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Regional Cooperation in Developing Asian Bond Market Mr. Masato Miyachi, Senior Advisor Office of Regional Economic Integration Asian Development Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Cooperation in Developing Asian Bond Market Mr. Masato Miyachi, Senior Advisor Office of Regional Economic Integration Asian Development Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Cooperation in Developing Asian Bond Market Mr. Masato Miyachi, Senior Advisor Office of Regional Economic Integration Asian Development Bank 25 September 2007 Shanghai, PRC

2 Outline Why Asian Bond Market DevelopmentWhy Asian Bond Market Development Emerging RegionalismEmerging Regionalism Regional Cooperation Initiatives in Developing Asian Bond MarketRegional Cooperation Initiatives in Developing Asian Bond Market EMEAP EMEAP ABMI ABMI APEC APEC ADC ADC ADB’s role in regional bond market developmentADB’s role in regional bond market development

3 3 Why Asian Bond Market Development? Asian bond markets can: Reduce the double mismatch problem (currency and maturity) Reduce over-dependence on bank borrowing and diversifying financial risks Provide alternative sources of financing private and public investment. Provide alternative mode of wealth holdings for Asian households

4 4 Emerging Regionalism ThenNow Asian savings invested abroad and channeled back to region Use savings for productive investment within the region Bank centered financial intermediation Capital market development part. bond market Financial sector dev. more focused on national efforts Enhance regional cooperation

5 5 Policy Initiatives for Efficient Regional Bond Market Remove policy distortions that affect efficient allocation of savings Remove policy distortions that affect efficient allocation of savings Enhance market infrastructure Enhance market infrastructure Establish bench-mark yield curves Establish bench-mark yield curves Strengthen regulation and supervision of financial sector – international accounting & disclosure standards Strengthen regulation and supervision of financial sector – international accounting & disclosure standards

6 6 Regional Initiatives Bond Market Development Executives’ Meeting of East Asia- Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) Executives’ Meeting of East Asia- Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) ASEAN+3 Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) ASEAN+3 Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Asia-Cooperation Dialogue Asia-Cooperation Dialogue

7 7 Regional Initiatives Bond Market Development Executives’ Meeting of East Asia- Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) Executives’ Meeting of East Asia- Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) Strengthen demand side of bond market development Strengthen demand side of bond market development Establish Asian Bond Fund (ABF1 and ABF2) Establish Asian Bond Fund (ABF1 and ABF2)

8 8 Regional Initiatives Bond Market Development ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting Strengthen supply side of bond market development Strengthen supply side of bond market development Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI)

9 9 Regional Initiatives Bond Market Development Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers’ Meeting Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers’ Meeting Study measures to promote regional bond market development Study measures to promote regional bond market development Study securitization, credit guarantee mechanisms and new instruments Study securitization, credit guarantee mechanisms and new instruments

10 10 Regional Initiatives Bond Market Development Asia-Cooperation Dialogue Asia-Cooperation Dialogue Improve public awareness of the various initiatives Improve public awareness of the various initiatives Secure political support Secure political support

11 11 ADB’s Regional Cooperation & Integration Strategy (RCI) ADB charter mandates the bank to play an active role in regional “cooperation” in the Asia-Pacific. ADB Regional Cooperation Policy adopted in 1994   Regional cooperation is a relevant means for economic and social development   Support to regional cooperation is a longstanding responsibility of the Bank RCI strategy established in July 2006.

12 12 Rationale and Imperatives for RCI Emerging Trends in Regional Economic Integration Globalization and interconnectivity The Asian financial crisis revealed the high degree of financial integration in East Asia and created initial conditions for greater monetary and financial cooperation among the ASEAN and ASEAN+3 countries.

13 13 Logic of RCI Market-driven economic integration requires cooperation Regional cooperation can accelerate regional integration RCI provides greater opportunities to unlock Asia- Pacific’s vast economic potentials, and significantly contributes to economic growth, development and poverty reduction.

