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Overview of TAP for Pre-TAP schools
Louisiana TAP Overview of TAP for Pre-TAP schools
Purpose of this Overview
The purpose of this overview is to open your minds and thoughts to a different and more successful system for operating your classrooms and your school. Please keep in mind the purpose of this overview is not to provide you with ALL of the information that you need to begin implementing TAP. You will need to discover the many elements of TAP together, as a team.
National Reform Initiative … National Perspective
President Obama’s address to the nation on education reform Proclaimed that to complete our race to the top requires “recruiting, preparing, and rewarding outstanding teachers.” Singled out the “promising work” of the Teacher Advancement Program Hailed TAP for “making an unprecedented commitment to ensure that anyone entrusted with education our children is doing the job as well as it can be done.” Sheila Review the president’s comments. Reference the NIET letter that is in their binder.
You and your school faculty and staff are to be commended for your efforts to learn about TAP.
Thank You.
Louisiana TAP Growth You Are Here 2003-2004: 5 schools (Pilot Schools)
: 28 TAP schools & 28 PreTAP schools : 42 TAP schools & 26 PreTAP schools We are creating a rich and exciting history for La TAP … and you are now a part of that history.
2009-2010 Schools and Districts 42 TAP Schools 19 School Systems
15 Year One Schools 15 Year Two Schools 12 Year Three+ Schools 27 Pre-TAP Schools 19 School Systems 15 Local School Districts Recovery School District Charter Organizations ACSA ABR Independent Charter School
Forest Hill Elementary 2008 TAP National Founder’s Award
Full and proficient implementation of all four TAP elements Proficient scores on TAP program reviews Achievement according to state or federal measures; and Notable recognition as a school and a resource of best practice Vicky Trainer will frontload the DVD from Forest Hill --- Trainer will emphasize that when the TAP model is followed closely, the results are tremendous in terms of student achievement and teacher proficiency.
Forest Hill Elementary Rapides Parish 2008 TAP National Founder’s Award
87% free/reduced lunch Large ESL population SPS growth from 98.4 to 121.5 Vicky
What is TAP? How does it help?
TAP is a system that provides schools powerful opportunities for growth by …
Examining student data to determine the greatest student needs Obtaining new learning for teachers and administrators that targets those specific needs Collaborating with all teachers and administrators to work and learn together to achieve the goals TAP in some ways defies applying a singular noun … program … process… system … structure. TAP is holistic in its approach and focuses on Student data to determine needs New learning for educators Collaboration Strategic guidance and support … comprehensive … 4 elements … diverse … with guidance and support from trained master and mentor teachers and administrators.
TAP is … A comprehensive reform … not just professional development … not just performance-based pay. Based on four critical elements of success … intertwined and interdependent … identified in research as important to improving teacher quality. Adaptable in diverse schools and school situations. TAP … example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts Four critical elements … research grounded … tapestry like Adaptable to diverse schools and situations Adaptable in low performing schools to high performing schools – elementary to high school…
This, is how I describe TAP……
an Energizer for your school!!
Research tells us … The single most important school related factor in determining the achievement level of a student is the quality of the classroom teacher and the quality of instruction delivered by the classroom teacher. Research tells us what we have known as parents … and as educators … and yet we struggle with out to effect the change we want
TAP allows us to address the question …
How are the “things” we are doing in our schools and classrooms improving the quality of all teachers and changing the quality of classroom instruction? So the question is … we know that we are doing LOTS of things … but how are those things changing instruction Do the individual pieces, programs have the desired and collective outcome? Are the individual pieces and the results (are non-results) providing us with a good return on our investment? We suggest that rather than individual pieces we need a more integrated comprehensive system of reform
TAP provides an opportunity to work together….
to improve the quality of instruction and student achievement So the question is … we know that we are doing LOTS of things … but how are those things changing instruction Do the individual pieces, programs have the desired and collective outcome? Are the individual pieces and the results (are non-results) providing us with a good return on our investment? We suggest that rather than individual pieces we need a more integrated comprehensive system of reform
What do you see in this picture?
A show like Grey’s Anatomy differs from the medical shows of 30 years ago.
The only room in the hospital that still has only one doctor working alone is the coroner's office !
If a coroner fails to improve his/her skills, it really has little effect on the individuals he/she is seeing.
Why TAP? Goal of TAP is to increase student achievement through teacher quality.
TAP consists of four critical elements for success
TAP consists of four critical elements for success. These elements are effectively combined to address: Improvement of Instruction Improvement in Student Achievement “At first, people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done….
