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Published byEugene Norman Modified over 9 years ago
IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rules Bylaws Conversion CTS Fall Planning Meeting San Marcos September 6, 2013 Don Drumtra 512-291-0315
IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rules Rules from Bylaws Rules from Website New Rules
IEEE Central Texas Section Rules from Bylaws l Rules Precedence l Name and Territory l Membership l Subunits l Amendments
IEEE Central Texas Section Rules from Bylaws l Management l Nominations and Election of Officers l Finances l Subunits l Amendments
IEEE Central Texas Section Rules from Bylaws l Motion: Change all to Standing Rules
IEEE Central Texas Section Preamble - Rules Precedence l Motion: l Change ”Regional Activities Board (RAB) Operations Manual” to “Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual.” l Change, “Section Bylaws” to “Section Standing Rules.”
IEEE Central Texas Section. Standing Rule Rules Precedence 23 October 2003 Last amendment 6 September 2014 In all instances, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bylaws, Constitution, IEEE Policy Manual, and Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual shall prevail when there is a conflict between these documents and Section Standing Rules
IEEE Central Texas Section Article I - Name and Territory l Motion: l Change ”RAB” to “the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board”
IEEE Central Texas Section. Standing Rule Name and Territory 23 October 2003 Last amendment 6 September 2014 1. This organization shall be known as the IEEE Central Texas Section. 2 The territory of the Central Texas Section, as approved by the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board, includes the following Texas counties: Atascosa, Bandera, Bastrop, Bexar, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Comal, Conch, Cricket, DeWitt, Dimmit, Edwards, Frio, Gillespie, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Kansas, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Lampasas, LaSalle, Live Oak, Llano, McCullough, McMullen, Mason, Maverick, Medina, Menard, Real, San Saba, Schleicher, Sutton, Tom Green, Travis, Uvalde, Val Verde, Williamson, Wilson and Zavala.
IEEE Central Texas Section Article II - Membership l No change
IEEE Central Texas Section. Membership 1. Section members are those individuals of Associate or higher grade membership and Student members residing within the boundaries of the Section, or who live or work in a neighboring Section and have requested Contiguous Section Membership status from the MGA. 2. Section members with the grade of Graduate Student Member or higher may vote in Section elections. Student members are not eligible to vote in Section elections. IEEE Society Affiliates are not members of the Section, but they will be notified of Section events and welcome to participate. 3. Section members of Member or higher grade may hold elected office, or chair a Section Committee. Students and Associate members may not hold office nor chair a committee.
IEEE Central Texas Section Article III – Section Officers l Motion: l Para 3, Change the last word to “terms”. l Para 5. Change “Regional Activities Department,” and “RAB Operations Manual” to “Member and Geographic Activities (MGA)” and “MGA Operations Manual” respectively.
IEEE Central Texas Section. Section Officers 1. The elected executive officers of the Central Texas Section shall be: a. Chair b. Vice Chair (San Antonio) c. Vice Chair (Austin) d. Secretary e. Treasurer 2. The terms of office of the elected officers shall be for 2 years. 3. Terms of office shall begin on 1 January. Outgoing officers shall continue until their successors are duly elected and take office. However, no officer may serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms. 4. Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be temporarily filled by the Section Elected Officers and approved by a majority vote of the Section Executive Committee. 5. The duties of the elected officers shall be those available from the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) staff, in the MGA Operations Manual as supplemented by the majority vote of the Executive Committee.