14 14 FOUR PILLARS OF RCI ADB’s Mission and the Role of RCI ADB’s Mission and the Role of RCI Pro-Poor Sustainable Economic Growth Inclusive Social Development Good Governance Trade and Investment Cooperation and Integration Monetary & Financial Cooperation & Integration Regional Public Goods Individual Country Programs Regional & Subregional Economic Cooperation OVERACHING MISSION/ OBJECTIVE POVERTY REDUCTION CORE AREAS OF INTERVENTION Regional Cooperation and Integration

15 15 Regional and Sub-regionalEconomicCooperation Cross-border Infrastructure Physical Connectivity Hardware and Software Monetary and Monetary andFinancial Cooperation and Integration Financial market development and integration Regional macroeconomic and financial stability Exchange Rates Trade and Investment Cooperation and Integration Trade and investment expansion Regional trade arrangements Regulatory coordinationRegional Public Goods Clean energy and environmental protection Communicable disease control and natural disaster response Good governance for transnational crime prevention (Human and drug trafficking; money laundering, and corruption) The RCI strategy has four pillars:

16 16 Pillar 3: Monetary and Financial Cooperation and Integration Interdependence of financial markets Regional financial stability is key to global financial stability Advanced initiatives on policy dialogue, reserve pooling (Chiang Mai Initiative) and regional bond market development (Asian Bond Market Initiative) Importance of exchange rate stability

17 17 RCI Strategy Promote “open regionalism” ADB approach to RCI will be a multi-track, multi-speed approach. ADB approach to RCI will be a multi-track, multi-speed approach.   Different regions and subregions would embrace RCI at different paces.   Even within a region or a subregion, the pace of progress would be different on different aspects of RCI and across countries.

18 18 Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) Established in 2005 Serves as ADB’s focal point for RCI activities Assists ADB in pursuing an open and outward-looking regionalism in Asia and the Pacific.

19 19 OREI’s Principles Client-orientation Relevance, responsiveness and result orientation. Complementarity

20 20 RCI Approach RCI adopts a multi-track, multi-speed approach. Different regions and sub-regions would embrace RCI at different paces. Different regions and sub-regions would embrace RCI at different paces. Even within a region or a sub-region, the pace of progress would be different on different aspects of RCI and across countries. Even within a region or a sub-region, the pace of progress would be different on different aspects of RCI and across countries.

21 21 OREI’s Key Functions Promote regional economic policy dialogue Support capacity building and institutional strengthening Conduct research on RCI Serve as knowledge and information center on RCI Develop partnerships with global stakeholders Acts a focal point for regional bond market development for the bank Support other ADB departments

22 ADB ’ s Role in Regional Bond Market Development Stimulating market activities by issuing prime name credit papers. Providing technical and research assistance to the Working Groups (WG) and the Focal Group of the ABMI; Promoting transparency/information disseminaion

23 23 ADB LCY Bonds ADB papers in local currency ADB papers in local currency Samurai bonds in the 70s Samurai bonds in the 70s Recently issued local currency bonds in Malaysia (2006), Thailand (2005), PRC (2005) and the Philippines (2006 Recently issued local currency bonds in Malaysia (2006), Thailand (2005), PRC (2005) and the Philippines (2006 ADB medium term notes (MTN) ADB medium term notes (MTN)

24 ASEAN+3 Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) Initiative endorsed by the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting in August 2003 in Manila, Philippines. ABMI aims to develop efficient and liquid bond markets in the ASEAN+3 Region. Participation of countries in the initiatives is on a voluntary basis.

25 25 ABMI Focal Areas 1. 1.Facilitate access to market via wider variety of bond issues in Asia 2. 2.Enhance market infrastructure for bonds Issuers: Asian Governments Government Financial Inst. Multilateral Development Banks Government Agencies Private Companies Financial Products Bonds Asset Backed Securities Local Currency Denominated Bonds Possibly Currency Basket Bonds Investors Domestic Regional International Institutional Retail Market Infrastructure: Information Dissemination Settlements Policy Dialogues among members Guarantee Mechanism New Bond Products Credit Rating Systems Legal and Institutional Infrastructure

26 ABMI Focal Areas ABMI Focal Areas 1.Facilitate access to market via wider variety of bond issues in Asia 2.Enhance market infrastructure for bonds Working Group 1 New Securitized Debt Instruments Working Group 2 Credit Guarantee and Investment Mechanisms Working Group 3 FOREX Transactions & Settlement Issues Working Group 4 Rating Systems

