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Welcome to Beverley Joint 6 th Enrichment. Enrichment is everything you do in sixth form beyond your studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Beverley Joint 6 th Enrichment. Enrichment is everything you do in sixth form beyond your studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Beverley Joint 6 th Enrichment

2 Enrichment is everything you do in sixth form beyond your studies

3 Sports Afternoon Every Wednesday at BHS

4 2015 Students

5 Sports Volleyball Indoor Football Basketball Badminton Table Tennis Handball Netball Squash/Racket-ball Tennis Cricket Rounders Softball

6 Other opportunities Support younger students in PE lessons. Fixtures against other colleges/schools. Sport/PE trip Inter-form competitions

7 HE + programme

8 Music at Beverley J6 - Hannah Pianists (girls and boys) can access the grand piano in the hall for practice Practice space can be arranged in consultation with the Head of Music/Head of 6th look at the 6 th form notice board and instrumental notice boards to get information regarding their instrumental lessons in Sept – boys at BGS and girls at BHS be proactive about communicating (face to face or via email) with their instrumental teachers as soon as school starts on Sep 9 entitled to a fixed individual lesson slot either before or after school or during a free period, depending on the time/day the teacher is in school instrumental teachers start delivering the annual provision of 30 lessons on Thursday Sep 10! ensembles and choirs resume Monday Sep 21st


10 Student voice – an update from Grace

11 4 schools 30 students Half hour performance of a condensed Shakespeare play at a professional theatre – Gulbenkian Centre Auditions started Carry on in September Half a day workshop in September 24.9.15 Performance 20 th November 2015

12 Are you interested in starting, creating and running a school newspaper?

13 The Year 13 Prom


15 Work experience - Hannah M And a chance to volunteer with younger years and with primary school

16 Interested in applying for Medicine? Hear from Rebecca – a Year 13 student

17 Ways in which you can help: Enrichment Options:  Sixth Form Paired Partner Programme in Reading, Spelling or Maths at BGS  Sixth Form Paired Partner Programme in Reading at BHS  In class support (years 7&8)

18 How do we do this:  Screening identifies students that need extra help.  We will match up sixth form with Year 7&8 students.  Induction for Sixth Form participating  Parents’ evening held with the students to explain the program  The program runs from October to Easter.  Celebration events at Christmas and the end of the program

19 Events:


21 Monitoring: Once signed up you will be committed and relied upon If any problems occur support will be changed to suit all parties During exams, if any break from the program is required see Mrs Fairless Feedback sheets completed by you and the staff you have supported which are used for our evaluation and your UCAS references

22 Positive Feedback: Ofsted “Sixth formers are impressive role models and make a significant contribution to improving the reading skills and self esteem of younger boys through the Sixth Form Paired Partner Programme.”

23 Trip to London - Fran Watch this space – we will send details by email and on the website 27 th -29 th November – Year 12 and 13 visit to London – two nights and two days, travel by train, visit museums, shops and the sights Cost – approx £160

24 Team building at Allerthorpe Park for all Year 12 in late September/early October

25 Coming soon…. -Volunteering -Anything else you want!

26 And now to the gym….

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