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1 VOEventNet By Matthew J. Graham (Caltech)

2 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 What is VOEventNet? Real-time astronomy with a rapid-response telescope grid A peer-to-peer cyberinfrastructure to enable rapid and federated observations of the dynamic night sky A network of telescopes and computers working synergistically, under the watchful eye of humans, to find and study interesting astronomical events A transportation of events to interested subscribers, automatically in seconds or minutes after discovery

3 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 What is VOEventNet? $600k 3 year NSF-funded project under the DDDAS (Dynamic Data- Driven Applications Systems) initiative involving Caltech, UC Berkeley and LANL Personnel: ^ really Roy Williams (PI) Joshua Bloom George Djorgovski Shri Kulkarni Thomas Vestrand Matthew Graham Ashish Mahabal Andrew Drake Derek Fox Przemek Wozniak

4 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Synthesis Engine Pairitel Raptor PQ next-day pipelines catalog Palomar-Quest known variables known asteroids SDSS 2MASS PQ Event Factory remote archives baseline sky eStar VOEventNet GRB satellites VOEvent database Palomar 60 Architecture

5 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Palomar-Quest Survey Synoptic sky survey using the 48 Palomar Samuel Oschin Schmidt telescope and the 112-CCD, 161-Megapixel Quest II camera Collaboration between Caltech, Yale/Indiana U., NCSA, and JPL; et al. VO compliance/standards built in from the start Two modes: drift scan with UBRI/rizz or multiple repeated snapshots in one filter ~70GB of data/night 15000 deg 2 observed a minimum of 8 times with baselines minutes to years

6 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 A 152 ft 20 ft mural produced for Griffith Observatory from PQ survey BRI images A swath of 15.2 2.0 swath through the center of the Virgo cluster, sampled at 0.4 arcsec/pixel, giving a 136,800 18,000 pixel image Computed at CACR using HyperAtlas and a custom data cleaning pipeline Reproduced on 114 steel-backed porcellain plates, expected to last many decades Will be seen by millions of visitors Associated website will include NVO outreach Real PQ data: The Big Picture

7 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 The Big Picture: detail

8 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 The Big Picture: Tile C12 (M87) Zoom-in The Big Picture: more detail

9 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Transients in the Big Picture Tile b07 740 Cantabia

10 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Synthesis Engine Pairitel Raptor PQ next-day pipelines catalog Palomar-Quest known variables known asteroids SDSS 2MASS PQ Event Factory remote archives baseline sky eStar VOEventNet GRB satellites VOEvent database Palomar 60 Architecture

11 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Palomar-Quest Event Factory Real-time pipeline to process raw data streaming from telescope: Remove detector signatures including glitches masquerading as transient events: meteors, airplanes, glints from satellites and junk, etc. Apply basic photometric and astrometric calibration Extract detected sources and measure attributes Compare with baseline data (catalogs/images) to identify new, transient or highly variable sources Compare with dbs of known variables, asteroids, etc.

12 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Synthesis Engine Pairitel Raptor PQ next-day pipelines catalog Palomar-Quest known variables known asteroids SDSS 2MASS PQ Event Factory remote archives baseline sky eStar VOEventNet GRB satellites VOEvent database Palomar 60 Architecture

13 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Synthesis Engine New input arrives from PQ/elsewhere: Establish event portfolio to archive and federate all subsequent data and analysis Send initial event notification to subscribers Launch query against external dbs via NVO Classify and prioritize: Evaluate likelihood probabilities of event being associated with possible astrophysical sources using machine learning techniques (Thinking Telescope) Evaluate urgency of desired follow-up Send out VOEvent

14 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Synthesis Engine Pairitel Raptor PQ next-day pipelines catalog Palomar-Quest known variables known asteroids SDSS 2MASS PQ Event Factory remote archives baseline sky eStar VOEventNet GRB satellites VOEvent database Palomar 60 Architecture

15 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 VOEventNet Communication Fabric Author Publisher (aggregator): Stores packet and assigns identifier Distributes to subscribers based on pre-defined criteria using one-way web services Two dbs - Caltech for PQ and Los Alamos for Raptor - harvest each other Subscriber: Gets event from publisher, evaluates it and causes scheduling in telescope observing queue or an archive search

16 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Event Cycling An event can be injected back into the same decision/classification engine that published it but supplemented with data from elsewhere Events dynamically cycle through follow-up observation and computation (no humans in loop) with subscribers make judgments and adding value until convergence

17 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Robotic Telescopes RAPTOR Stereoscopic sky monitoring with follow- up fovea telescope PAIRITEL Meter-class IR follow-up P60 Principal follow-up facility for PQ Events eSTAR

18 VOEvent II 6 December 2005 Timeline Year one - proof-of-concept system consisting of: Source of VOEvents A VOEvent store Basic event discriminator Robotic telescopic capable of responding to VOEvent: P60 and Pairitel Year two - prototype system Year three - production system

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