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CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 Coaching Kanban: What Everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 Coaching Kanban: What Everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 1 Coaching Kanban: What Everyone Ought to Know Dragos Dumitriu

2 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 2 The Kanban Method Principles 1.Start with what you do now 2.Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change 3.Initially, respect current roles &responsibilities 4.Encourage acts of leadership at all levels Core Practices  Visualize Workflow, Work and Current Process  Make Process Policies Explicit  Manage Flow  Develop Feedback Loops  Limit Work-in-Progress (WIP)  Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally

3 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 3 Director, Enterprise Solutions Dragos Dumitriu – CC Pace Systems Inc.

4 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 4 Would it help you if we visualize our hats?

5 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 5 Would it help us and & others if we make hats explicit?

6 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 6 Do we know what service we provide to clients?

7 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 7 Does it help to be explicit? Consulting provides Kanban expertise and informs clients on how they can solve problems. Depending on engagement nature, advice given may or may not be taken on board. Training teaches the science to develop Kanban skills, thinking and capabilities; the what and how of an action. It often involves the passing of advice and knowledge from a person who has been in similar situations, in similar contexts, in other organizations. Mentoring is an unequal relationship from a more experienced Kanban practitioner to one less experienced within the same organization. Coaching enables long-term change as it allows clients to be reflective and take personal responsibility for their role in the organization from a Kanban perspective. It helps coachees to discover their innate drive and purpose. It does not involve any form of advice-giving. A coach helps clients become aware of their behaviors and to take positive action in their needed areas of growth.

8 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 8 Instructing Giving Advice Offering Guidance Giving Feedback Making Suggestions Improve Collaboratively Listening to Understand Reflecting Paraphrasing Summarizing Question To Raise Awareness

9 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 9 Understand Context and The Problem To Solve What hat does your client need you to wear? Consulting provides direction, and Information: I am an expert. This is what you pay me to tell you. This is how you should do it. Training teaches how to develop skills, thinking and capabilities: This is how it is done. Mentoring: My experience here is… I know how… This is how it works here… Coaching helps experiment, think, do: How can I support you? What have you tried? What else is possible? Work Differently Complicated change across teams and functions Work Better Simple Change at the team level Behave & Think Differently Complex change across departments or enterprise

10 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 10 Brake in four groups and write a paragraph for each scenario: Evolve Experimentally Four Groups 1.Consulting 2.Training 3.Mentoring 4.Coaching Four Scenarios A.There are WIP limits but they are being broken. B.There is work on the Kanban board, just not all of it. C.Work is flowing but the board isn't updated. D.You forecast cycle times and you get bombarded with requests for estimates.

11 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 11 Insert workshop comments At the drop of a hat we have learned that…

12 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 12 Sticky notes posted on the way out How Are You Going to Use What You Learned Today?

13 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 13 Workshop Pictures

14 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 14 Change is non-linear and can go backwards, forwards and sideways

15 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 15 Change takes Leadership. It starts with You Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

16 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 16 Q&A The questions we ask in any situation determine the answers we get and… the answers we don't get! Danah Zohar, Rewiring the Corporate Brain

17 CC Pace Proprietary Copyright © 2015 Slide No. 17 Thank You! Dragos Dumitriu CC Pace Systems Inc. @thewaitlifter (206)660-7110

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