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30-31 March 2005 Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 1 TISPAN_NGN Project plan Martin Niekus Alain Sultan

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Presentation on theme: "30-31 March 2005 Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 1 TISPAN_NGN Project plan Martin Niekus Alain Sultan"— Presentation transcript:

1 30-31 March 2005 Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 1 TISPAN_NGN Project plan Martin Niekus Alain Sultan

2 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 2 Agenda 1.Approval of agenda and Documents 2.Workshop objectives 3.NGN (Release 1) Architecture status 4.IMS Architecture and R6 & R7 status 5.Review of the NGN-IMS issues & status 6.Fixed Access to IMS issues/discussion 7.Backbone issues/Interco schemes 8.Session Border Controllers concept 9.Current activities and work plan 10.Next steps/Future cooperation 11.Any other issue 12.Wrap-up/closure

3 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 3 Introduction of a Work Plan in TISPAN Using the same methodology as in 3GPP, a Work Plan is about to be introduced in TISPAN in order to:  Provide a top-down view of the system being defined by TISPAN  Identify, dispatch and coordinate the work between all TISPAN Working Groups  Keep track of all the progress being done in the different Working Groups so that global decisions can be taken, e.g. freezing date and content of each TISPAN NGN Release  Identify risks of delay and dependencies between tasks, and from external bodies (e.g. 3GPP)  Collect the information on all past and present work, thus providing a tool to retrieve all past achievements

4 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 4 Introduction of Work Plan in TISPAN Commonalities between TISPAN and 3GPP Work Plans:  The master is in MS Project and output copies are provided in different formats (mainly PDF and Excel)  Two ways of interactions are needed:  TISPAN to Work Plan: the WG chairs and rapporteurs provide periodic updates to ETSI to maintain the WP (level of completion, new tasks, etc)  Work Plan to TISPAN: At WG level: ETSI provides clear view of the items to be progressed by each WG At plenary level: a summary of the overall progress (possibly via a slide show) in presented to the plenary Differences between TISPAN and 3GPP Work Plans:  3GPP Work Plan lists all the (independent) 3GPP Rel-6 and 7 Features whereas TISPAN Work Plan lists all the necessary modules needed to define the TISPAN Rel-1 system

5 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 5 TISPAN Approach to Work Planning  The classical Stages 1/2/3 approach (ITU I.130 methodology) is supposed to be adopted with same “flexibility” as in 3GPP, i.e. Stage 2 can be started even before “deep freeze” of Stage 1 and the same applies between Stage 3 and 2  Stage 1:  The first step is to complete the overall stage 1 document, DTR/TISPAN- 01025-NGN-R1, identifying clearly the TISPAN-specific stage 1 requirements  Stage 2:  The second step is to complete the overall stage 2 document, DES/TISPAN-02007-NGN-R1.  As a result of WI 02007, the work is dispatched to the different Working Groups, allowing them to work in parallel to define the detailed specifications of the network parts  Stage 2 documentation should clearly reflect which subsystems and protocols are specific to TISPAN and which ones are re-used from external bodies, in particular 3GPP.  Finally, once the big lines are clear, then detailed Stage 2 and the Stage 3 work can be progressed in parallel. Designed to support the cooperation with 3GPP

6 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 6 Content of the proposed first draft of the TISPAN Work Plan  As TISPAN work is already well advanced, the Work Plan goes one step further, i.e. it allocates tasks to:  Define each identified subsystems (i.e. NAS, RACS, IMS, PES, Transport and Terminal aspects) and inter- subsystems aspects  Define the different transverse aspects (i.e. Applications, Security, OAM, Codec, Testing)  Define miscellaneous and study items, grouped into “Background” and “specific issues”, like “terminology”, “strategy”, “QoS”, “capabilities”, etc.

7 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 7 Top view of the proposed Work Plan

8 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 8 Dates and milestones  High-level Rel-1 work item approval planning:  TISPAN#6: Requirements, High-level architecture, Immediate messaging, Early simulation services, Early protocols, Enum privacy.  TISPAN#7: Detailed architecture (NASS, RACS), Additional simulation services, Security overview, Congestion control.  TISPAN#8: WLAN, SIP & SDP,, Security risk analysis and architecture, Multimedia QoS, PSTN/ISDN Emulation, NGN user data.  TISPAN#9: Single sign-on, Cut-off load for R1 (To be confirmed)

9 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 9 Next steps for TISPAN Work Plan  The initial “draft” work plan will be presented and reviewed at TISPAN#6 so that the following refinements are included  The deliverables associated to each task need to be reviewed.  The protocols, presently listed together in a “protocols” place holder task, need to be dispatched to the different tasks.  The exact timing of freezing each Stage should be agreed.  The Work plan will be progressed in the next TISPAN steering group call

10 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 10 Preliminary draft (1/4)  Annex: Preliminary draft

11 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 11 Preliminary draft (2/4)

12 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 12 Preliminary draft (3/4)

13 30-31 March 2005Workshop "IMS over Fixed Access" - Washington 13 Preliminary draft (4/4)

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