27 27 Working Group 1 – New securitized debt instruments Study on “The ASEAN+3 Regional Multi Currency Bond” (Phase I) was completed in September 2005. Regional governments need to encourage trading in regional currency bonds and derivatives to have more flexibility in managing their currency trends and interest rates The study recommends: Study on “The ASEAN+3 Regional Multi Currency Bond” (Phase I) was completed in September 2005. Regional governments need to encourage trading in regional currency bonds and derivatives to have more flexibility in managing their currency trends and interest rates The study recommends: Early but gradual lifting of holding and transfer regulations for both local and foreign currency securities; Early but gradual lifting of holding and transfer regulations for both local and foreign currency securities; Improvements in monitoring programs and shift to risk-based rather than quantitative regulation of financial prudence for institutional investors; Improvements in monitoring programs and shift to risk-based rather than quantitative regulation of financial prudence for institutional investors; More active development of risk-management tools; More active development of risk-management tools; Complete liberalization of domestic links with global custodial systems Complete liberalization of domestic links with global custodial systems

28 28 Working Group 1 – New securitized debt instruments (2) Phase 2 Study on “The ASEAN+3 Regional Basket Currency Bonds (RBCB)” to be completed by the 3 rd Quarter of 2007. Phase 2 Study on “The ASEAN+3 Regional Basket Currency Bonds (RBCB)” to be completed by the 3 rd Quarter of 2007. The study covers: The study covers: Merits and impediments of RBCB including efficiency frontier Merits and impediments of RBCB including efficiency frontier Market assessment and market view of RBCB Market assessment and market view of RBCB Scope and limitations of RBCB, potential issuers and investors Scope and limitations of RBCB, potential issuers and investors Recommended RBCB products Recommended RBCB products Recommendations to ASEAN+3 governments for enabling environment for RBCB products Recommendations to ASEAN+3 governments for enabling environment for RBCB products

29 29 Working Group 1 – New securitized debt instruments (3) New Study on New Study on (i) Exploring New Debt Instruments for Infrastructure Financing (i) Exploring New Debt Instruments for Infrastructure Financing (ii) Promotion of Securitization of Loan Credits and Receivables (ii) Promotion of Securitization of Loan Credits and Receivables (iii) Promotion of Asian Medium Term Note Programme will start from 3 rd quarter 2007. (iii) Promotion of Asian Medium Term Note Programme will start from 3 rd quarter 2007. Next step: Next step: “Investing in Asian Bonds Conference 2007” “Investing in Asian Bonds Conference 2007” Co-hosts: MOF, Thailand, MOF, Japan Co-hosts: MOF, Thailand, MOF, Japan Date/Venue: 2 nd November 2007, in Tokyo Date/Venue: 2 nd November 2007, in Tokyo Language: English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation) Language: English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation) Audience: maximum 500 pax Audience: maximum 500 pax

30 30 Working Group 2 – Regional Guarantee Mechanism Study on “ASEAN+3 Guarantee and Investment Mechanisms” (Phase 1) commenced in December 2003 and draft completed in February 2006. Study on “ASEAN+3 Guarantee and Investment Mechanisms” (Phase 1) commenced in December 2003 and draft completed in February 2006. A Phase 2 study was started in January 2007 and draft interim report to be completed by September 2007. The 3 options of Credit Guarantee and Investment Mechanisms will be narrowed down to 1 by the Deputy’s Meeting in November 2007 A Phase 2 study was started in January 2007 and draft interim report to be completed by September 2007. The 3 options of Credit Guarantee and Investment Mechanisms will be narrowed down to 1 by the Deputy’s Meeting in November 2007

31 31 Working Group 2 – Regional Guarantee Mechanism Phase 2 study will be done in two parts (Part A and Part B): Phase 2 study will be done in two parts (Part A and Part B): Phase 2-A will thoroughly assess the three options identified in the previous study, Phase 1 Phase 2-A will thoroughly assess the three options identified in the previous study, Phase 1 Phase 2-B will create a business model and plan that will include operational and investment policy, product mix, demand prospects, financial projections and analysis, capital structure, and draft implementation plan. Phase 2-B will create a business model and plan that will include operational and investment policy, product mix, demand prospects, financial projections and analysis, capital structure, and draft implementation plan.

