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Mentoring and Coaching Creating a Culture of Inquiry

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring and Coaching Creating a Culture of Inquiry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring and Coaching Creating a Culture of Inquiry
Who Own’s the Learning? Mentoring and Coaching Creating a Culture of Inquiry Pomaria Primary School 2013 Chic Foote Helix consulting

2 Possible Areas of Focus
Big Ideas in action Inquiry to learn Teacher’s role in learner led environments Role and purpose of curriculum mapping in building a collective culture of inquiry

3 Guilding Questions Where are we now?file://localhost/Users/Chic/Documents/chic doc/Schools/Pomaria copy/Mentoring/Notes day 1.docx Where do we want to go? How will we get there? How will we know when we are there? How can we keep it going? Five Critical Questions (pg 8) Asking the Right Questions Edie L Holcomb (1996) Corwin

4 Today What’s on Top?. Key processes (Mapping & Learning as Inquiry)
What does it mean to be a professional? Our responsibility as teachers. Charter/Protocols for Mentor group. Reflection – What is quality reflection? How do we scaffold deep purposeful reflection with/for teachers?  Role of the teacher in Learner led environments Checking for the effectiveness of the current culture

5 Process Identify the purpose of the group and goals for year end
Review understanding of the roles expectations and behaviours as a coach / mentor Examine Review outcomes to date - what is happening and where they would like to be? -- Expected outcomes Establish group protocols Plan time lines and strategies Identify Action plan and indicators/checkpoints for each stage of the year Confirm dates and align to identified process

6 The Pomaria Way Speak up - if you're having an issue - speak to the right person Team up - Get Connected - find the person or people that can support you. Stand up - and ACT!  Make the change. What does The Pomaria Way mean for the development of a coaching culture for learning as inquiry?

7 Our Goal is to.....? Create a collective culture of inquiring to learn
Where participants show they have confidence and capacity to take: - Ownership - Responsibility for their professional practice or learning

8 Moving from where we are to where we want to be........

9 Charter and Protocols Group Members Identified Actions needed Goals
Expected Outcomes Strategies and Tasks Guiding Principles Based on Jan Robertson: the 3R’s for Coaching Learning Relationships

10 What are we seeking.......? What… How…… Intellectual independence
Creative thinking Knowledge creation

11 The 3 R’s for Coaching (Robertson 1997)
Changing & Challenging requires Reciprocity Relationship Reflect-on-reality Relational trust Reciprocity in the learning process Reflection on the practice created

12 Essential Elements Skills
Responsibility and ownership for the process to be with the learner Respect for knowledge that others bring to the learning process Trust and continuity to build stable learning relationships Listening Reflective Questioning Self Assessment Goal Setting Feedback

13 3 R’s Reciprocity Relationship Reflect on Reality Expectations
Indicators Mentor Role Reciprocity Relationship Reflect on Reality file://localhost/Users/Chic/Documents/chic doc/Schools/Pomaria copy/Mentoring/3 R’s - Table.docx

14 Building an Effective Coaching Culture
Ten Principles An Effective Coach is: Inquiry Risk Taking & Challenge Responsibility & Trust Shared Learning Support Building Capacity Quality, Innovation & Improvement Critical Thinking & Awareness Belief Jan Robertson Highly reflective Skilled at recognising others strengths, abilities & beliefs A Servant leader Patient Considers the Bus Question Pete Hall & Alisa Simmeral: Building Teachers Capacity for Success -A collaborative Approach for Coaches and School Leaders (ASCD 2008)

15 Refletive Practice

16 A Continuum of Self Reflection
Unaware stage Conscious Stage Action Stage Refinement stage Pete Hall & Alisa Simmeral: Building Teachers Capacity for Success-A collaborative Approach for Coaches and School Leaders (ASCD 2008

17 Reflective Practice

18 Reflective Practice Identify problematic situations
Observation and Analysis Abstract Reconceptualisation Active Experiementation Enabling individuals to uncover or discover problems Includes both Cognitive Aspects & Emotions/Feelings Research. Detached perspective Actively searching for new ideas and strategies Use information from a wide variety of sources Testing reconceptualisation behaviour and assumptions Karen F Ostercamp. Robert B Kottcamp.. Reflective Practice for Educators. Corwin1993

19 Reflective Questions Examine experiences through both actions and outcomes Why did events take place as they did? What ideas or feelings prompted my actions? Did my actions correspond with my intentions? Did my actions lead to the outcomes I intended?

20 Five States of Mind EFFICACY:
Knowing that one has the capacity to make a difference and being willing and able to do so. FLEXIBILITY: Knowing one has and can develop options to consider and being willing to acknowledge and demonstrate respect for empathy for diverse perspectives CRAFTSMANSHIP: Seeking precision, refinement and mastery. Striving for exactness of critical thought processes. CONSCIOUSNESS: Monitoring one's own values, intentions, thoughts and behaviors and their effects INTERDEPENDENCE: Contributing to a common good and using group resources to enhance personal effectiveness. Costa & Garmston. Five States of Mind

21 Mediating for Self Directed Learning
Coaching Response Behaviours Principles of Paraphrase Attend fully Listen with intentions to understand Capture the essence of the message Reflect the essence of voice, tone, and gestures Make the paraphrase shorter than original statement Paraphrase before asking a question Use the pronoun ‘you’ instead of I Acknowledge Pause Paraphrase Probe/Clarify Provide Data/Resources Center for Cognitive Coaching Costa & Garmston

22 Precision in Langauge and Thinking
Non Specific Language Probe with Generalisations All, everyone, never, forever, always Rule words should., must, necessary, can’t, have to,ought Vague Verbs prepare,make,vthink,vdo, feel, know, learn Vague Nouns/Pronouns Students, clients, women, they, people, parents Comparisons (incomplete comparators) better, larger, more profound, less useful Everyone?, Forever? Never? Has there ever been a time? What stops you?, Who made that rule? What would happen if you did? Prepared specifically how? Which administrators specifically? Better than what? Based on Richard Bandler, John Grindler, & Genie Z Laborde

23 Establishing a Culture of Inquiry
file://localhost/Users/Chic/Documents/chic doc/Inquiry/TM3_ - Inquiry.pptx

24 Scenario’s

25 Who Owns the Learning? Learner designed assignments and rubrics
Capacity for world wide authentic audience Opportunity for intrinsic rewards All students contribute to learning process of class and global learners Critical skill is to learn how to learn Learners research content beyond the teachers knowledge More opportunities for mastery Students rely on teacher and class for help Opportunities for parents to see creative student work Technology used as a transformational tool to change the culture of teaching and learning

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