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Published byMarian Mosley Modified over 9 years ago
1 NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE Creating a DHP UES Measure Ecotope, Inc. July 16, 2013
2 Agenda Introduction Overview Study populations Simulation Calibration SEEM thermostat settings Savings Analysis Input Assumptions Savings Estimates Discussion
3 Introduction
4 Overview / Review Key findings presented to RTF at 21 May 2013 meetingpresented to RTF at 21 May 2013 Technical Potential: Measure targets ER zonal houses only RBSA reports 388,847 ER zonal houses across PNW Estimate 3,000 kWh/yr Technical Potential ≈ 133 MWa
5 Data Sources & Study Populations
6 3 Main Populations and Data Sources: RBSA Single Family Houses (n ≈ 1,400) Only 170 houses with zonal electric resistance heat as primary heating source DHP Pilot Study Billing Analysis (n ≈ 4,000) DHP Metered Group Houses (n = 95) A subset of the full pilot billing analysis
7 Populations Compared Compare Populations All populations screened to exclude supplemental fuels 90% confidence interval RBSA regionally representative DHP Pilot skewed to Zone 1 DHP Metered skewed to Zones 2 and 3 Study Population ER Heating Energy Use kWh/yr EB kWh/yr Floor Area ft² UA Btu/hr-F Area Normalized Heating Energy kWh/ft²n RBSA897778315685835.7170 DHP Pilot Study79071341533???5.22294 DHP Metered Group942266916105145.993
8 Populations Compared Heating energy use divided by conditioned floor area (heating EUI) across zones and populations Conclusion: Use RBSA characteristics Statistically relevant across entire region Baseline energy use in line with DHP studies More detailed characteristics Study Population Heating Zone 1 Energy Use kWh/ft² Heating Zone 2 Energy Use kWh/ft² Heating Zone 3 Energy Use kWh/ft² RBSA5.3 (n=136)7.1 (n=25)6.3 (n=9) DHP Pilot Study5.2 (n=2096)7.3 (n=122)6.4 (n=76) DHP Metered Group5.9 (n=51)6.7 (n=32)6.0 (n=10)
9 Calibrating Thermostat Settings in SEEM
10 Thermostat Settings Two Options (1)Use calibrated (from RBSA dataset) ER settings for both baseline and DHP simulations: (Note: these are for houses with good insulation levels) (2) Use calibrated (from RBSA dataset) ER settings for baseline and different DHP settings: Calculate thermostat adjustment (“takeback”) from metering data Heating Zone ER Daytime Set Point DHP Daytime Set Point 1 66.9 F 2 64.8 F 3 61.5 F 9hr night time setback: 4.8 F Heating Zone ER Daytime Set Point DHP Daytime Set Point 1 66.9 F ??? 2 64.8 F ??? 3 61.5 F ??? 9hr night time setback: 4.8 F ER, ??? DHP
11 Thermostat Calibration Targets: Energy use calibration targets from the metered group Billing analysis provides heating energy estimate for pre-DHP installation period Meters record direct heating energy use for post-DHP installation period Simulation Results: SEEM matches the targets if certain thermostat settings used Time PeriodSource Heating Energy Use (kWh/yr) Mean and SDN Pre-DHP Installation Target Billing Data9347389291 SEEM Output9357411191 Post-DHP Installation Target Metered Data6484389491 SEEM Output6468323491
12 Calibration Method Approach Create individual simulations for each house Set points vary by heating zone, HVAC type, and house insulation levels In a similar way to RBSA calibration at 21 May 2013 meeting.RBSA calibration at 21 May 2013 meeting Calibrate settings to metered data by varying the thermostat 95 SEEM Simulations – one for each house T-stat settings Iterate until simulation output matches targets
13 Calibration Outcomes & Observations Outcome The metered 95 dataset suggest using the following T-stat settings: Observations ER-only houses needed higher set points than those from RBSA calibrated dataset to match targets DHP houses needed a different (higher) set point than the ER baseline houses to match the metered energy use target Heating SystemElectric Resistance Zonal OnlyDHP Ceiling / Wall InsulationGood Ceiling or WallPoor Ceiling or WallGood Ceiling or WallPoor Ceiling or Wall Floor InsulationGood FloorPoor FloorGood FloorPoor FloorGood FloorPoor FloorGood FloorPoor Floor HZ HZ 267.064.661.858.569.266.464.361.7 HZ 363.760.959.555.566.663.360.858.8