IEEE Central Texas Section Article IV – Standing Committees l Motion: l Change the names of the following functions: l “Student Liaison” to “University Student Liaison” l “Educational Activities” to “K-12 Educational Activities” l Add the following functions: Electronic Communications; Policy and Procedures; V-tools
IEEE Central Texas Section Article IV – Standing Committees l Motion (continued): l Para 1. Change “Standing” to “Coordinators or Standing” l Para 2. Change “Chair” to “Coordinators and Chairmen” l Para 4. Change “Standing” to “Coordinators and Standing”
IEEE Central Texas Section Article IV – Standing Committees l Motion (continued): l Para 2 and 3. Change “approval” to “advice and consent” l Para 3. Correct grammar. l Para 4. Change “as printed in the RAB operations manual and as supplemented” to “determined”
IEEE Central Texas Section. Standing Committees 1. The Coordinators or Standing Committees of the Section shall be as follows: a. Awards and Recognition b. Electronics Communications c. K-12 Educational Activities d. Membership Development e. Policies and Procedures f. Professional Activities g. University Student Liaison h. vTools 2. The Coordinators and Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Section Chair with the advice and consent of the Section Executive Committee; their terms shall correspond to the term of office of the elected officers of the Section. 3. Each Committee Chair shall appoint his/her Committee members, with the advice and consent of the Section Executive Committee; their terms shall end with the Chair’s term. 4. The duties of the Coordinators and Standing Committees shall be determined by the majority vote of the Section Executive Committee.
IEEE Central Texas Section Article V – Management l Motion: l Add new para 4 after para 3, “4. Documents related to the meeting shall be circulated to ExComm members via email in sufficient time for members to read them (one or two weeks depending on complexity) prior to the meeting.” l Para 4. Change “4” to “5”.
IEEE Central Texas Section. Management 1. The management of the Section shall be by the Section Executive Committee, which shall consist of the following: a. Section Executive Officers (Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer) b. Past two Section Chairs c. Manager of Electronic Communications (newsletters, web pages, etc.) d. Chapter Chairs (including Affinity Chapters). The number of voting members elected must be at least one greater than those appointed. Chapter Chairs, as elected by their membership, are considered “elected” official, as are the Past Section Chairs. 2. The majority of the Section Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. A quorum shall be necessary for the Section Executive Committee to conduct the business of the Section. 3. Meetings of the Section Executive Committee ordinarily shall be held quarterly and shall be called by the Section Chair or by a request of any three members of the Section Executive Committee. 4. Documents related to the meeting shall be circulated to ExComm members via email in sufficient time for members to read them (one or two weeks depending on complexity) prior to the meeting. 5. The fiscal year of the Section shall be 1 January – 31 December. Differed
IEEE Central Texas Section Article VI- Nomination and Election of Officers l No changes
IEEE Central Texas Section. Nomination and Election of Officers 1. A Nominating Committee consisting of at least 3 members, not then officers of the Section, nor intending to stand as candidates for office, shall be appointed by the Section Chair with the approval of the Section Executive Committee. If available to do so, the most immediate outgoing Section Chair will serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. 2. The nominations of the Nominating Committee shall be announced to the Section membership and, following this, a minimum of 28 days allowed for additional nominations by petition. 3, If only one nomination is made for each office, the election shall be declared by acclamation at a meeting of the Section general membership, or the Section Executive Committee. If additional nominations are made, election shall be made by ballot, mailed or made available on the Internet to the membership with the vote counted by a Tellers Committee appointed by the Section Chair. 4. A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. Differed
IEEE Central Texas Section Article VII - Finances l Motion: l Para 1, delete the last sentence l Para 2. Add, “The Chair may delegate approval authority to Section Officers and Chapter Chairmen for expenditures within their budgets.” l Para 3. Change “as approved by the Section Executive Committee Funds” to “as necessary to meet CTS obligations. Checks”
IEEE Central Texas Section Article VII - Finances l Motion (Continued): l Para 3. Change “as approved by the Section Executive Committee Funds” to “as necessary to meet CTS obligations. Checks” l Para 4. Substitute: “All CTS bank accounts shall be approved by the ExComm and be part of the IEEE CBRS banking system. Chapters are discouraged from having separate bank accounts.”
