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Policy Research Standards Conference on Exchanging Skills and Best Practices between Arab Policy Organizations, Ismailia, May 15, 2013 by Goran Buldioski,

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Presentation on theme: "Policy Research Standards Conference on Exchanging Skills and Best Practices between Arab Policy Organizations, Ismailia, May 15, 2013 by Goran Buldioski,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy Research Standards Conference on Exchanging Skills and Best Practices between Arab Policy Organizations, Ismailia, May 15, 2013 by Goran Buldioski, Director of the Think Tank Fund

2 Workshop Goals and Outline Insert Arabic Here WS Goal: Introduce the foundations for quality policy- relevant research, present and discuss different approaches to choosing methods and quality control. Insert Arabic Here WS Outline: Exploring / Defining MethodsInsert Arabic Here Defining methodological strategy and quality control standardsInsert Arabic Here

3 Exploring / Defining Methods Insert Arabic Here What methods do you use in your policy research*? Insert Arabic Here * Only those who use research should respond.

4 Exploring / Defining Methods Insert Arabic Here Do you have a mechanism for quality control? If yes, what does it consists of? * Insert Arabic Here * Only those who use research should respond.

5 Defining methodological strategy and quality control standards Insert Arabic Here PRACTICAL EXERCISE - Split in six groups - Each member reads 2 pages of the Sample methodological and quality control strategy - Analyze the strategy in groups and write on a flip chart: 0 Strengths of this strategy (what did you like in it) 0 Weaknesses of this strategy (what you did not like) 0 What will you take home from this strategy (useful to share with your colleagues)?

6 Policy Research Standards – Concluding remarks Insert Arabic Here 0 For policy research organizations: the word you produce is key to your reputation 0 The quality standards shift with your audience: if you write in English – the quality of your writing should be at native speaker level and up to the quality standards of the English speaking readers 0 Never produce anything without per review 0 For most important papers, make sure you do an external peer review Insert Arabic translation here

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