We will look at each element independently … but the connectedness of the elements are what give it the strength, sustainability, and flexibility that is needed for effective reform
Numerous opportunities for more responsibility and commensurate pay
Multiple Career Paths Discuss each and their responsibilities
Career Teacher Teach; collaborate with colleagues; team teach; participate in professional development activities Mentor Teacher Teach; help to lead cluster groups; conduct evaluations; provide classrooms support; model lessons; assist master teachers Typically earns $2,000 - $5,000 salary addendum Recommended ratio – 1:8 Master Teacher Share instructional leadership; plan/lead cluster meetings; field test strategies; model lessons; provide classroom support; conduct evaluations; Typically earns $5,000 - $10,000 salary addendum Recommended ratio – 1:15 Discuss each and their responsibilities Talk about a “pipeline” or building human capacity … the structure for multiple career paths within TAP actually puts that into practice
Continuous on-site professional development during the school day
Susan (and Leadership Team Meetings)
Ongoing, Applied Professional Growth Cluster Groups of Professional Learning
During the school day Grade-alike or subject-alike groups Led by master teachers Supported by mentor teachers Guided by the needs of that cluster group Extend learning to include support and follow-up by master/mentor teacher Evaluate impact on students Follow a cluster protocol Here the phrase job-embedded, ongoing PD thrown about often … but what does it really mean and what does it look like Read list Emphasize the protocol and how we will look at that a bit more Cluster Groups are concrete actions … that continue to keep the big picture in mind. Visual representation with sheet of paper—Cluster time is sacred in TAP Schools: (In our highest performing TAP schools, clusters are never cancelled… demonstrate by ripping paper “Teacher Quality, Student Achievement)
What drives improvement of instruction is what happens in Cluster Meetings … and how it happens
… the how is the cluster protocol TAP is driven by student need and teacher need.
Cluster Meeting Protocol Steps for Effective Learning
Step 1 – IDENTIFY the NEED Step 2 – OBTAIN the NEW LEARNING Step 3 - DEVELOP Step 4 - APPLY Step 5 - EVALUATE Identify the need based on multiple data sources Obtain New Learning Develop Apply Evaluate … but it doesn’t stop inside cluster!!
Cluster Meeting Protocol Steps for Effective Learning
Step 1 - Identify Need: Students cannot appropriately answer questions. Step 2 - Obtain-Use of the XYZ Strategy may help - Field Test – Bring to Cluster Step 3 – DEVELOP – in cluster Step 4 – APPLY in classrooms Step 5 - EVALUATE Identify the need based on multiple data sources Obtain New Learning Develop Apply Evaluate … but it doesn’t stop inside cluster!!
All strategies are “field tested” before they are presented in cluster meetings.
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The Five Steps for Effective Learning guides all learning that takes place in a TAP School … Learning in Leadership Teams Learning in Clusters Learning in Classrooms All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.
What drives improvement in student achievement is … what happens in the classroom AFTER the new learning is presented and developed in Cluster Meetings …is the new learning being implemented correctly? …are master and mentor teachers providing classroom support?
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Fair evaluations based on clearly defined, research-based standards Multiple evaluations Multiple trained and certified evaluators Cluster training and classroom support Instructionally Focused Accountability Traditionally, when it comes to being reviewed, teachers might get a one-shot observation from their principal. But how does that really help someone improve or strengthen what they’re doing right? That’s why TAP’s accountability system works hand-in-hand with its ongoing professional development. TAP’s fair and transparent system of evaluation is based on clearly defined instructional standards and rubrics. Fairness is further insured by multiple evaluations by more than one trained, certified evaluator. Teachers are well-prepared for these evaluations, thanks to the ongoing cluster training and classroom support from master and mentor teachers. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.
Instructionally- Focused Accountability
Utilizes TAP Rubrics (comprehensive teaching standards) that all teachers are trained to meet Provides 4 evaluations per year – conducted by administrators, master teachers, mentor teachers Provides coaching to all teachers for improvement (not just for remediation) Allows teachers to be rewarded financially for their good evaluations Ensures that all teachers have the opportunity to grow and become better instructors so that student achievement is impacted To measure teaching skills, knowledge and responsibilities, TAP has defined a set of professional indicators required of all TAP teachers. Review key attributes of Instructionally-Focused Accountability Master and mentor teachers model and label the indicators when facilitating cluster, as well as in the classroom when providing follow-up support to teachers.
