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S WAMP L AND M ANAGEMENT FOR F OOD S ECURITY Zainal Ridho Djafar Sriwijaya University, Palembang Indonesia.

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Presentation on theme: "S WAMP L AND M ANAGEMENT FOR F OOD S ECURITY Zainal Ridho Djafar Sriwijaya University, Palembang Indonesia."— Presentation transcript:

1 S WAMP L AND M ANAGEMENT FOR F OOD S ECURITY Zainal Ridho Djafar Sriwijaya University, Palembang Indonesia

2 Swamp Land Topography superficial areas that was affected by flood Swamp land consists of: – (1) Lowland (Swampy land), overflowing rivers flood and rain – (2) Tidal Swamp, overflowing rivers flood and tides

3 Low Land Waterlogged during rainy season Dry during dry season Based on hydro topography, divided into 3 categories: Natural or cultivated food resources Germplasm resources of plants and animals

4 Tidal Swamp Affected by tides inundated by natural tidal (Type A) inundated by maximum tidal (Type B) Not inundated by tidal (Type C and D) Source of staple food and Natural or cultivated food resources Germplasm resources of plants and animals

5 Staple Food Material Content: Carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, vitamin, mineral Derive from plants and animals Can be obtained naturally or cultivated from swampy land

6 Food Security The availability of sufficient food in terms of quantity and quality at the household/market Strategic in the national development of ASEAN countries, which are growing. Source of society welfare.

7 Effort in Supporting Food Security Optimalize Swamp Land Swamp land is potential in developing staple food Plant cultivation technology in swamp land to support food security through research collaboration

8 Plants Potential as Staple Food in Swamp Land Source of Carbohydrate Source of vitamin, fiber and mineral: vegetable and fruit Source of protein and fat: nuts Agro industry raw material sources: sugar cane and coconut

9 Animals potential: as a source of protein and animal fat food Variety of Fish Variety of Birds; chickens, ducks Goat, Cow, Buffalo, etc.

10 Problems The wide area, but only a small part is used The use and uptake of technology is limited Appropriate technologies not developed yet There is no effective cooperation between Thailand and Indonesian university (university ASEAN) in swamp land research.

11 Method of Study using descriptive method data are obtained from previous studies in Indonesia cases the data were analyzed by tabulation, then ​​interpreted, and finally be concluded

12 The Result

13 Utilization /Development

14 Land and Water Resources Management Variety of plants can be developed as sources of food, for example: – Rice productivity can be increased from 2 tons/ha to 8 tons/ha – Rice crop can be planted three times a year Land can be cultivated along the year for various plants Fisheries can be developed by making pond and pool of fish Can be used for farm business

15 Examples of the use of high yielding varieties

16 Development of Animals as a Source of Protein and Fat Fish: Pond and Pool livestock: birds, chickens, ducks, goats, cows, buffaloes The use of animal feed sources (feed and additional feed) As agribusiness and agro-industries (to increase society income and welfare)

17 Agro Industry – Plants: tomato sauce, Chili Souce, soy sauce Cooking oil, brown sugar, tempe and tofu. – Animals: salted fish, smoked fish, shredded meat, salted egg, milk, cheese, etc. Agro Business – Transportation, market, labor, etc. Requires research in the field of food technology and socio-economic A GRO I NDUSTRY AND A GRO B USINESS A CTIVITIES

18 Research Collaboration Development of science and technology Land resources management Water resources management Plant, fish, and cattle management Plant and animal germplasm inventarization to increase food productivity Environmental Management

19 Academic Collaboration Study completion of the ASEAN countries student: in writing thesis or dissertation Scientific information exchange Publication of international scientific journal Seminar and symphosium

20 UNSRI Facilities for Research Collaboration Research Station Laboratories Scientists (Experties) Laboratorians Technicians Employee Students in various programs Student dormitory

21 The Benefit of Research Collaboration Increase food productivity Obtain variety of food source from plant and animal Eficiency of land utilization Development of fish and livestock cultivation Development of agro industry and agro business

22 Conclusion Swamp land has high potential in supporting food security Swamp land development through technological research collaboration research collaboration in terms of empowerment of: land resources, water resources, biological resources, food technology, socio-economic and environmental Collaboration is need to develop science and technology The Collaboration result in technologies is useful to improve quality and production of food Academic development in the form of seminars, symposium, scientific publications and student study completion

23 Recommendation Need to increase the effectiveness of cooperation/collaboration between related universities (ASEAN countries). Need to involve various stakeholders such as research institutes, local government, local universities and other This activity should be evaluated through annual meetings between two or more countries (ASEAN)


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