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Building Student Independence 1. Description This learning option will focus on key strategies for facilitating student independence. Participants will.

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1 Building Student Independence 1

2 Description This learning option will focus on key strategies for facilitating student independence. Participants will examine the significance of student, the role of the education assistant in building student independence, as well as effective practices and strategies that support the development of student independence. 2

3 Outcomes 1. to understand what is meant by student independence 2. To realize best practices for supporting student independence 3. To examine how education assistants impact a student’s learning, membership and participation 4. To identify and apply select instructional strategies that support the development of student independence 3

4 Getting Connected 4

5 Activity: Word Splash 5

6 Social – ecological model of disability 6

7 Definition of disability Old ApproachNew Paradigm a diagnosis a medical “problem” a person is limited and defined by the impairment or condition a social and environmental issues that deals with accessibility, accommodations and equity individuals require accommodations to live full and meaningful lives 7

8 Role of person with disability Old ApproachNew Paradigm object of intervention patient or client research subject learner, community member and citizen occupy many roles: researcher, interviewer, home owner, parent, business person, room- mate, employee, artist, customer, volunteer, board member … 8

9 Support Strategies Old ApproachNew Paradigm fix the individual correct the deficit within the individual provide medical, vocational or psychological rehabilitation services remove barriers: physical, cognitive, cultural and educational create access through accommodations, universal design, inclusive learning environments personalized supports and strategies 9

10 10 3 Outcomes for all Students in Inclusive Education Knowledge / Skills Member- ship Relation- ships

11 Student Independence O Freedom from the influence or control of others O Completing a task without undo assistance O Using resources to meet personal needs O Self-help (advocacy, management) O Making appropriate choices and decisions O Being able to say “I can do it myself.” 11

12 Student Independence Students need “a supportive environment to function successfully in school – and later in the workplace. A supportive environment enables them to capitalize on their strengths and minimize or cope effectively with their weaknesses” (Larkin, 2001). 12

13 Student independence O Builds self esteem O Motivates a student to achieve O Gives student a sense of purpose O Facilitates social acceptance O Reduces stereotypic labels O Allows educators to focus on instruction 13

14 Student independence O Use of a planner to write down assignments O Use of adaptive or assistive devices O Use of images to guide task completion O What else? 14

15 Student Independence Educator role: O Build own knowledge about strategies O Help only when student cannot do it themselves O Intentionally support O Build independence throughout the day 15

16 Activity: The Golden Rule 1. Read article 2. Complete reading response sheet. 3. Discuss as a large group. 16

17 ~Word Splash~ 17

18 Leading Questions 18 1. Watch video. 2. Discuss as a large group. 3. Fill in activity sheet.

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