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Kia mau te Kaupapa Tupeka Kore mō ngā uri Māori!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Kia mau te Kaupapa Tupeka Kore mō ngā uri Māori!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kia mau te Kaupapa Tupeka Kore mō ngā uri Māori!!!

2 Inquiry

3  Smoke-free legislation – Smokefree Environments Act  All workplaces smokefree: bars, restaurants, clubs, schools etc. Tuariki Delamere Tukuroirangi Morgan

4 Hon Tariana Turia MP Associate Minister of Health (Tobacco) Māori Party Co-Leader

5 Hone Harawira MP Māori Party

6 Process...

7  2.5 years in development  Vision meeting with Hone Harawira 2007 (Mere Wilson, Gevana Dean, Skye Kimura, Mary McCulloch, Rebecca Ruwhiu-Collins, Marguerite McGuckin)  Royal Commission of Inquiry??  Identified Māori Affairs Select Committee  Mark Peck (former MP & Director of SFC)  Bypassed Health Select Committee  Cabinet approval (Turia to Key)

8  Whakaruruhau: Mere Wilson, Skye Kimura, Jeanine Tamati-Elliffe, Tipene Kenny, Boyd Broughton, Gevana Dean  Terms of Reference development  Industry focus  Submissions process: ◦ Written (Including international) ◦ oral  Partnerships: ◦ Iwi ◦ Sector: Māori/Non-Māori ◦ Wider community

9 The Press

10 Outcomes...


12 Eru George Chair Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Mark Solomon CEO Ngāi Tahu Ron Nepe CEO Te Rūnanga o Turanganui-a-Kiwa Taitokerau Taranaki Kahungunu Waikato/Tainui Manawhenua Mataatua


14 Dr Jeffrey Wigand ‘The Insider’

15 Graeme Amey BATNZ

16 Outcomes...

17  2025  Half prevalence rates by 2015  Legislate & regulate the tobacco industry out of the market  Mechanisms: ◦ Kaupapa Tupeka Kore ◦ Polluter pays ◦ Industry denormalisation campaign ◦ Product regulation (nicotine levels & additives) ◦ Enforcement (particularly of underage sales) ◦ Remove vending machines, retail displays ◦ Tax increases annually ◦ FCTC Article 5.3 – Curb industry interference ◦ Support for addiction (cessation services) & campaigns (health promotion)

18  2006: Smokefree Symposium  Key components: ◦ KAUPAPA ◦ TIKANGA  Control Iwi Māori settings via TIKANGA  Cultural behavioural response  How?  Iwi Tobacco Use Strategy  Iwi: Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai Tahu  Iwi: tobacco is a barrier to meeting Iwi aspirations  Influence on non-Iwi within the rohe

19  WAI844: Lodged in 2000. Funding for the elimination and reduction of smoking amongst Māori  Claimant: Whaea Bubbles Mihinui (Te Arawa)  Inquiry: Highlighted in submissions  MASC Report: Advancement of the claim  Plan: ◦ Urgent hearing required ◦ Funding used & managed autonomously from the Crown by Iwi, Māori Authorities etc  Compensation for the: ◦ loss of lives (5 decades – 30,000 Māori) and ◦ current disparities in funding of Māori specific campaigns, services and programmes

20 Where to from here..?


22  Advocacy: ◦ Assc Minister of Health – respond within 90 days ◦ ALL RECOMMENDATIONS – FULL PACKAGE ◦ Cascading legislative & regulatory development ◦ Policy change Govt and NGOs ◦ Gain cross-party support ◦ Full community involvement required

23 Just a question... “Where is the outrage?” CE Koop (Former US Surgeon General)




27  Direct Action is required – surely?  5000 attributable deaths – not enough?  600 Māori deaths – not enough?  No direct action against the Tobacco Industry – manufacturers to retailers.  Where is the Outrage? ◦ What dictates this current situation? ◦ Bystander-itis? ◦ Conservatism?


29 Rangatahi-Taiohi


31  Where is the: ◦ by rangatahi/youth for rangatahi/youth response ◦ Youth led – adult guided  Require Māori specific: ◦ National programme:  Rangatahi ownership  Direct action  Training – advocacy, media, direct action ◦ Multi-media campaign:  Social media  TV  Radio  Iwi

32 A B C or A E I O U?

33  Māori framework for brief intervention  Symbiotic, mutual, balanced, reflects reality of Māori cessation service (AKP)  Wero: Challenge – halve prevalence/ consumption rates by 2015  Karanga: Mihi  Kōrero: Awhi Mai-Awhi Atu  Koha

34 He whakaaro...

35  Journal observation: ◦ Observation from 1700s ◦ Communication from afar ◦ Finger(s) to nose  Smokers: ◦ Hongi ◦ Te Ha  Public health applications: ◦ Large hui ◦ Illness e.g. Colds, flu (H1N1, SARS)

36 Regime Change Futurist perspective

37  Direct Iwi to Crown discourse (Te Tiriti o Waitangi)  Iwi Leaders Forum (?), individual Iwi/Hapū to engage  Ability to negotiate directly with the Crown – resourcing of Māori needs  All policy development, funding, legislative/ regulatory functions to have direct Iwi engagement at Ministerial, Director-General and CEO level  Policy change, funding transferred from Govt to Iwi for distribution to Māori community

38 Ngahiwi Tomoana Chair of NKII

39  Development of a separate Hauora Kaupapa Māori framework that removes Government control over “Māori health”  Based on: Kura Kaupapa, Kohanga Reo Movements  Framework already in development by highly esteemed Māori leaders from Justice, Environment, Education, Philosophy, Tikanga backgrounds  2011

40 Resistance truly is a tradition... M: 0274 728 448 E:

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