14 Translation to General Housing Population Simulate ER zonal baseline with set points from RBSA calibration These are not the set points that came out of the calibration of the DHP95 metered houses. That population and the RBSA “general” population differ enough to suggest different Tstat calibrations. We opt to use the RBSA source because it better represents the broader population. RBSA SEEM calibration for ER zonal heat with good wall/ceiling/floor insulation: Simulate DHP houses using a changed (increased) set point equal to the delta found from the DHP95 dataset What is the set point delta? How much is the takeback? Heating Zone ER Daytime Set Point 1 66.9 F 2 64.8 F 3 61.5 F 9hr night time setback: 4.8 F
15 Calculating Takeback Takeback for Good Ceiling/Wall/Floor Case Subtract Electric Resistance Zonal set point from DHP set point Heating ZoneTakeback HZ 1 0.8 F 1.2 F HZ 2 2.2 F1.8 F2.5 F3.2 F HZ 3 2.9 F2.4 F1.3 F3.3 F Heating SystemElectric Resistance Zonal Only Ceiling / Wall InsulationGood Ceiling or WallPoor Ceiling or Wall Floor InsulationGood FloorPoor FloorGood FloorPoor Floor HZ HZ 267.064.661.858.5 HZ 363.760.959.555.5 Heating SystemDHP Ceiling / Wall InsulationGood Ceiling or WallPoor Ceiling or Wall Floor InsulationGood FloorPoor FloorGood FloorPoor Floor HZ 169.967.866.164.1 HZ 269.266.464.361.7 HZ 366.663.360.858.8
16 Thermostat Settings with Takeback Start with RBSA-derived ER zonal set points for baseline. Then add takeback to produce DHP set points. 9hr night time setback: ER 4.8 F, DHP 4.3 F ER Daytime Set Point 66.9 F 64.8 F 61.5 F DHP Daytime Set Point 67.7 F 67.0 F 64.4 F Takeback 0.8 F 2.2 F 2.9 F Heating Zone 1 2 3
17 Thermostat Settings: Conclusion Two Options (1) Settings for both baseline and DHP (2) Settings for baseline and takeback for DHP Heating Zone ER Daytime Set Point DHP Daytime Set Point 1 66.9 F 2 64.8 F 3 61.5 F 9hr night time setback: 4.8 F Heating Zone ER Daytime Set Point DHP Daytime Set Point 1 66.9 F67.7 F 2 64.8 F67.0 F 3 61.5 F64.4 F 9hr night time setback: ER 4.8 F, DHP 4.3 F
18 Simulation Inputs: Prototype Sizes & Insulation Levels
19 Prototypical House Matched to RBSA RBSA House Prototype Summary Process Use RTF prototypes to make RBSA bins Subset RBSA Database Single-family homes with electric primary heat only Categorize Categorize floor area: large/small Merge in foundation types Merge in climates Summary by Sample Use survey weights to calculate proportions of each foundation/size combo by climate
20 Prototypical House – Distribution RBSA Prototype Summary Floor area - different study groups: RBSA Zonal Electric Resistance:1568 ft 2 DHP Pilot Study:1533 ft 2 DHP Metered Group:1610 ft 2 PrototypeHZ1CZ-HZ2CZ-HZ3CZ-ALLOccupants 1344c77.2%52.5%6.1%68.4%2.45 1344s7.7%21.6%0.0%9.6%2.71 2200c6.2%2.2%19.3%6.4%2.94 2200s0.5%2.3%19.3%2.0%2.63 2688b8.4%21.5%55.4%13.6%2.91 Overall ft 2 :15141671241915982.67 (categorical data) (continuous data)
21 Prototypical House – Insulation Levels RBSA U-Value Summary Process Subset for single-family homes with electric zonal primary heat RBSA gives current conditions RBSA Database R-value and characteristics from surveyor Database has assigned U- value Summary by Site Find area- weighted average U- value by site for each component of interest Summary by Sample Use survey weights to find average component U- value for region
22 What the book says Guidelines for the Estimation of RTF Savings, 16 April 2013 Guidelines for the Estimation of RTF Savings, 16 April 2013 Interactions between Measures In many cases, the savings of one measure depends on whether another measure is present…. The UES for each measure should be computed under the assumption that all other measures it significantly interacts with are already implemented. Interaction is significant if the RTF determines that it is likely to account for more than 10% of the measure savings. The other measures assumed to be present should be consistent with expected typical conditions at the end of the measure’s effective useful life. This “last-in” requirement may create a downward bias in the short-term savings estimate for a measure. An alternative estimate of UES may be prepared using different assumptions about what other measures have already been implemented. If an alternative is developed, both UES estimates must be presented to the RTF along with the justification for which should be used. The measure’s sunset date may be based on the rate of implementation for the other interactive measures.
