordinator Senior Executive Coordinator Key Coordinator Senior Key Coordinator Master Coordinator Senior Master Coordinator Presidential Master Coordinator Generation 1 + Infinity6% + 2%6% + 3%6% + 4%6% + 5%6% + 6%6% + 7%6% + 7.5%6% + 8% Generation 2 + Infinity5% + 2%6% + 3%6% + 4%6% + 5%6% + 6%6% + 7%6% + 7.5%6% + 8% Generation 3+ Infinity4% + 3%4% + 4%4% + 5%4% + 6%4% + 7%4% + 7.5%4% + 8% Generation 4 + Infinity4% + 5%4% + 6%4% + 7%4% + 7.5%4% + 8% Generation 5 + Infinity3% + 7%3% + 7.5%3% + 8% Generation 6 + Infinity3% + 7.5%3% + 8% Infinity 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 7.5%

32 Our success team is ready to train you. Mike & Jo Coogan Master Coordinators High School Teacher - Teacher Gary & Faye Burke Presidential Master Coordinators Football Coach - Computer Programmer 40+ years of proven success No experience necessary Weekly webinars Regional conferences Weekly conference calls Individual coaching available Gail Bryant Executive Coordinator High School Teacher Monica Marrone Senior Director Art Director Judy Ciasto, M.D. Coordinator

33 2009 Earning Examples Dr. Judy Ciasto $ 17,298 Monica Marrone$ 24,709 Tim & Sandy Dietrich$ 35,688 Margie Mischler $ 42,349 Hein Wellness (Derek & Sarah) $ 61,931 Celeste Edwards$ 80,223 Doris Johnson$108,650 Barb Hill Behar$145,359 Mike & Joanette Coogan$159,353 Gary & Faye Burke$420,728

34 Rx for a Healthier Life Vitalizer Vivix Cinch Meal Shake NutriFeron Basic H2 Organic Cleaner Two 16 oz. spray bottles ONLY $299 $307 Retail $261 Member Best Way to Get Started

35 $500+ Value! GOLD – The Best Value Quickest road to success and the BEST return on investment. 15% discount on all your Shaklee purchases. Free product worth up to $85 on your next order. Free website for 3 months. Gold Bonuses of $50 or more. Allows you to grow and earn globally Shaklee will plant 5 trees to help the planet. Start earning right away! 250 points earns you a bonus your first month.

36 Save 15% off retail Eligible for some bonuses Free Product with 100 PV Order Save 15% off retail Eligible for some bonuses NO REQUIREMENTS | NO QUOTAS | NO OBLIGATION

37 Beautify our Home My Dreams A new “Shaklee” Car Generational Wealth Donate Time and $ Be Healthy & Active DEBTS 2011- Executive Coordinator -$60,000 2016 -Master Coordinator - $150,000 Travel Atlantis & Bora Bora

38 My Vision: Build a Team of 6 people who earn a minimum of $50,000 a year part-time while helping others be healthier and achieve financial freedom. 1. JULIE HORNUNG Stay at home mother of three. MICHELLE 2. YOUNG PARK Owner of Social Life Dance REBECCA 3. KAY HALLE Breast cancer survivor – Goal: retire early 4. ROBIN & BILL Young US couple living in China – Goal: grow an international business.

39 What To Do Next Become a Member To receive 15% off Suggested Retail Price Be eligible to receive Shaklee bonuses 3 Options – All have the above benefits $19.95 - Basic Membership $39.95 – Preferred Membership coupon for FREE product with 100 PV order $299 – Gold Rx products, Basic H 2, FREE product with 100 PV order Qualify for extra bonuses Not ready to decide today? That’s OK. What type of information would help you decide?

40 Schedule 2 nd Appointment Gain a better understanding of Dream Plan benefits and how it could work for you. Review details of “What do I have to do to become a director?” Have your product questions answered. Would you like to learn more… About products? …About earning money?

41 JOIN US ! Roger Barnett’s vision for the future is to make Shaklee “the largest force for positive social change in the world.”


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