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Public Policy in Private Markets Debate 2 Merger wrap up.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Policy in Private Markets Debate 2 Merger wrap up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Policy in Private Markets Debate 2 Merger wrap up

2 Announcements Today:  Debate # 2  Pick up HW 3  Turn in HW 5 Debate 3: 4/12 (video due to me by 4/10)  HW 6, posted and due on 4/12 Midterm # 2: 4/19  Review: 4/18; 6-8 pm  More later

3 Midterm assessment Thanks for your participation! Things that seem to work  i>clicker  Cases  Options for grading  Fair grading (although stiff!)  Usefulness of PPT slides

4 Midterm assessment Things that need improvement  Midterm: unexpectedly hard, time issue This is a capstone course (expected) I failed in conveying the correct expectation Let me work on this:  Practice test will be posted prior to the exam  You can turn in practice test the day of the review  I will post answer key after review session  You can get extra points for doing this (provided you look at the key and let me know how you would have improved your answers after looking at answer key)

5 Midterm assessment Things that need improvement  Midterm/grading Scaling: I will not scale the exams, but will scale final grade

6 Debate 2 Group 1: Dikesha Patel, Dionne Wisdom, Jason Lai (FTC – merger challenger)  First video Group 2: Devon Bell, Thomas Fantini, Michael Murphy, Aline Desouza (defense side)  Second Video Room for defense (5 minutes, per group) i>clicker questions throughout Please put away your laptops

7 Controversy What was the most controversial issue in this case? A.Geographic market definition B.Product Market definition C.Calculation of cost efficiencies and pass through rate D.Determining entry barriers

8 Anticompetitive merger? Do you think the merger would have significantly increased prices of office supplies? A.YES B.NO

9 Clarity of Presentation Which side presented the clearest case? A.FTC (merger challenger) B.Staples – Office Depot

10 Strength of Arguments Which side presented the strongest economic arguments? A.FTC (merger challenger) B.Staples – Office Depot

11 Overall assessment of quality of presentation On a scale from 1 – 10 (1 poor, 10 outstanding), what would be your rating of the FTC’s side?

12 Overall assessment of quality of presentation On a scale from 1-10 (1 poor, 10 outstanding), what would be your rating of the defense side (Staples – Office Depot)?

13 Anticompetitive merger? Do you think the merger would have significantly increased prices of office supplies? 1.YES 2.NO

14 Staples – Office Depot Recall merger guidelines is a two-step process: 1. Market definition 2. Would competition be harmed? Concentration (HHI) Increased prices (unilateral) Entry barriers Cost efficiencies

15 Market Definition Key issue: Market Definition  FTC: Sales in OSS Different shopping experience  One stop shop  Different prices Mutual recognition  Internal documents No close substitutes  Non-OSS can’t discipline OSS This definition gave 75% of market to merged firm

16 Market Definition  Staples – Office Depot Superstores, supermarkets, discount stores, on- line, OSS, etc. Market definition should look at product not seller Costco and Wal-mart can easily expand shelf space to compete With this definition: 5% - 6% combined market share  Unique about this case: Inspection of store was critical for judge Identity of seller was used to define market

17 Likely Anticompetitive Effects Econometric and statistical evidence:  Compare prices going from 2 to 1 and from 3 to 2 competitors  Defendants showed statistical evidence on how prices went down with entry of Wal-mart, Best Buy Office Depot effect Staples effect

18 Likely Anticompetitive Effects Econometric and statistical evidence:  What does competition look like in the future? Staples-OD : these are not reliable comparisons as 1 and 2 firm markets are different than 3-firm markets 3 to 2 competitors is more important

19 Likely Anticompetitive Effects Econometric and statistical evidence:  Stock event study: how did Office Max stock price change after announcement?  If merger is expected to increase price, then competitors also benefit with a price increase  If competitors benefit from a price increase, stock should go up  Statistical evidence supported increase in Office Max stock price as likelihood of merger was higher

20 Likely Anticompetitive Effects Efficiencies  Defendants: less advertising, procurement costs (economies of scale)  FTC: costs will go down but: Are they merger specific? Economies of scale are nearly exhausted Even if costs go down, will prices? Cost reduction pass-through appears low: 0.15%  Judge: Estimates by defendants unreliable Cost efficiencies are (historically) difficult to successfully use in court

21 Likely Anticompetitive Effects Entry  FTC: There are notable entry barriers:  Economies of Scale  Economies of Advertising  Customer Loyalty  “Saturated” Markets (Insufficient Demand)

22 Staples – Office Depot Some recent thoughts: Increasing importance of internet sales (many office supplies are no longer purchased at brick and mortar stores). Business model: back to small-size stores? Best Buy, Staples, and even Wal-Mart considering new format

23 Back to old format?


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