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KNR 273 Networking Client Advocacy Professional Advancement.

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Presentation on theme: "KNR 273 Networking Client Advocacy Professional Advancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNR 273 Networking Client Advocacy Professional Advancement

2 Networking Define networking In general In TR Benefits of networking

3 Professional Network Colleagues from school Professional organizations Conferences Electronic TR Directory RT blog MySpace Facebook ISU TR Alum

4 Client Advocacy What is client advocacy? What is self advocacy? Why is it important to teach clients to be self advocated? 5 point activity: Self advocacy websites Show where to find ID site Write a summary of each site Write how you might use this information

5 Professional Advancement Why do we have to advocate for our profession? How do we do this?

6 Professional Organizations ATRA Midyear meeting on the Hill Medicare project Marketing tool kit National Recreational Therapy Week (July) NCTRC Why Hire a CTRS Why Become a CTRS Profiles in Recreation Therapy IPRA Posters DVD

7 What we can do…. Wear your CTRS pin on your name badge Put your CTRS certificate in a frame and hang it in your office Host a TR week event at your facility Send your boss a letter for TR week Have a TR connected voice mail message Write a news release about your program Create a flyer, brochure or web page about your program/agency Write an article in the agency newsletter Make table tents

8 What we can do…. Speak at a local Lions or Rotary Club Contact your PTA to present on career day Have your mayor proclaim “National Therapeutic Recreation Week” Organize a disability awareness event Distribute handouts with leisure education activities to co- workers Write letters to the editor TR t-shirts, pins, balloons Others…… Be Creative!!!!

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