23 Prototypical House – Insulation Levels Insulation Levels Now vs Later Current conditions found from RBSA Cost Effective Limit (CEL) for “last-in” Assume all homes fully weatherized by end of measure (85% achievable) From RBSA, some homes already at or above goal Homes near goal not cost effective Forecast is somewhere between? 25% in 15 years?
24 Prototypical House – Insulation Levels Calculate new CEL from RBSA Database Each component assigned insulation levels Apply the following logic to data Incorporate 85% achievable rate Re-summarize ComponentIf ≤Upgrade AtticR-19R-38 FloorR-16R-30 WallUninsulatedR-11 Infiltration9 ACH 50 7 ACH 50
25 Prototypical House – Insulation Levels
26 Prototypical House Insulation Summary Insulation Summary ComponentRBSAForecastRBSA CELRTF CEL Floor R-Value9.615.324.626.8 Wall R-Value7.08.911.311.4 Ceiling R-Value12.419.228.835.0 Door R-Value3.0 5.3 Window U-Value0.6310.5640.4900.293 LPD W/sqft1.301.000.710.60 Current 15 Years From Now Reference
27 Prototypical House – Forecast Forecast Case – Why 25% Assume pre-1980 house has little or no insulation In 30 years, 65% of these homes still have little or no insulation (from RBSA attic data) Projecting forward 15 years, 25% additional weatherization could be reasonable
28 Prototypical House – UA For reference, the DHP Metered Group UA is 514 Btu/hr-°F
29 Energy Savings
30 Energy Savings – No Supplement Fuels
31 Energy Savings – No Screen
32 Energy Savings – With Supplemental Fuels
33 Savings Check: No Supp. Fuel Case Differences between modeled savings and metered savings Metered Group Savings: Source: Ductless Heat Pump Impact & Process Evaluation: Field Metering Report, May 1, 2012, NEEA Report #E12-237 Current modeling shows regional ave ~4000 kWh/yr for cases w/o supp. fuels Reconciling Differences (adjustments to current modeling output): Geographic ClusterMean Savings kWh/yrN Willamette331626 Puget Sound304325 Inland Empire188216 Boise/Twin362816 Eastern Idaho330710 Average/Total304993 RationaleAdjustment (kWh/yr) Geographic distribution50 LPD from 1.75 W/ft 2 in metered group to 1.0 W/ft 2 in modeled population. (changes overall heating load) > 300 Proposed measure spec will have higher HSPF requirement than those observed in metered group ~ 200 Inland Empire metered sites had even further under-performing DHPs ~ 250 Total Adjustments800
34 Discussion
35 Discussion Questions Is the SEEM DHP calibration appropriate? Should we use the electric resistance settings from the RBSA/SEEM calibration for the baseline? Is the method to determine the calibrated setting for the efficient-case appropriate? What is an appropriate insulation level to expect over the 15 year lifetime of the DHP measure? First year savings are the “RBSA” case but what are the 5, 10, and 15 year savings?
36 Extras
37 Thermostats: Final Note With the simulation, it is possible to run the pre-DHP baseline with the post-DHP thermostat settings and vice versa. Such an approach allows us to compare the energy use without takeback and match the energy savings observed in the field by directly measuring heat output of the DHP. Time PeriodSource Heating Energy Use (kWh/yr) N MeanSD Pre-DHP Installation Target Billing Data9347389291 SEEM ER Set points9357411191 SEEM DHP Set points10476440991 Post-DHP Installation Target Metered Data6484389491 SEEM ER Set points5788301891 SEEM DHP Set points6468323491
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