IEEE Central Texas Section. Finances 1, Without prior authorization of the IEEE Executive Committee, Section funds can be used only for normal operations of the Section. Those activities, which fall outside of normal operations, include donations, establishment of scholarship funds, and investment of funds outside of the IEEE Investment Program. 2. All expenditures of Section funds must be approved by the Chair (or in the absence of the Chair then a Vice Chair). The Chair may delegate approval authority to Section Officers and Chapter Chairmen for expenditures within their budgets. 3. The Chair (or in the absence of the Chair then a Vice Chair) or the Treasurer shall be authorized to draw funds as necessary to meet CTS obligations. Checks for $5,000 or more shall require two signatures. 4, All CTS bank accounts shall be approved by the ExComm and be part of the IEEE CBRS banking system. Chapters are discouraged from having separate bank accounts.
IEEE Central Texas Section Article VIII - Subunits l Motion: Delete this standing rule. l Reason: Subunits and their relationship to sections is adequately addressed in higher level documents
IEEE Central Texas Section Article IX - Amendments l Motion: l Para 1, Change “Section” to “CTS Section Committee, the CTS” l Para 2, Change to read, “2, Amendments to or revocation of CTS Standing Rules shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition.
IEEE Central Texas Section. Standing Rule Amendments 23 October 2003 Last amendment 6 September 2014 1. Proposals for amendments to these Standing Rules may originate in the CTS Section Committee, the CTS Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by 25 or more voting members. 2. Amendments to or revocation of CTS Standing Rules shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition.
IEEE Central Texas Section Rules from Website l Expense Reporting l Workshop Guidelines and Procedures
IEEE Central Texas Section Expense Reporting l Motion: Change it to a Standing Rule l Adopt the previously distributed amendment consisting of line-in line-out changes which: l Delete revenue reporting instructions and references to revenue reporting forms l Delete duplication of information in the CTS Standing Rule on Travel. l Revise the rule to conform to the latest expense reporting form l Correct spelling and grammar
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 Revised text
IEEE Central Texas Section Workshop Guidelines and Procedures l Format does not convert to standing rule easily but should be converted. l PAPC or the conference committee should updated to include non-chapter funded activities.
IEEE Central Texas Section New Rules l Standing Rules Formats and Reviews l Travel
IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Format and Review l Motion: Adopt new Standing Rule
IEEE Central Texas Section. Standing Rule Standing Rule Format and Review 6 September 2014 Last amendment 6 September 2014 1. CTS Standing Rules and other guidelines shall conform to the following format: a. The type font shall be New Times Roman. b. The type size shall be 12 point for the body, 14 point for the title, and 11 for the header. c. Paragraph numbering shall be 1, a, (1), (a) d. Italics shall be used for publication titles. e. The header shall consist of “IEEE CTS SR,” the title, the adoption date of the last amendment and the page number. (See above.) f. The heading shall include IEEE Central Texas Section, Standing Rule, the title, the adoption date, and the last amendment adoption date. (See above.) The term Special Rule (SpR) shall be used for rules that affect parliamentary procedures. g. The body shall contain the approved text. 2. The incoming and outgoing CTS Chairmen shall review all standing rules and other guidance at the beginning of each term of office.