32 32 Working Group 3 – Foreign Exchange Transactions and Settlement Issues Completed Phase 1 : “Bond Market Settlement and Emerging Linkages in Selected ASEAN+3 Countries” June 2005. Phase 2 Study on “Minimizing Foreign Exchange Settlement Risk in the ASEAN+3 Region” is being finalized and expected to be completed in 3rd quarter 2007. The Study: - Reviews various risks especially FX settlement risks in cross border clearing and settlement systems. - Presents options including assessment of each option to reduce FX settlement risks arising from cross- border bond transactions.

33 33 Working Group 3 – Foreign Exchange Transactions and Settlement Issues ADB organized the “Asia Bond Clearing and Settlement Conference 2007” in April 2007 in Singapore. ADB organized the “Asia Bond Clearing and Settlement Conference 2007” in April 2007 in Singapore. 20 speakers and 150 participants from 16 countries of the region, Europe and US 20 speakers and 150 participants from 16 countries of the region, Europe and US Discussed the future direction for bond clearing and settlement in the region and setting up a group of experts to move this initiative further Discussed the future direction for bond clearing and settlement in the region and setting up a group of experts to move this initiative further

34 34 Working Group 4 – Rating Agencies Facilitation of policy discussion and provision of technical expertise for enhancing credibility and visibility of domestic credit rating agencies (DCRAs) Facilitation of policy discussion and provision of technical expertise for enhancing credibility and visibility of domestic credit rating agencies (DCRAs) New technical assistance to start January 2007 will: New technical assistance to start January 2007 will: Enhance technical competency and institutional capacity of selected DCRAs in Asia Enhance technical competency and institutional capacity of selected DCRAs in Asia Monitor and report on status of regulatory frameworks for DCRA operations in selected countries Monitor and report on status of regulatory frameworks for DCRA operations in selected countries Enhance comparability and harmonization of credit rating standards among DCRAs in the region Enhance comparability and harmonization of credit rating standards among DCRAs in the region

35 35 Ad Hoc Support Team for Focal Group (ASTFG) Study on European experience on Eurobond market development to identify the issues and basic requisites for the establishment of the “Asian Bond Norms and Standards”. Draft was completed in March 2006. Study on European experience on Eurobond market development to identify the issues and basic requisites for the establishment of the “Asian Bond Norms and Standards”. Draft was completed in March 2006. New Study on “ASEAN+3 Harmonizing and Standardizing Asian Bond Conventions and Norms” has been approved for funding. Study to start 1 st quarter of 2007. New Study on “ASEAN+3 Harmonizing and Standardizing Asian Bond Conventions and Norms” has been approved for funding. Study to start 1 st quarter of 2007.

36 Improving transparency/ information dissemination –Asian Bonds Online Website ( Launched on May 15, 2004, a one-stop information site on ASEAN+3 bond markets. Completed studies of working groups can be downloaded from this site. 2,000 visitor sessions per day (average Q1 2007). –Asian Bond Monitor A Bi-annual (April and November) publication (5 issues published). Latest publication April 2007 issue downloadable at ABO

37 Asian Bonds Online What makes Asian Bonds Online unique?  Free Access offers free access to leading bond market indicators comparable across the ASEAN+3 economies.offers free access to leading bond market indicators comparable across the ASEAN+3 economies.  Updated Government Policies and Regulations provides information on current market activities, the legal and regulatory frameworks of each market and monitors government policies and initiatives affecting the industry. The flow and structure of the information are provided uniformly for each market.provides information on current market activities, the legal and regulatory frameworks of each market and monitors government policies and initiatives affecting the industry. The flow and structure of the information are provided uniformly for each market.  How to Buy Bonds is the only website providing investors the step-by-step mechanics of buying and trading government and corporate debt securities covering the entire ASEAN+3 the only website providing investors the step-by-step mechanics of buying and trading government and corporate debt securities covering the entire ASEAN+3 economies.  Asian Bond Glossary provides the Asian Bonds Glossary as a tool to understand terms and acronyms unique to the region, or to specific East Asian bond markets. Definitions of Islamic sharia principles are included for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.provides the Asian Bonds Glossary as a tool to understand terms and acronyms unique to the region, or to specific East Asian bond markets. Definitions of Islamic sharia principles are included for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

38 Thank you For More Information Mr. Masato Miyachi, Senior Advisor Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) +63-2-632-6832

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