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Influences, opportunities and initiatives in Sport

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1 Influences, opportunities and initiatives in Sport
Topic 2 Influences, opportunities and initiatives in Sport GCSE PE

2 Learning Objectives. Ch 4
To learn what influences peoples choice of sport Success Criteria F-G I can list most of the influences D-E I know the main influence categories of each influence B-C I can describe influences by answering short response and multiple choice questions A*-A I can explain influences giving examples and answer long response questions GCSE PE

3 What is an influence? GCSE PE
Key Term – An influence is something or someone that guides our actions There are a number of different things that can influence what sport people choose to play GCSE PE

4 Influences: People GCSE PE
There are 3 groups of people who can influence the sports we choose to play. Influence Category People Family Friends Role Models GCSE PE

5 Family (People) GCSE PE
Family members can influence your choice of sport. For example if your parents, brothers, sisters play a certain sport, then you will be more likely to play that same sport Jamie Redkanapp followed in his fathers foot steps and became a professional football player. GCSE PE

6 Role Models (People) GCSE PE
Role Models can influence your choice of sport. For example you may be influenced to play Tennis because your role model is Andy Murray Since Andy Murray has won Wimbledon, Tennis memberships in the UK went up by 20% in a year! That’s an extra 65,000 people playing Tennis! GCSE PE

7 Peers / Friends (People)
Your friends can influence your choice of sport. For example you may be influenced to start playing Basketball because all your friends have If all your friends are playing a certain sport, you may decide that you are also going to play that sport GCSE PE

8 Image GCSE PE There are 2 influences within the ‘Image’ category
Influence Category Image Fashion Media Coverage GCSE PE

9 TV Coverage (Image) GCSE PE
The amount of media coverage a sport receives can influence whether people choose to take up the sport. For example football is constantly on TV and is the most popular sport in the UK Badminton is rarely in the media and is played by far fewer people GCSE PE

10 Fashion (Image) GCSE PE The fashion associated with a sport can
influence whether or not people choose to play depending on if they think it’s ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’ For example Basketball fashion is seen as ‘cool’ because of Nike Air Jordan The fashion includes the kit, trainers and equipment GCSE PE

11 There are 4 influences within the ‘Resources’ category
Location Time Access Availability Influence Category GCSE PE

12 Location (Resources) GCSE PE
The location of a particular sports venue can influence whether you choose to go there or not For example a person from Nottingham can easily take up ice skating because of the location A person from Leicester would have to travel 40 miles just to get there! GCSE PE

13 Time (Resources) GCSE PE
The time that facilities or open can influence whether or not you are able to use them For example a person working shifts until 9pm cannot go to the gym because it closes at 9pm Facilities must be open at the right time if we are to use them GCSE PE

14 Availability (Resources)
In order for us to be able to use facilities they must be available For example for a person wanting to take up a dance class there must be a dance studio If there is no dodgeball team in your area you simple cannot join a team that doesn’t exist! GCSE PE

15 Access (Resources) GCSE PE
Facilities may be available in the right location, but you must also be able to access it if you are to go For example if there is sports club in your area that is too far to walk, there has to be a bus route for you to access it Access also includes parking GCSE PE

16 Cultural Factors GCSE PE
There are 4 influences within the ‘Cultural Factors’ category Cultural Factors Race Age Disability Gender Influence Category GCSE PE

17 Age (Cultural Factors)
The age you are may influence you to play certain sports For example elderly people may choose less physically demanding sports A 65 year old person would be more likely to take up Table Tennis than Rugby or weight lifting! GCSE PE

18 Race (Cultural Factors)
Your race may influence what sport you choose to take up Having role models in sport that are the same race as you may influence you to take it up too There are many more black people now playing Tennis due to the success of the Williams sisters GCSE PE

19 Disability (Cultural Factors)
Having a disability may influence your choice of sport For example, for a disabled person to access a sports venue there must be a wheelchair ramp There are far more opportunities now because of the success of the Paralympic games GCSE PE

