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Reference Service Department The Central Library at Global Campus Kyung Hee University.

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1 Reference Service Department The Central Library at Global Campus Kyung Hee University

2 IMF(International Monetary Fund) Post-Stabilization Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa : Lessons from Mozambique Published in May 1, 2008 ISBN-13:978-1-58906-677-9 Arrived in July 23, 2009 모잠비크는 사하라 이남 아프리카 지역의 경제적으로 성공한 사례이 다. 모잠비크의 현저한 성과는 다른 저 수입 국가들에게 귀중한 교훈 을 제시한다. 관련하여 이 책은 사하라 이남의 아프리카 지역에서의 후기 안정화 경제와 관련된 가장 최근 연구 결과의 요약을 제공한다. IMF 의 Consultative Group on Exchange Rate Issues (CGER)( 다각적 관점에서 환율 평가를 제공하기 위해 1990 년대 중반에 형성 ) 는 핵심 선진 경제와 주요 급부상하는 시장 경제를 다루기 위해 그 영역을넓혀나가고 있다. 이 책은 확장된 분석을 실증하는 방법론은 요약한다. The introduction of newly-arrived materials Global Financial Stability Report 는 세계 금융 시스템에서 위험을 야기 할 수 있는 잠재적 가능성을 식별하고 부상하는 금융 시장의 포괄적인 범위를 제시한다. GFSR 은 세계 금융 시장에서의 현재 상황에 포커스 를 맞추고 금융 시장의 안정성을 저해할 수 있는 현안들을 강조한다. 큰 규모의 집합적 송금 흐름을 고려할 때, 그것들을 받게 되는 경제에 상당한 거시경제적 영향을 끼칠 것이라 예상된다. 이 책은 거시경제적 효과와, 개발 잠재가능성을 이용하는 방법 등 송금과 관련하여 정책고 안자들에게 두 가지 주요 현안들을 직접적으로 제시한다. Exchange Rate Assessments : CGER Methodologies Published in April 7, 2008 ISBN-13:978-1-58906-638-0 Arrived in July 23, 2009 Macroeconomic Consequences of Remittances Published in March 11, 2008 ISBN-13: 978-1-58906-701-1 Arrived in July 23, 2009 Global Financial Stability Report, October 2008 Published in October 10, 2008 ISBN-13: 978-1-58906-757-8 Arrived in July 23, 2009

3 The introduction of newly-arrived materials 새롭게 개정되고 이름 붙여진 핸드북은 GIS 와 Census-mapping 에 대한 워크샵과 전문가 그룹 모임의 권고사항들을 반영하고 있다. 이 책은 관리적 운영적 요구 사항들을 세부적으로 다루고 있고 GIS, GPS, 그리고 인구조사에 사용되는 디지털 메핑의 응용 예를 포함한다. 이 책은 최근 서아시아 지역에서의 경제 트렌드와 개발, 자본의 흐름 을 설명하고 권리 기반의 고용 창출을 토론한다. 또한 통합된 사회 정 책의 개요를 제시한다. 이 책은 경제 협력과 통합에 대한 UNECE 의 하위 프로그램의 일부 결과를 강조하는 계속되는 일련의 시리즈로 이와 관련하여 다양한 주 제들을 다룬다. 이는 혁신, 경쟁 정책, 기업가정신, 기업개발, 국내외 투자를 위한 공공과 민간의 협력, 상업화 등을 포함한다. LCD 는 UN 에 의해 낮은 GDP, 부족한 인적 자원, 높은 경제적 취약 성 등으로 인하여 개발도상국으로 분류된 나라들이다. 이 리포트는 구체적이고 대안적인 경제 전략의 개요를 세우고 LDC 정책 고안자들 을 위한 새로운 의제들을 제시한다. Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008 Published in May 2009 ISBN-13: 978-9-21128-321-1 Arrived in August 14, 2009 Least Developed Countries Report 2009, The: The State and Development Governance Published in August 2009 ISBN-13: 978-9-21112-769-0 Arrived in August 14, 2009 Policy Options and Instruments for Financing Innovation: A Practical Guide to Early-Stage Financing Published in July 2008 ISBN-13: 978-9-21116-998-0 Arrived in August 14, 2009 Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities Published in June 2009 ISBN-13: 978-9-21161-527-2 Arrived in August 14, 2009 UN-ESCWA(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia) UN-DESA(United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affair) UN-ECE(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) UN-CTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