IEEE Central Texas Section Travel l Motion: Adopt new Standing Rule
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Travel 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 Revised text
IEEE Central Texas Section THANK YOU
IEEE Central Texas Section BACKUP
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Travel 6 September 2014 Last amendment 6 September 2014 1. Program Overview. The CTS travel program serves two purposes Leadership development of Chapter Chairmen and representation of CTS at higher level planning meetings such as those developing MGA, TAB, and Region 5 policy and procedures. 2. Travel Funds Management. Funds to support travel come from conference and workshop surpluses and Section reserves. To conserve and provide more equitable distribution of available funds, they are organized into two pools, one for Chapter leadership development called the Chapter Travel Pool and the other for CTS representation called the Section Travel Pool. The ExComm approves the overall budget for each pool at the Spring Section Meeting based on the previous years’ travel, any special needs, and the overall availability of funds for the year. Individual trips are not approved in the financial plan; the Section Chairman approves them during the year based on ExComm member requests as the need is recognized and travel details become available.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Travel 6 September 2014 Last amendment 6 September 2014 3. Chapter Leadership Development Travel. Chapter and Affinity Group Chairmen may request one leadership development trip per year for the chairman, chairman elect, or other ChapComm member expected to be chairman in the future. Travel is expected to be to their Society general meeting or their Societies training event. Developmental travel is normally limited to IEEE regions 1-6 (Continental United States). Approvals normally include a reimbursement maximum (typically $1300 in 2014). A short trip report should be submitted to the Chairman, Treasurer and newsletter editor upon completion of travel. 4. Section Representation Travel. The CTS Chairman normally receives requests for CTS representation at higher level planning meetings and decides what representation CTS will provide and who will provide it. The representative prepares the travel request and the Chairman approves it. Approvals normally include a reimbursement maximum. Representation travel is usually partially or fully funded by the requesting organization.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Travel 6 September 2014 Last amendment 6 September 2014 5. Travel Requests. ExComm members may request travel by email addressed to the Section Treasurer with the following information: a. Purpose of trip—leadership development, CTS representation, etc. b. Dates of travel c. Destination—event, city, state d. Cost estimate—registration, travel, hotel, meals, parking, local miles, etc. e. Travel carrier—Delta, Amtrak, POV, etc. f. Funding support organization and amount–Society, CTS, corporate, personal, other. g. Comments. It is strongly suggested that requesters submit their request for travel approval and make travel arrangements 60 and 90 days prior to the dates of travel in order to get good travel rates. IEEE requires the lowest cost carrier be used and will reimburse non-refundable tickets if an emergency prohibits their use. Based on past approvals, travel co-sponsored by societies and other sources is more likely to be approved than travel completely supported by CTS.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Travel 6 September 2014 Last amendment 6 September 2014 6. Reimbursement. Travelers should first claim reimbursement from their other travel sponsors prior to requesting reimbursement from CTS using the procedures provided by them. Then travelers may request reimbursement for the remaining costs from CTS following the CTS Revenue and Expense Reporting Procedures. A copy of the travel approval and trip report should accompany the CTS travel expense report.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 The July 2012 version of this document replaced previous CTS Expense Reimbursement Policy to provide members with Revenue and Expense Reporting Procedures to meet the requirements of IEEE. It was approved by the CTS Chapter Committee on 13 July and modified by T. Scott Atkinson, Vice Chair, MGA, IEEE on 29 August 2012 as a suggested new version which was approved by the CTS ExComm on 8 September 2012. This amendment reformats the September 2012 version as a standing rule and updates the content as indicated. This document provides the following: l Background explaining why detailed financial reporting and records are important l A summary of IEEE policy relevant to financial reporting (CTS has no additional policy) l A CTS form for use in reporting expenses l Instructions for completing the CTS/IEEE forms
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 1.Background and overview.. Background and overview. Since the attack of 9/11, IRS rules have become stricter. The consequence has been a push from IEEE central accounting for more detailed and complete of documentation of financial transactions throughout IEEE. Financial managers in IEEE are enforcing this more closely through random audits, online reporting to IEEE (the infamous L50 report), random audits of geo units that have bank accounts, and ultimately central financial management through a single online accounting system (NetSuite). a. Expenses. Under recent law, stricter audit rules have been set in place to monitor the use of payments to corporations to ensure that the funds are managed prudently and used for legal purposes. Correspondingly, IRS has tightened the reporting requirements for payments to individuals requiring us to report to IEEE any payment to an individual (except for adequately supported reimbursements).
