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Slide #1 June 25 th to June 30 th 2010 San Antonio Convention Presented by……

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1 Slide #1 June 25 th to June 30 th 2010 San Antonio Convention Presented by……

2 Slide #2 Friday June 25th District 4 Meeting Dues explanation for past biennium: o 2008-2009 ZI requested a voluntary dues payment of $15. o 40% of members paid o 2009-10 ZI dues increased $15 to $65US (June 1, 2009) o 2010-2011 Clubs paid $65US plus $3 ins to ZI (June 1, 2010) o Proposed at this convention to increase another $15 to $80US plus $3 liability insurance effective June 1, 2011

3 Slide #3 Old Gov and New Gov

4 Slide #4 Attendees from District 4

5 Slide #5 Saturday- Opening Ceremony

6 Slide #6 Evening at the Knibbe Ranch

7 Slide #7 Evening at the Knibbe Ranch

8 Slide #8 Sunday- Memorial Service Second Line Jazz Procession

9 Slide #9 Monday Results of the election New Executive for ZI and ZIF ZI PresidentDianne Curtis (US) ZI Pres ElectLynn McKenzie (NZ) ZI Vice PresMaria Jose Landeira Oestergaard (Dk) Treasurer/SecEllen Karo (US)

10 Slide #10 Monday Election Results 4 New International Directors Susanne von Bassewitz (Germany) Jacqueline M. Beaudry (USA) Ki-kuko Hara (Japan) Kathleen Douglass (Canada)

11 Slide #11 Newly Elected ZI/ZIF Board

12 Slide #12 Bylaw Highlights Membership: Article XIV continues to state that to be invited to membership, a candidate shall be actively engaged in or have experience in a recognized business or profession in a decision making capacity. Governor: The word “District” has been eliminated before the word Governor in the list of district officers. No other level of Zonta has a Governor.

13 Slide #13 Bylaw Highlights cont’d Committees: There shall be an Organization, Membership and Classification Committee, a Service Committee, a Legislative Awareness and Advocacy Committee and such other committees as the club board may authorize to achieve biennium goals. Resolution: Daily Convention Fee: It will now be possible for non-delegate Zontians and guests to register for a single day of the convention.

14 Slide #14 Dues Increase Delegates approved a $15 dues increase starting in 2011. The increase is needed for severalreasons including: Membership number decrease of over 1200 since 2004 Bank interest rates historically low Rose fund paying operating expenses instead of going to service Only 40% of members gave voluntary $15 dues in 2008 Only 10% of members give personal contribution to ZIF, although 80% of clubs do Funds have to be taken from reserves, leaving them dangerously low Some of the ways Zonta International cut costs are: Amalgamated ZI and ZIF Boards Consolidated accounting for ZI and ZIF Outsourced accounting so we pay only when used Negotiations with service providers Three instead of four Zontian magazine publications Staff losses from ZI were not replaced until absolute need was shown

15 Slide #15 Evening Activities Dinner Cruise on the Riverwalk

16 Slide #16 Tuesday business meeting Inspiring Talks from Angeline De Chiara (YWPA) Lauren Howard (Klausman) Dr Caroline Rickards (AE Fellow) Overview of International Service Projects

17 Slide #17 Wednesday Business Meeting 2010- 2012 Biennial Goals Full details available in latest Zontian magazine and on The ZI website Fundraising goals International Service projects$1,500,000 ZISVAW 630,000 Rose fund 650,000 Amelia Earhart 700,000 Jane Klausman 184,000 Young Women in Public Affairs 94,000 TOTAL $3,758,000

18 Slide #18 Closing Banquet and Induction of new Officers

19 Slide #19 Passing the Gavel

20 Slide #20 NEXT CONVENTION Join us in TURIN Italy July 2012

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