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Precision Guidance Systems for Efficient Material Application Presented By: Craig Kincaid.

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Guidance Systems for Efficient Material Application Presented By: Craig Kincaid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Guidance Systems for Efficient Material Application Presented By: Craig Kincaid

2 Our Operation Located in the Palouse, West of Pullman Produce crops on a three to four year rotation. Terrain can make farming challenging

3 Brief History Early 1980’s – Spraying with a disc marker or nothing at all on a wing-up pull machine. Late 1980’s – Foam markers are introduced. 1990’s – Chemical and fertilizer costs steadily increase. Mid 1990’s – Began using rate monitors.

4 History Cont. 2004 - In the search of “a better way” we built a new sprayer. Foam still used. 2006 – John Deere Greenstar 2 guidance system adopted.

5 The Sprayer John Deere 4955 4WD Tractor 800 gallon capacity Spray at up to 14 MPH 70 ft swath Uses air induction tips MidTech spray monitor

6 Special Features Easy Loading Motorcycle Rack

7 More Features Ability to run separate tank mixes

8 More Features Hinged outside boom sections

9 Components Corrected Satellite Signal GPS Receiver Display / Mobile Processor PC Software John Deere 4955 Auto Steer Universal Kit Rate Controller

10 Features of GreenStar 2 Field Guidance Auto Steer Operate a Third Party Controller Documentation of Each Operation Prescription Rates Mark Hazards, Boundaries, and Objects

11 Documentation and Records Track tank mix totals, acres, time, weather etc. Useful for landlord billing FSA certification

12 Expected Benefits Improved Efficiency Reduction of Inputs Less Operator Fatigue Accuracy Year to Year Data Accuracy from Precision Ag. System

13 Original GreenStar Harvest Monitor was put on the spray tractor. Worked well, but was difficult to understand, and learn. Had no real function except to help keep the mark.

14 The move to GreenStar 2 Interest in AutoSteer Large color screen was attractive Simple user interface Why John Deere?

15 Precision Guidance Put to Use Installed midway through Spraying Season of 2006 Used on the Spring Crops Found that Straight Track worked better than Curve Track

16 True Test 1200 acres of Garbanzos found with Blight, and needed an application of Headline immediately. Daytime temperatures to hot to spray effectively. We decided to use the guidance to spray at night.

17 Results 1200 acres covered in 24 hours of night spraying. Fields were covered in less time than normal. Overlap reduced by 5% from the average 10% to 15% found with foam systems.

18 Results All of this would not have been possible using the foam marker system.

19 Tracks from the Night

20 Another View

21 APEX Software Another component of a guidance system. Excellent for farm analysis and management.

22 Uses of APEX





27 Economics Example from one application on 1200 Acres With Airplane: Cost of Headline per acre $11.50 x 1200 = $12115 + 5% Overlap = $12,720 Cost of Airplane per Acre $6.10 x 1200 = $7,320 Total Cost = $20,040 With Tractor Sprayer and Guidance: Cost of Headline $11.50 x 1200 x 15% Overlap*= $15,870 Saving with Guidance 5% = ($793.50) Labor and Operating Expenses = $2,400 Total Cost = $17,476.50 Savings of $2563.50 Also Consider: Value of spraying on time Reduction of total chemical used

28 Our Precision Ag. Future John Deere SwathControl Harvest Yield Mapping Variable Rate Fertilizing Using Tram Lines

29 Questions? Contact Info: Craig Kincaid (509) 595 – 2475

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