20 Gender (Cultural Factors)
Whether you’re a female or a male may influence your choice of sport For example, Football is traditionally a male sport and Netball is traditionally a female sport A boy may decide to take up Football over Netball because he perceives Netball to be for girls GCSE PE

21 There are 2 influences within the ‘Health & Wellbeing’ category
Influence Category Health & Wellbeing Health Problems Illness / Injury GCSE PE

22 Health Problems (Health & Wellbeing)
Certain health conditions can influence your choice of sport. For example, as person who suffers from Asthma may be influenced not to take up long distance running as it aggravates their throat. GCSE PE

23 Illness / Injury (Health & Wellbeing)
You may be perfectly fit, but if you catch an illness or get an injury you cannot play! For example, 2 weeks before the Olympics English triple jumper Phillips Idowu suffered an ankle injury in training and had to pull out of the games! GCSE PE

24 Socio-Economic GCSE PE
There are 2 influences within the ‘socio-economic’ Influence Category Socio-economic Cost Status GCSE PE

25 Cost (Socio-economic)
Socio-economic factors are to do with money. Your financial situation can influence your choice of sport. Some sports are more expensive than others. For example, football and table tennis are cheap to play but horse riding cost thousands! GCSE PE

26 Status (Socio-Economic)
Status refers to your position in society. Whether you’re a student, a part time or full time worker can influence your choice of sport For example, students and part time workers are likely to have less money and choose cheaper sports than a fulltime worker GCSE PE

27 Learning Objectives. Ch 5
To learn about different initiatives that increase participation in sport Success Criteria F-G I can list most of the initiatives D-E I can describe 2 initiatives in detail B-C I can answer short response and multiple choice questions about initiatives A*-A I can answer long response questions about initiatives GCSE PE

28 5. Initiatives in Sport GCSE PE
Key Term – An initiative is a ‘scheme’ the aims to raise participation in sports. There are 2 main initiatives. Initiatives Sport England PESSYP GCSE PE

29 Start Stay GCSE PE Succeed
Sport England aims to increase participation in sports in order to improve the health of the nation Stay Sport England aims to keep people who have started involved in sport through a network of clubs Succeed Sport England provides opportunities for the most talented athlete to be successful GCSE PE

30 GCSE PE PESSYP stands for PE sports strategy for young people
PESSYP aims to provide opportunities for young people to get involved in sport by; Ensuring 2 hours PE a week in schools Ensuring 3 hours of sports clubs after school Strengthens links between local clubs and school Local coaches run taster sessions in schools Coaches then recruit students for their local club This develops more clubs in the local community GCSE PE

31 Learning Objectives. Ch 6
To learn and understand the Sports Participation Pyramid Success Criteria F-G I can name for 4 sections of the pyramid D-E I can describe each stage of the pyramid B-C I can answer short response and multiple choice questions about the pyramid A*-A I can answer long response questions about the pyramid GCSE PE

32 Roles in Sport There are 4 roles that you can undertake to become involved or remain in physical activity Participant Player Official Referee or umpire Volunteer Olympic volunteers Coach Sports Leader GCSE PE

33 Sports Participation Pyramid
The sports participation pyramid shows the 4 different levels people can play sports At the foundation level you are a total beginner e.g. handball in PE lessons GCSE PE

34 Sports Participation Pyramid
The sports participation pyramid shows the 4 different levels people can play sports At the participation level you start to play more often for fun e.g. at the park with friends after school GCSE PE

35 2. Sports Participation Pyramid
The sports participation pyramid shows the 4 different levels people can play sports At the performance level you play at a club and receive specialist coaching GCSE PE

36 Sports Participation Pyramid
The sports participation pyramid shows the 4 different levels people can play sports Professional Athletes e.g. Wayne Rooney is at the Elite level GCSE PE

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