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“Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Cranbrook Stake Provident Living Committee Presentation #1: Six Month Preparedness Plan (September to March 2011)

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Presentation on theme: "“Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Cranbrook Stake Provident Living Committee Presentation #1: Six Month Preparedness Plan (September to March 2011)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Cranbrook Stake Provident Living Committee Presentation #1: Six Month Preparedness Plan (September to March 2011)

2 2 The Lord Commanded His Ancient Prophets For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him.. Genesis 7: 4,5 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119

3 3 And it came to pass that on the morrow, after we had prepared all things, much fruits and meat from the wilderness, and honey in abundance, and provisions according to that which the Lord had commanded us, we did go down into the ship, with all our loading and our seeds, and whatsoever thing we had brought with us... 1Nephi 18:6 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 The Lord Commanded His Ancient Prophets

4 4 Joseph, who was sold into Egypt, was inspired by the Lord to prepare the Pharaoh’s people for seven years of drought and famine. Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 The Lord Commanded His Ancient Prophets

5 5 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Noah was commanded to build an arc. His obedience saved his family and many animals. The Lord Commanded His Ancient Prophets

6 6 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Latter Day Prophets Have Spoken

7 7 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Latter Day Prophets Have Spoken "The best place to have some food set aside is within our homes.... "We can begin ever so modestly. We can begin with a one week's food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months.... I fear that so many feel that a long- term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all. "Begin in a small way,... and gradually build toward a reasonable objective." President Gordon B. Hinckley, “To Men of the Priesthood,," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2002, 58.,

8 8 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Today’s Prophet Has Spoken "Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had their year's supply of food... and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have at least a year's supply of debt and are food-free." "That Noble Gift—Love at Home," Church News, May 12, 2001, 7.

9 9 "We encourage Church members worldwide to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings. "We ask that you be wise as you store food and water and build your savings. Do not go to extremes; it is not prudent, for example, to go into debt to establish your food storage all at once. With careful planning, you can, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve." The First Presidency, All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Home Storage,, 1 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Today’s Prophet Has Spoken

10 10 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Some Failed to Obey Due to the “Easiness of the Way” O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever. Alma 37:46

11 11 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Recent News Headlines… (Views shown are not those of the Church)

12 12 Blackout Blizzard Drought Earthquake Flood Hazardous materials & spills Hurricane Industrial accident Infectious disease outbreak Landslide/avalanche Ice storm Terrorism Loss of income Disability Emergencies Can Happen Anytime Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Tornado Transportation accident Wildfire

13 13 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 How Are You Doing?

14 14 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 Six Month Preparedness Plan (July ~ December 2008) 1.Each family to have 3 month regular food supply on hand. 2.Each family to have 2 weeks drinking water. 3.Each family to have a 72-hour kit and an emergency plan. 4.Each family to have a financial reserve. 5.Each family to be actively working on a long term supply of staples.

15 15 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 1. Each family to have 3 month regular food supply on hand. Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week… …then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage. (

16 16 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 2. Each family to have 2 weeks drinking water. Encourage our members to regularly put into their home storage…some water that is safe to drink. Bishop Keith B. McMullin, “Lay Up in Store”, April 2007

17 17 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 3. Each family to have a 72-hour kit and an emergency plan.

18 18 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 4. Each family to have a financial reserve. Establish a financial reserve by saving a little money each week and gradually increasing it to a reasonable amount. (

19 19 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 5. Each family to be actively working on a long term supply of staples Over time they can expand these modest efforts into a longer-term supply by adding such essentials as grains, legumes, and other staples that will keep them alive in case they do not have anything else to eat. Bishop Keith B. McMullin, “Lay Up in Store”, April 2007

20 20 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 5. Each family to be actively working on a long term supply of staples For longer-term needs…gradually build a supply of food that will last a long time and that you can use to stay alive, such as wheat, white rice, and beans. These items can last 30 years or more when properly packaged and stored in a cool, dry place. A portion of these items may be rotated in your three-month supply. (

21 21 Cranbrook Stake “Prepare Every Needful Thing” D&C 88:119 The Provident Living Committee will help you “prepare every needful thing” through: presentations after Sacrament Meetings displays in Church buildings hand-outs and emails classes and activities information about where to purchase long term food storage items ideas about how to use and rotate your long term food storage items placing reference books in meeting house Materials Centers.

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