Instructionally-Focused Accountability TAP Rubrics
Implementing Instruction Planning Instruction Instructional Plans Student Work Assessment Expectations Managing Student Behavior Environment Respectful Culture Professional Accountability Developing Professionally Reflecting on Teaching Standards and Objectives Motivating Students Presenting Instructional Content Lesson Structure and Pacing Activities and Materials Questioning Academic Feedback Grouping Students Teacher Content Knowledge Teacher Knowledge of Students Thinking Problem Solving Learning Environment TAP’s Teaching Skills, Knowledge and Responsibility Standards are divided into four domains. Within each domain, performance indicators are listed with bulleted descriptors and a rubric specifying three performance levels for measuring actual teacher performance. Teachers earn a score of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Responsibilities
I Instructionally-Focused Accountability – TAP Rubric Domain: Implementing Instruction Indicator: Academic Feedback Exemplary (5) Proficient (3) Oral and written feedback is consistently academically focused, frequent, and high quality Oral and written feedback is mostly academically focused, frequent, and mostly high quality Feedback is frequently given during guided practice and homework review Feedback is sometimes given during guided practice and homework review Teacher circulates to prompt student thinking, assess each student’s progress, and provide individual feedback. The teacher circulates during instructional activities to support engagement, and monitor student work Feedback from students is regularly used to monitor and adjust instruction Feedback from students is sometimes used to monitor and adjust instruction. Teacher engages students in giving specific and high quality feedback to one another.
Salaries and bonuses tied to responsibilities, instructional performance and student achievement growth (value added). The teacher’s instructional performance Student achievement growth in his/her classroom Student achievement growth of the school (as a whole) Rounding out the TAP system is Performance-Based Compensation. TAP provides opportunities for every teacher. Yes, every teacher is eligible to earn bonuses based on three factors: The teacher’s instructional performance Student achievement growth a teacher makes in the classroom and Student achievement growth the school makes as a whole
What is Value-Added Achievement?
Value-added is student achievement growth measured over time. Value-added looks at growth, rather than a fixed attainment level. Value-added student achievement data looks at the amount a student is expected to grow, based on the student’s historical data, compared with similar schools/students across the state. Sue Now you may wonder how it’s fair to judge a teacher based on student achievement. We all know that students enter the classroom with various degrees of preparation and support. Is a teacher of children raised in poverty…or in homes where English isn’t the primary language…going to be penalized? The answer is no! TAP rightly recognizes that regardless of where a student starts out, every child has the potential to improve. That’s why TAP’s performance-based compensation is based on a demonstrated system of measurement called value added. “Value added” means that we look at where students start and where they end. Then we measure the impact (or “value”) of the teacher and school on their student achievement growth. The bottom line is that if students make a year’s worth of expected student achievement growth, their teachers are rewarded. And if schools as a whole make a year’s worth of growth, the faculty gets an additional bonus. This way, the staff is encouraged to work together to progress together. .
Performance-Based Compensation
Compensation is given for taking on increased responsibility and authority (e.g. salary augmentation for master and mentor positions.) Incentive awards are earned based on performance 50% Skills, Knowledge, and Responsibility 30% Classroom-level Value-Added Student Achievement Gains 20% School-level Value-Added Student Achievement Gains TAP Salary enhancements are all over and above traditional salary schedule. Set pool of money (e.g. $2,000 - $3,000 per teacher) determined by district/school is established. Teachers “pull” from that performance pay fund. Remind participants that although Performance-Based Compensation gets the most attention … the focus is always on the end result … student achievement and teacher proficiency. Discuss bullet points
For teacher in state testing subjects/grades
Individual Student Value-Added Achievement gains 30% School-Wide Student Teacher Skills, Knowledge, and Responsibilities 50% Determined by Evaluations Using TAP Rubrics and Responsibility Survey Determined by Approved Testing 20% 20% Every TAP school creates a performance award pool that is used to fund teacher bonuses. Teachers pull from the pool based on performance. For a teacher of a tested subject, her bonus is based on: 50% her teaching behavior on the rubric 20% her classroom achievement gain 30% the school achievement gain These performance awards are considered a one-time award. They must be earned yearly and are in addition to a teacher’s base salary. For a teacher in a non-state-tested subject, For teacher in state testing subjects/grades
For teacher in non-state-testing subjects/grades
School-Wide Student Value-Added Achievement 50% Teacher Skills, Knowledge, and Responsibilities Determined by Evaluations Using TAP Rubrics and Responsibility Survey Determined by Approved Testing For a teacher of a non-tested subject, her bonus is based on: 50% her teaching behavior on the rubric 50% the school achievement gained No one earns less than their base pay – everyone has the opportunity to earn more. For teacher in non-state-testing subjects/grades
It May Be Cliché, But … TAP is “greater than the sum of its parts.”
Seeing is believing. Vicky Each of the four elements is absolutely critical in order for TAP to maximize student achievement and teacher proficiency. However, TAP is much greater than the sum of its parts. Let’s take a look inside of one of our Louisiana TAP schools so that you can get a better idea of why TAP works so well… “At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done…. then they begin to hope that it can be done…then they begin to see it can be….
How does a school effectively implement TAP?
Leadership Meetings………Cluster Meetings……. Evaluations………..…Coaching……..….. …Hiring Master and Mentor Teachers…….. Looking at Data…….Selecting Strategies……. ……..Field Testing……………Assessment……………. Perhaps the most valuable resource/support we provide are our State Executive Master Teachers. These are individuals with experience in a TAP school and with a strong knowledge of and commitment to the program. These individuals visit schools regularly – probably about 80-90% of their time – and offer technical assistance, coaching, and modeling. These individuals also develop and lead the Master Teacher Networking meetings. If you become a TAP school, you will have a State Executive Master Teacher assigned to work with you.