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 The information is the same as that required for direct payments. Adequate support requires records that show: (1) Who was paid (restaurant, airline, hotel) (2) Where they were paid (city, state, country) (3) When they were paid (date and time). (4) What amount they were paid (5) Why they were paid. b. Revenue. Accounting for cash revenue has also come under increased scrutiny because of the high risk of money laundering, disappearance of funds, and potential for use of funds for political influence.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 In consequence, CTS must have on file receipts (or acknowledgements) for all funds received and have recordsthat show: (1) Who paid us (individual, corporation) (2) Where we were paid (city, state, country) (3) When we were paid (date and time). (4) What amount we were paid (5) Why we were paid. c. CTS Procedures and Forms. (1) CTS Expenses. CTS uses the Expense Report and Payment Request Form and the supporting receipts as records of the transactions that are reimbursed or paid directly from or to CTS. Copies of the receipts from or to venders or individuals provide adequate records for items shown in paragraph 1 a.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 (2) CTS Revenues. CTS uses no specific form for revenue. The Treasurer gathers the supporting information described in paragraph 1b to document these transactions. (3) Other Forms. The Expense Report forms and receipts provides the records for associated expense transactions within CTS. Other forms may be used, such as the IEEE Expense Report form (available on the IEEE Web site) for travel outside of the local CTS area and Excel spreadsheets for reporting details on workshops and other events, as long as the required information is provided. 2. Summary of Relevant IEEE Policies. All CTS financial transactions are subject to the policy and procedures IEEE. The CTS Treasurer can help you in researching these documents for particular questions dealing with financial reporting.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 a. IEEE Constitution b. IEEE Bylaws c. IEEE Policy d. IEEE Financial Operations Manual e. IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Operations Manual f. IEEE Region 5 bylaws, policies, and procedures g. IEEE Society guidelines and procedures h. Previously approved CTS policy (being replaced with this document) 3. CTS Procedures. Some important things from these documents that apply to CTS include:
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 a. Section Officers, Section Committee Chairs and Section appointed Special Project Managers and chapter Chairs: When a member of the Central Texas Section who holds an official position of leadership or a CTS Chapter or Affinity Group Chairman or an individual designated by the Chairman is involved in activities directly associated with their leadership position, then the Section or Chapter individuals authorized may reimburse reasonable expenses in support of their IEEE CTS activities. b. Section officers, Section Committee Chairs and Section appointed Special Project Managers and Chapter Chairs may be reimbursed for local auto mileage (travel within the CTS area). Reimbursement will be limited to a rate of $0.20 per mile plus tolls and parking. Any travel amount in excess of 125 miles for any one leg of travel must have supporting documentation, such as Google mileage or MapQuest supporting documentation. Remember that any amount requested for reimbursement must have a receipt for an amount equal to or over $25.00.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 c. Reimbursements are not approved that include the costs of attending one's own chapter meetings or attending the Section or another chapter's meeting for the purpose of the individual's personal educational interest in the subject matter of that meeting. d. All requests for reimbursements must provide complete and legible receipts for all reimbursements over $25 (recommended for all expenses when a receipt is available). e. Provide invoices, statements, or other documentation must be provided to support direct payments. f. Be sure expenses are reasonable (perception is important particularly for travel) g. Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and disclose them to affected parties when they do exist. h. Provide receipts and/or acknowledgements to all when receiving funds payable to CTS/IEEE. i
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 i. Be sure to include the value of any amount of goods or services donated to CTS/IEEE (required as IEEE is an 501(c)(3). j. Use standard IEEE contracts and IRS Forms 1099 and W-9 to document payments to individuals for services as these reports must be submitted to Hq IEEE. Remember, The Section Chairman must approve any legal contract or document that obligates the CTS/IEEE; this is critical for all such transactions that include payments before commitments are made and paid. k. Remember: Payments to IEEE volunteers for services is not authorized under normal circumstances. Requests for any exception must be approved before any commitments for payments are made. l. Also do not accept IRS Forms 1099 for payments to IEEE. They are not required.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 l. Also do not accept IRS Forms 1099 for payments to IEEE. They are not required. m. Use IEEE tax exemptions n. When submitting requests for reimbursement for attending an out of town conference, a short report should be submitted along with the travel reimbursement documents. 4. Expense Form. The most current form for reporting Revenue and Expenses within CTS is available on the CTS Website. 5. Instructions for Completing the Expense Report and Payment Request Form The Expense Report and Payment Request form supports reimbursements and direct CTS payments fromfour CTS expense categories: operating, travel, workshop, or other. The
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 CTS expense form may be used for all four types of expenses. Payments may be made directly to a vender or indirectly to a vender through reimbursement of an IEEE member who previously paid the vender. The form is completed and submitted as follows. (Examples are in parentheses.) a. Send the completed form or substitute form to the CTS Treasurer and if submitted by email send a copy to the CTS Chairman. b. Replace the sample data under the Itemized List of Expenses when completing the form. c. Category of funds: Check one of the following: (1) Operating funds: Enter the name of the chapter or CTS budget (SAS/SSC, CTS meeting, EMB, Life-SA).
