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Applications in Registry Kevin Benson Paul Harrison

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1 Applications in Registry Kevin Benson Paul Harrison

2 Main Goal To have a new schema supporting Applications and the Services that run applications.

3 Small Definition The Common Execution Architecture (CEA) is an attempt to create a reasonably small set of interfaces and schema to model how to execute a typical Astronomical application within the Virtual Observatory (VO). Including command line and web services.

4 Not for Discussion This is about the metadata in the registry. We will not discuss the actual Service in detail see for that or check out GWS group later in the week. *Small comment on UWS.

5 In a NutShell What is CEA in the Registry? A set of schemas describing an application including all its parameters, default values, the type of application. (Associated with Resource). Essentially this is a Job Description Language to the service (Almost) A schema associated with a Service, that defines the applications that it can run.

6 Diagram Component/User Output (VOStore/http) CeaService CmdLine AppHttp App DBApp WebService App JDL

7 CeaService Nothing more than a small extension to the Service. It is a Service + ivo://org.astrogrid/Sextractor ivo://org.astrogrid/HyperZ But is this even really needed?

8 Parameter UML look

9 CeaApplication Parameters Extension of a Resource: Derived output catalogue The catalogue of images derived from the input images Gain detector gain in e- /ADU 0.0 ….

10 CeaApplication Interface The Interfrace part of ApplictionDefinition

11 Indirect All these parameters can be referenced indirectly (pass by reference) if desired. This is normally done by setting a indirect flag to true or false in the job description language for each parameter to the ceaservice. Current Majority of cases is on output being an identifier to a VOStore

12 Typical Model and Issue The Typical Model has as you know 1 CeaService that can run many applications. It is expected that you only have to define an application once in the registry. And multiple Services reference that application. This could be an issue? Solution: If there is going to be a Master Registry, this would be a good solution to use.

13 What's Next? CeaService schema – very little change expect to get a consensus on this. CeaApplication schema(s) – may produce more of a debate, but we need to come up with a consensus soon.

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