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GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope WBS 4.1.B Instrument Science Operations Center Monthly Status.

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1 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope WBS 4.1.B Instrument Science Operations Center Monthly Status Review 1 September 2005 Rob Cameron 650-926-2989 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

2 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 2 ISOC Management  ISOC Operations Facility –Met with SLAC management to review plans for Ops facility in Building 84, near existing Dataflow Lab –Preparing SLAC infrastructure proposal for construction of operations facility –ISOC staff will be relocated to Building 84, coincident with KIPAC move to new building –To be completed in 2006  Coordination activities –GLAST/SCCS meetings Managing ITAR-controlled data and computers Offline processing – GLAST/BaBar resource sharing –Increasing I&T coordination Fastcopy data transport to SLAC during NRL, SASS tests LAT Configuration tracking and control –Operations Planning meetings User review of FSW

3 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 3 ISOC Ground Test Preparations  Continued Ground Readiness Test Team (GRTT) participation with GSFC and other ground elements –Preliminary test objectives and procedures agreed to for GRT3 and GRT4 –Dates of GRT3 and GRT4 swapped to give more time to prepare for GRT3 (a much larger test for ground elements)  Next GRT - GRT4 on 25 Oct 05 –Regression test for ISOC - no new functionality –New SW release (# 1.1) to be made ~ 4 wks before test No new functions to be tested, but incorporate several improvements since GRT2 Will verify before test that functions needed for GRT4 still work in release 1.1

4 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 4 ISOC Ground Test Preparations – GRT 3 on 6 Dec 05  New ISOC functions in GRT3 –Ingest new data products from MOC into ISOC database New orbital data products Integrated Science Timeline –Trending data ingest and display/plot –Logging Log receipt/transmission of data products Limit exceeded messages Operator comments Includes database and web interface –Science Data Processing Ingest L0  Process into L1 data  Package into ICD-compliant L1 product  Send to GSSC Provided small sample of L0 data to PSS Still need to create large L0 sample to use in GRT3 –Cover typical pass size (~ 2GByte/pass) –With overlap between passes –Needed at least 1 month before test (by early Nov)  SW release 1.2 to be completed 9 Nov 05 (~4 weeks before GRT3) –New functions to be acceptance tested locally before release –Began acceptance test preparations for release 1.2 Enhanced requirements database to support new tests Identifying requirements to include in 1.2

5 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 5 ISOC Ground Test Preparations – Ground System Discrepancy Review Board  GSDRB began in August –Includes all ground elements –Primary focus is ground system problems identified in GRTs, ETEs, Mission Sims –All problems addressed by GSDRB tracked via SOARS (GSFC discrepancy reporting tool) –Met twice in August Agreed on roles and procedures of GSDRB Dispositioned all pending SOARS reports –Generally to meet once/month or more often as needed –Next meeting 12 Sept 05

6 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 6 Software Development  Next release planned for 22 September 2005 –Interim release to bring production installation up to head of development tree (release # 1.1) –Adds retrieval of CCSDS packet groups from raw archive – required for science data processing in GRT3.  Began integrating ISOC code modules into LICOS framework for I&T support. –CCSDS packet archive file object used for recording telemetry data from the VSC. –ISOC raw-archive implementation used for data-storage organization and retrieval. –Flight-like packaging of data and use of FASTCopy for transfers from I&T equipment to SLAC Central Unix.

7 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 7 Software Development (cont’d.)  I&T support (cont’d) –Modified FASTCopy-automation software and database to operate on non-Oracle RDBMS (PostgreSQL) for use on I&T mobile rack. –Packaged ISOC software and required external packages for automated installation on mobile rack.

8 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 8 GOWG/GIMGOM Activity  Ops Data Products ICD issues –Handling of priority and normal command requests by GSSC –Change to project database delivery to ISOC - will be delivered as a directory of “tarred” files, which is then “tarred” with a manifest –Reviewed and approved new Science Timeline format –Deleted Spacecraft Timeline because information is provided to ISOC through other means and the timeline itself is not used by the MOC –Discussed revising As-Flown Timeline to ensure it contains useful information  Finalized agenda for the Sept Ops TIM

9 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 9 GOWG/GIMGOM Activity (cont.)  Aura Mission Planning tool (used on Aura project) –MOC evaluating use of tool (with modifications) during L&EO and on-orbit ops –Pass plan used for routine operations with ISOC command requests handled through change requests – would still have GSSC approval of requests  Relative Time Sequence (RTS) allocation - 35 slots with 29 for S/C and 6 allocated for use by LAT and GBM  Operation Agreements - interface information between the ground elements that does not belong in ICD  Confirmation of PROC requests by GSSC –GSSC confirms PROC requests (real time command requests) from ISOC are valid but does not validate PROC contents –List of PROC requests to be added to ICD –Use of rejection messages will be described in MOA

10 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 10 ISOC Database Activities  LAT Command and Telemetry database –Updating LAT T&C DB for housekeeping trending, as updates occur in conjunction with FSW releases –Working with I&T on control of telemetry limits and cal curves to be shared between LICOS for (SLAC and NRL testing) and dbx files (for SASS testing and flight ops).

11 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 11 LAT Configuration Control and Tracking  Second TIM held on 15 August –Operations concept review –LAT configuration data flow through existing and proposed tools –MOOT/MOOD (config management tools and database) design progress –LICOS interfaces –Instrument turn-on sequence –Agenda: +2005  First draft of all MOOD database tables nearing completion –Next: make test database to operate with FSW tools

12 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 12 Issues and Concerns  Handling ITAR-restricted data –Spacecraft telemetry (which contains 96 LAT analog telemetry points + bilevel telemetry) –Optional approaches ITAR-compliant restricted network for GLAST data, firewalled from SCCS servers, filesystems and databases Use ITOS capabilities at MOC to extract and deliver LAT- specific telemetry as sequential prints. ICD change required.

13 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 13 Future Activities  Ops TIM – 14-15 September 2005  GRT4 – 25 October 2005  GRT3 – 6 December 2005  MOR – 15-16 March 2006

14 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 14 Level 3 Milestone Count

15 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 15 Level 3 Milestone List

16 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 16 Milestone Variance Explanation  Schedule Impact  Cost Impact  Corrective Action –None Required

17 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review - ISOC, 1 September 2005 17 Cost Report

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