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Data Flow Diagrams. What the ***** is a data flow diagram for? They look at data without considering the equipment needed. They are the first stage of.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Flow Diagrams. What the ***** is a data flow diagram for? They look at data without considering the equipment needed. They are the first stage of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Flow Diagrams

2 What the ***** is a data flow diagram for? They look at data without considering the equipment needed. They are the first stage of designing a system. Show what data comes from and what data is needed

3 Source of data The OVAL = source of data (sink) This is a source of data e.g. order form from a customer Or an actual person…. The user, secretary, manager etc We are not concerned with what happens to the data before it reaches a source, or what happens to it after it goes past it!

4 Process The process BOX This is a process performed on the data e.g. search, produce a graph, perform calculation, create a mail merge letter, print 1 Search database Brief description of process Each process is numbered

5 Data Store The Open Rectangle D1Members file This is where data is stored e.g. members file, letters file etc Each store is numberedBrief description of store

6 Direction of Data Flow Arrows are used to show how symbols connect Details input into database Brief description of data used

7 Spend a little time creating the shapes and save them so that you can reuse them.

8 Level 0 / Context diagram This is an overview of the whole process Only has one process Does not show any data stores Customer Holiday booking system Book holiday Receipt

9 Task 1 – Create Level 0’s to show… How a secretary in a company produces a report. How a librarian produces a letter for overdue books. How a doctor produces a diet sheet for a patient.

10 Draw a Level 0 diagram for your system Make sure that you draw the key. Make sure you label each item.

11 Level 1 diagram This builds on the processes involved in here 1 Holiday booking system Customer Book holiday Receipt

12 Level 1 Diagram Customer 2 Holiday booked Payment made Receipt Bookings file D2 Holiday details Availability checked Customer Enquiry List of holidays 1 Customer records D1 Customer details Customer 3 Confirmation printed Printout of details Booking Information

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