4 PublisherMonographSerial UNCTADEconomic development in Africa UNCTADAssessing the impact of the current financial and economic cirisis on global FDI flows UNCTADPolicy alternatives for sustained Palestinian development and state formation UNCTAD G-24 Discussion paper series : Post-war experiences with developmental central banks UNCTADVoluntary peer review of competition law and policy : Indonesia UNCTAD Smega : Accounting and financial reporting guidelines for small and medium-sized enterprises UNCTADUNCTAD Annual report 2008 UNCTAD The least developed countries report 2009 DESAHandbook on geospatial infrastructure in support of census activities DESAPeople matter civic engagement in public governance DESA International trade statistics yearbook 2006 DESAWorld Population 2008 DESAMonthly bulletin of Statistics no.1053 DESAMonthly bulletin of statistics no.1054

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6 PublisherMonographSerial IMFPost-stabilization economics in Sub-Saharan Africa IMFGlobal Financial stability report /Oct 08 IMFMonetary and financial statistics : compilation guide IMFManaging the oil revenue boom : the role of fiscal institutions IMFPublic investment and public-private partnerships IMFExchange rate analysis in support of IMF surveillance IMFWorld Economic Outlook /Apr 08 IMFMacroeconomic consequences of remittances IMFReaping the benefits of financial blobalization IMFRegional ecnoomic outlook /Apr 08 IMFThe debt sustainability framework for low-income countries IMFFiscal management of scaled-up Aid IMFBalance of payments statistics /Part I : country tables IMF Balance of payments statistics /Part 2,3 : World and regioinal tables Part 3

7 PublisherMonographSerial IMFGlobal Financial stability report /APR 08 IMF The role and governance of the IMF : Further reflections on reform IMFRegional ecnoomic outlook : Europe /Apr 08 IMF Developing essential financial markets in smaller economies stylized facts and policy options IMFManual de Transparencia Fiscal IMFRegional Economic Outlook : Europe /OCT 08 IMFExchange rate assessments : CGER Methodologies IMF Annual report on exchange arragements and exchange restrictions 2008 IMFInternational Financial Statistics / 2009 no.7 IMFIMF Staff papers v.55 no.4 IMF Current developments in monetary and financial law / Volume 5 ITCInternational trade forum /2009-1 The World Bank Awakening Africa's sleeping giant : prospects for commercial agriculture in the Guinea savannah zone and beyond The World BankRural informatization in China

8 PublisherMonographSerial The World BankSpatial disparities and development policy The World BankParticipatory communication : A practical guide The World BankSchool construction strategies for universal primary education in Africa The World BankImproving municipal management for cities to succeed : An IEG special study The World BankReforming China's rural health system The World BankEmerging evidence on vouchers and faith-based providers in education The World BankRethinking school feeding The World BankChanging the trajectory The World BankCombating money laundering and the financing of terrorism The World BankReshaping economic geography The World BankAttracting investors to African public-Private partnerships The World BankAccelerating catch-up UNIDIRDisarmament forum 2009 no.1,2 United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific Annual report

9 PublisherMonographSerial United NationsTreaty series / v.2310 United NationsTreaty series / v.2328 United NationsTreaty series / v.2329 United NationsTreaty series /v.2347 United NationsTreaty series /v.2374 United NationsTreaty series /v.2397 United NationsTreaty series /v.2327 United NationsTreaty series /v.2392 United NationsTreaty series /v.2317 United Nations Committee of experts on public administration : Report on the eighth session(30 March-3 April 2009) United Nations Index to proceedings of the gneneral assembly : Sixty-second session - 2007/2008 Part I Subject index United NationsMonthly bibliography /2008 no.5 United NationsGlobally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals United Nations Yearbook of the international law commission 2002

10 PublisherMonographSerial United Nations Index to proceedings of the general assembly /Sixty-second session-2007/2008/ Part II- Index to speeches United Nations Report of the committee for programme and coordination/ Forty-ninth session(8 June-2 July 2009) United Nations Permanent forum on indigenous issues : Reports on the eighth session(18-29 May 2009) United NationsReport of the committee on information : Thirty-first session(4-15 May 2009) United Nations Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods : Model regulations volume I United Nations Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods : Model regulations volume II UNOGA common effort for a better future WFPWorld Food Programme 2009 World BankThe changing HIV/AIDS landscape World BankThe World Bank policy for projects on international waterways World BankEconomic informality World BankAgricultural land redistribution World BankClosing the coverage gap World BankBuilding equality and opportunity through social gaurantees

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12 PublisherMonographSerial World BankChina's and India's challenge to Latin America World BankPension reform in southeastern Europe World BankDecentralization and local democracy in the world World BankJob creation in Latin America and the Caribbean World BankHousing finance policy in emerging markets World BankAgribusiness and innovation systems in Africa World BankThe World Bank policy for projects on international waterways World BankUsing the results of a national assessment of educational achievement World BankThe road to results World BankGlobal development finance : I review,analysis, and outlook World BankGlobal development finance : II summary and country tables

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