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 (2) Travel funds: Enter the name of the event (Region 5 conference, ICICDT). (3) Workshop funds: Enter the name of the workshop or local conference supported (Solar Tech, Consultants, Future City). (4) Other: Discuss with treasurer before using. d. Within budget or prior approval: Check whether the payment amount is within the amount of funds available in the category budget or approved amount. Yes or No. If no, the CTS Chairman must approve the payment. e. Payee: Enter the name and address of the payee: (1) Name: Enter the name to be on the payment check--the person to be reimbursed or the vendor to be paid (John Jones, Papa John’s Pizza).
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 (2) Address: Enter the name and address of the payee (where the Treasurer should send the check). (3) Phone | email: enter the payee’s phone numbe and email address. f. Itemized List of Expenses: Enter each transaction to be reimbursed or paid, Use one line per receipt. (1) Date of payment or invoice: Enter the date of the payment to be reimbursed or the date of the invoice or other commitment to pay. Current year is assumed unless noted. (7/23, 11/27/12).
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 (2) Purpose of Payment and Vender Name: Enter the purpose of the payment (ChapComm meeting lunch, technical meeting dinner, supplies for secretary) and vender (Taco Cabana). (3) Purpose: If the receipt does not provide the information listed in items 1-4 paragraph 1a(1)-1a(5) above or if there is no receipt, enter the information here. (3) V-tools L31 Submission Date: If the reimbursement is for meeting expenses, enter the date you submitted the L31 report for the meeting. (4) Direct Payment to Vender : Enter the amount to be directly paid to the vender. If you have multiple venders add their names and addresses in the unused space on the form or on an attachment to the form.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 (5) Reimbursement. Enter the amount of the reimbursement requested. (6) Sub total of items listed. This sum or all amounts; it is calculated automatically. (7) Less Previous Direct Payments, Advances, or Other Reimbursements. Enter any previous reimbursements for a requested payment. (8) Total Request for Reimbursement or Direct Payment. This is the total of all amounts less previous reimbursements; it is calculated automatically. g. Remarks: Enter anything unusual about this report that might affect payment
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 h. Requestor or Requesting and Approving Officer: This is usually the person requesting payment or preparing the report. Payment requests must be signed by both the requester and a CTS officer who has authority to commit the funds from the funding category; they may be the same person. (1) Signature and Date: The signature of the requester or requester and approver and the date signed. An email from the signer is sufficient for signature. Enter, “By email” if you are using an email signature. (2) Name and email: Print the name and email of the signer. (3) IEEE Title and phone: Enter the signer’s IEEE title and phone number.
IEEE Central Texas Section IEEE Central Texas Section Standing Rule Expense Reporting 8 September 2012 Last amendment 6 September 2014 i. Approving Officer. This is the approving officer if not approved above. (1) Signature and Date: The signature of the approving officer and the date signed. (2) Name and and email: Print the name and email of the signer. (3) IEEE Title and phone: Enter the signer’s IEEE title and phone number.
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