Support is provided by NIET and the State
Training to implement TAP Elements of Success Site Visits by Executive Master Teachers to provide technical assistance and coaching to effectively implement TAP State Master Teacher Networking Meetings TAP Program Reviews Perhaps the most valuable resource/support we provide are our State Executive Master Teachers. These are individuals with experience in a TAP school and with a strong knowledge of and commitment to the program. These individuals visit schools regularly – probably about 80-90% of their time – and offer technical assistance, coaching, and modeling. These individuals also develop and lead the Master Teacher Networking meetings. If you become a TAP school, you will have a State Executive Master Teacher assigned to work with you.
Four Critical Elements for Success
What is the success, the results, in Louisiana?
Change in % of TAP Students Scoring Basic or Above from 2007 to 2008
Louisiana TAP-Results In 15 of the 16 state level assessments, Math and ELA scores in TAP Schools increased from Change in % of TAP Students Scoring Basic or Above from 2007 to 2008 Grade # of schools Test ELA Math 3 18 iLEAP + 0.4 + 1.5 4 19 LEAP + 6.3 - 1.7 5 + 4.3 + 5.3 6 17 +10.7 +14.7 7 15 + 1.0 + 7.7 8 14 + 4.9 + 7.0 9 + 6.6 +14.6 10 GEE + 8.4 +15.5 TAP in Louisiana Schools , Peggy Kirby
Louisiana TAP… Results
TAP Schools at least doubled the state gains in 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th grade ELA.
Louisiana TAP… Results
TAP Schools at least doubled the state gains in 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade math. then the whole wonders why…….
Achievement (Value Added) Growth
ACSA School G ACSA School H ACSA School K ACSA School Q ACSA School R ACSA School S ISheila n February, performance bonuses were handed out to teachers at six Algiers charter schools that realized or exceeded a year’s achievement growth. Now that’s progress! 1 Low Growth 2 3 One Year of Growth 4 5 High Growth As calculated by SAS-EVAAS for the State of Louisiana
Hazel Park Elementary 2009 TAP National Founder’s Award
Full and proficient implementation of all four TAP elements Proficient scores on TAP program reviews Achievement according to state or federal measures; and Top non-magnet elementary school in Jefferson Parish Vicky Trainer will frontload the information about Hazel Park stressing that schools like Forest Hill and Hazel Park that follow the model get great results! Show DVD – Hazel Park
Hazel Park Elementary Jefferson Parish 2009 TAP National Founder’s Award
72% free/reduced lunch SPS growth: 87.6 to 107.7 Vicky Trainer will frontload the information about Hazel Park stressing that schools like Forest Hill and Hazel Park that follow the model get great results! Show DVD – Hazel Park
How does a school become a TAP School?
Two Pathways TAP and Pre-TAP
Pre-TAP School – Year of learning about TAP in order to make decision about becoming a TAP School Site visits to existing TAP schools State workshops Faculty TAP Overview Presentation TAP School – Immediate entry into full implementation of TAP Faculty vote Recruiting/hiring of master/mentor teachers Summer trainings
This is what is being said about the TAP School visits: “The visit provided us with an excellent overview of Cluster Meetings. The teachers who attended utilized the modeling on problem solving and thinking the next day in their classrooms. Continued…
TAP Visits….. We learned more about funding TAP, using Benchmark Assessments, and the impact of quality teaching on student achievement. The TAP system drives everything and diminishes the need for outside intervention. We are thankful to all who participated in the discussions and visit.” Stewart Elementary, PreTAP
Financing TAP: What are the Costs?
Estimated to cost approximately $ per student annually – amount varies based on existing structures at the school site Funds are needed to Pay salary addendums to master/mentor teachers Provide performance awards Professional Development Expenses – materials, travel, substitutes Data management and analysis tools
Financing TAP: What are the Sources of Revenue?
Reallocation/redirection of existing funds Federal Funds – Title I, Title II, IDEA State Funds – 8(g) Local district operational budgets Foundations and private businesses ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) Race to the Top Stimulus Innovation Funds Teacher Incentive Funds Vicky
“At first, people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done…. then they begin to hope it can be done…. then they see it can be done – then the whole world wonders why it was not done a long time ago.” The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1911 Vicky
Have you begun to hope that TAP can be done
Have you begun to hope that TAP can be done? If so, then this year you will want to be a part of a group of teachers from your school that visits TAP schools to discover that it can be done!! And then you, too, will wonder why this wasn’t done before………. Vicky
Burning questions??? CONTACT INFORMATION Sheila Talamo TAP State Director or Vicky
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