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Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades (HotSWUp 2012) Michael Wahler ABB Corporate Research Industrial Software Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades (HotSWUp 2012) Michael Wahler ABB Corporate Research Industrial Software Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades (HotSWUp 2012) Michael Wahler ABB Corporate Research Industrial Software Systems

2 Program Time 09:00-10:30Session 1: Fraumünster Welcome 30-second introductions Keynote by Martin Pinzger 10:30-11:00Break 11:00-12:30Session 2: Zürichsee Talks and discussion 12:30-14:00Lunch 14:00-15:30Session 3: Üetliberg Talks and discussion 15:30-16:00Break 16:00-17:30Session 4: Baden Talks and discussion 17:30-18:00 (optional) Meta-Session: Summary of workshop, lessons learnt, … Dinner?

3 Session 1: Fraumünster 09:00-10:30 Welcome address (Michael Wahler) Keynote: Software Repository Mining for Improving Software Upgrades (Martin Pinzger, Delft University of Technology)

4 Session 2: Zürichsee 11:00-12:30 How To Have your Cake and Eat It Too: Dynamic Software Updating with Just in Time Overhead (Rida Bazzi, Bryan Topp, and Iulian Neamtiu) A Study of Dynamic Software Update Quiescence for Multithreaded Programs (Christopher Hayden, Karla Saur, Michael Hicks, and Jeffrey Foster) Towards Standardized Benchmarks for Dynamic Software Updating Systems (Edward K Smith, Michael Hicks and Jeffrey S Foster) Chair: Danny Dig

5 Session 3: Üetliberg 14:00-15:30 Safe and Automated State Transfer for Secure and Reliable Live Update (Cristiano Giuffrida and Andrew S. Tanenbaum) Atomic Dynamic Upgrades Using Software Transactional Memory (Luís Pina and João Cachopo) A Generic Approach for Deploying and Upgrading Mutable Software Components (Sander Van Der Burg) Chair: Michael Hicks

6 Session 4: Baden 16:00-17:30 Verification of Software Changes with ExpliSAT (Hana Chockler and Sitvanit Ruah) Multi-Version Software Updates (Cristian Cadar and Petr Hosek) Theseus: whole updates of Java server applications (Erwann Wernli) Chair: Iulian Neamtiu

7 Acknowledgments Danny Dig, co-organizer Program committee – Don Batory, Walter Cazzola, Michael Hicks, Bo Norregaard Jorgensen, Julia Lawall, Brice Morin, Iulian Neamtiu, Tien N Nguyen, Manuel Oriol, Robert J. Walker, Pen-Chung Yew External reviewers – Franck Chauvel, Chen Haibo, Francois Fouquet, Mario Pukall Session chairs – Danny Dig, Michael Hicks, Iulian Neamtiu All ICSE organizers ABB (Martin Naedele, Sascha Stoeter)

8 Keynote Martin Pinzger: Software Repository Mining for Improving Software Upgrades Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Research Group at the Delft University of Technology MSc and Doctoral degree from the Vienna University of Technology Research interests – software maintenance and evolution – software quality analysis – collaborative software engineering – mining software repositories – program understanding – empirical studies. In 2011, he co-founded the TU Delft start-up Infotron, which sells technologies on spreadsheet analysis

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