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Environmental Problems Foundations of Science Natural Cause: The universe behaves in a predictable way under “rules” that can be determined through observation.

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2 Environmental Problems

3 Foundations of Science Natural Cause: The universe behaves in a predictable way under “rules” that can be determined through observation and experimentation. Uniformity: The “rules” are constant through space and time.

4 Foundations of Science Parsimony: All other things being equal, the simplest explanation is the best. Efficient Cause cause & effect Objective

5 Scientific “Method” Observation Question Hypothesize Test & Observe Publish Repeat (as necessary) Theorize Publish Repeat (as necessary)

6 Environmental Science interdisciplinary a way of looking at things scientific (& objective) interconnected systems human impact vs naturally occurring attempt to assign “responsibility”

7 What is the Environment? definitions circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community for humans - our home - well suited to our existence natural world plants animals earth air water “man-made” sociological scientific technological

8 “Tragedy of the Commons” common property usually owned by all (or the government) examples air water “air waves” public land commons are subject to poor use open, unregulated access benefits of use are focused costs are widely distributed

9 Common Property must be carefully managed may privatize cost of use & effects internalization of costs laws and taxes commons (difficult) sale of public land sale of right to use

10 Global Climate Change Earth’s climate has been changing for over 4.5 billion years wide scale of variability causes of variability Sun physical Earth life

11 Research Priorities What is the scale of the current change? What are the causes of the current warming? What are the effects of human activity?

12 Tools to Study Global Change geologic record historical record real time observation mathematical modeling

13 Energy Balance almost all energy ultimately from sun earth’s energy cycle incoming energy reflected 30% absorbed 70% (visible & IR) outgoing energy emitted as IR (as much energy as received) Earth warmed by energy between absorption and emission energy circulated by air and water movement

14 Earth’s Temperature atmospheric retention of heat “greenhouse effect” H 2 O vapor, CO 2, CH 4, CFC’s released by natural & human processes

15 Earth’s Temperature historically over last billion years: warmer with ice ages current ice age 2MYA to present: cooler with “interglacials” last glacial advance ended 10,000 yrs ago generally warming since warming rapidly in last 150 years

16 Earth’s Temperature CO 2 changes currently: 0.03% of atmosphere recent highs “interglacial periods” 125K yrs ago and now releasing stored CO 2 from rocks & plants natural humans current increase started in 1800's other “greenhouse” gasses human’s have increased release rate

17 Potential Effects of Global Warming local climate change more rain more violent storms sea level rise change in ocean circulation complex response

18 Current Research On-line ge1/current/lectures/samson/climate_patterns/ ate?OpenDocument

19 More research and advocacy on-line American Petroleum Institute: industry site Natural Resources Defense Council: environmental organization Global Warming Information Page: “astroturf” site (no direct supporters listed) Global Warming Early Warning Signs: “environmentalist” site (supporters listed) the Global Simulation Workshop commercial “environmentalist” site

20 worldwide use of energy overall oil - 36% coal - 26% natural gas - 23% nuclear - 7% biomass – 6% hydro - 2% geothermal & wind - 1% U.S. consumes ¼ of worlds energy

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