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IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Data discovery, Cube acces: CGPS Archive browser F.Bonnarel,T.Boch,D.Durand (CDS, CADC)

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Presentation on theme: "IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Data discovery, Cube acces: CGPS Archive browser F.Bonnarel,T.Boch,D.Durand (CDS, CADC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Data discovery, Cube acces: CGPS Archive browser F.Bonnarel,T.Boch,D.Durand (CDS, CADC)

2 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Dataset Discovery In the VO, there are complex data or data which require different acces modes or views. –Eg : Data Cubes, –Echelle spectra (?), –IFU data as a collection of Spectra, –Images with Previews and access to associated catalog of sources, –etc…

3 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Dataset Discovery This was a strong motivation for some people in the VO to propose structuration in DAL protocols –AVO and CDS proposed and prototyped the IDHA interface still used in the Aladin server –Several groups (ESAC, CDS, in 2004 IVOA notes ) proposed a structuration of SIA Query response –ESAC and CDS posted an IVOA note on Extensions to SIA query response in 2005 (complex data access has been a strong motivation for that, several presentations at IVOA interop meetings)

4 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Generic Dataset Discovery Recently Doug Tody introduced the Generic DataSet Discovery concept taking into account this « one DataSet/Several Access and Views » requirement. –A Generic data set discovery is a DAL protocol (defining INPUT PARAMETERS and Query Response) for all Kind of data (simple and complex) –The query response includes curation metadata, characterization, and access reference to the Whole Dataset –In addition: Description of Several acces (or views) for a given Dataset wil be done in a second Table, using standard simple acces DAL protocols interfaces, supposed to include Image Generation Parameters for all access modes.

5 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Data Cubes in the VO (summary of recent DAL discussions) Assumption: Regurlaly sampled data cubes is an Image (full access relies on SIA, not on SSA) For large cubes there is a strong need for access to – global previews, –moment or segmentation maps, –2 D slices excerpt, 1 D extracted spectra, 1D or 2D projections on various directions, –Subcubes or resampled cubes of smaller size. Cubes are a Good testbed for Generic Dataset Discovery concept

6 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) CGPS Archive browser CGPS is a Radio Survey of the Galactic plane. It contains Radio continuum observations at several wavelengths and HI and CO lines 3D Radio Cubes The Archive is operated at CADC by D.Durand. It includes Access to the Radio observations and to Reprocessed Iras data for the FAR infrared. The CGPS Archive browser is an online service developped by CADC and CDS using Aladin and SIA + Extension query response description of the data. The prototype shown here adds an acces to 1D spectrum which is retrieved and visualized in SpecView.

7 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

8 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

9 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

10 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

11 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

12 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

13 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS)

14 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) CGPS AB: How does it work? Main data set description: standard SIA query response description of the cube and Images. Full Retrieval as standard SIA access method Extension RESOURCE contains several access and views descriptions RECORDS for each dataset with ad hoc templated URLS

15 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) CGPS AB: How does it work? Interface uses this information –to customize the « 2D Slicer » and « 1D spectrum position grabber » Windows, –to launch the appropriate request, –and to load the result in either Aladin, theWebBrowser, or SpecView

16 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Future plans Release this 1D spectrum facility in the online Browser (Specview or VOSPEC?) Other SIA + Extensions services implementations : –CFHTLS Archive Browser? –Replace the current IDHA interface in Aladin IVOA Dal protocols compatibility: –When available, replace the SIA description by main Generic Dataset Discovery Query response –Standardize the various access modes descriptions and Parameters according to IVOA DAL recommendations for SIA and SSA when available. See also our talk for a AccessAndViews DM (Friday morning)

17 IVOA Interop meeting 05/17/2006 Victoria F.Bonnarel (CDS) Acknowledgments The Archive Browser (and SIA + Extensions prototypes) benefited from discussions with –P.Osuna, J.Salgado, (ESAC) – M.Louys, P.Fernique, (Strasbourg) –A.Richards, (AstroGrid) –A.Micol (ECF) – L.Simard, JJ Kavelaars, (CADC) – Doug Tody, (NVO) – etc …

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