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Directorate of Learning Resources An introduction to RADAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate of Learning Resources An introduction to RADAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate of Learning Resources An introduction to RADAR

2 Directorate of Learning Resources What is RADAR? Research Archive Digital Asset Repository

3 Directorate of Learning Resources What is RADAR? Research Archive Digital Asset Repository Started life in 2007 as the CIRCLE project, funded by JISC as part of a £14m national programme to develop repositories in Higher Education

4 Directorate of Learning Resources RADAR architecture Research Other resources …organised in collections Teaching collection Open and closed resources

5 Directorate of Learning Resources What’s in the Teaching collection?

6 Directorate of Learning Resources What’s not in the Teaching collection? Administrative documents such as minutes of meetings Work in progress requiring very frequent changes (collaborative software like wikis is more appropriate)

7 Directorate of Learning Resources RADAR and the VLE

8 Directorate of Learning Resources Storing materials in the VLE U51083 Corporate strategy Referencing guide U54020 Hospitality Referencing guide Religion and philosophy Referencing guide

9 Directorate of Learning Resources U51083 Corporate strategy U54020 Hospitality Religion and philosophy RADAR Referencing guide Storing materials in RADAR

10 Directorate of Learning Resources Demos Overview of the Teaching collection Using RADAR within the VLE

11 Directorate of Learning Resources What’s in the Research collection? Demo of Research Collection

12 Brookes Virtual Staff profiles Academics / Researchers at Brookes – outputs: publications, theses, books, conference papers, exhibitions, installations Schools Research Administrators Performance metrics RBDO REF April 2009 Directorate of Learning Resources radar – research archive and digital asset repository “..showcasing Brookes research and managing online teaching materials”

13 Directorate of Learning Resources Staff Profiles

14 Directorate of Learning Resources Use of RSS feeds

15 Directorate of Learning Resources Technical spec J2EE application on Solaris box (Tomcat) ORACLE database Integrated with Brookes LDAP (AD) Standards compliant (SOAP and WSDL, OAI, RSS) Internal ACL structure – very granular

16 Directorate of Learning Resources Working with the XML

17 Directorate of Learning Resources Working with the XML

18 Directorate of Learning Resources Working with the XML

19 Directorate of Learning Resources Working with the XML Google desktop

20 Directorate of Learning Resources Brookes research has higher visibility Better management of online teaching resources Better opportunities for sharing/ reusing resources Summary

21 Directorate of Learning Resources RADAR Research Archive and Digital Asset Repository

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