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Ecosystems: Inputs and Outputs Warm-Ups: October 10 -14.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems: Inputs and Outputs Warm-Ups: October 10 -14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystems: Inputs and Outputs Warm-Ups: October 10 -14

2 Monday, October 10, 2011 A biologist notices that the frog population of a nearby pond seems to be decreasing. This concerns him, because he knows that a decline in the number of frogs in an ecosystem can sometimes be the result or the cause of a decline in other species. What should the biologist do next? A.Call a press conference to announce that all frog species are in danger of extinction. B.Design and conduct research to determine if certain frog populations are decreasing C.Without conducting any research, report that the frog population is decreasing D.Ignore the problem. This cannot be addressed using the scientific method.

3 Monday, October 10, 2011 A biologist notices that the frog population of a nearby pond seems to be decreasing. This concerns him, because he knows that a decline in the number of frogs in an ecosystem can sometimes signal that the ecosystem is being damaged in some way. What should the biologist do next? B.Design and conduct research to determine if certain frog populations are decreasing. Write a question for this investigation..

4 Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Write the word “ Hypothesis” Create a hypothesis for your question. Check your rubric and remember to useembe to use If…. then… because… (logical scientific reasoning) What variables and controls will you need to include in your procedure?

5 Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Write the word “Procedure” How will you test your hypothesis? Write a procedure that includes all of the controls. For the higher levels on the rubric, be sure to include the aspects of reliability and validity of your procedure.

6 Wednesday, October 5, 2011 There was a tanker crash on Loveland Pass. The tanker was filled with a hazardous material which spilled into the North Fork of the Snake River. 1. What is the input into the Snake River Watershed? 2. What populations of the Snake River Watershed will be affected first? 3.If one type of organism in the watershed disappears, how will this affect other organisms in that same watershed?

7 Wednesday, October 5, 2011 There was a tanker crash on Loveland Pass. The tanker was filled with a hazardous material which spilled into the North Fork of the Snake River. 1. What is the input into the Snake River Watershed? 2. What populations of the Snake River Watershed will be affected first? 3.If one type of organism in the watershed disappears, how will this affect other organisms in that same watershed? The hazardous material Micro-organisms (tiny plants and animals) Pollutants make their way up the food chain, thus bugs would be next and last would be the fish population. Pollutants make their way up the food chain, thus bugs would be next and last would be the fish population.

8 Thursday, October 6, 2011 A new and very large development is being built just upstream of the pond you are investigating. A few days ago a major rainstorm occurred and 4 inches of rain fell in 2 hours. As an organism in this pond, why would this be of concern?

9 Thursday, October 6, 2011 A new and very large development is being built just upstream of the pond you are investigating. A few days ago a major rainstorm occurred and 4 inches of rain fell in 2 hours. As an organism in this pond, why would this be of concern? Rapidly flushing storm water can increase erosion from the land around construction activity. Eventually, when sediment-laden water slows down, that sediment settles to the bottom of the stream, river, lake, or pond. When sediment settles out, it may cover fish eggs or destroy important habitat such as spawning beds and submerged aquatic vegetation.

10 Tuesday, October 4, 2011 How could you gather background information about possible pollution sources near the pond with the declining frog population? The pond was located across from the Keystone Stables (just downstream from Keystone Gulch). List a minimum of 3 possible pollution sources from the Loveland Pass drainage of the Snake River Basin and a minimum of 3 possible pollution sources from the Upper Snake River and Peru Creed drainage. Friday, October 7, 2011 It is the end of October and water is being pulled out of the Snake River to get the snowmaking system working so that Keystone can open their slopes. How could this output of water affect the water quality of the Snake River in this area? (think about the ppb lab) Draw an illustration to help explain the above situation.

11 Tuesday, October 4, 2011 How could you gather background information about possible pollution sources near the pond with the declining frog population? The pond was located across from the Keystone Stables (just downstream from Keystone Gulch). List a minimum of 3 possible pollution sources from the Loveland Pass drainage of the Snake River Basin and a minimum of 3 possible pollution sources from the Upper Snake River and Peru Creed drainage. Friday, October 7, 2011 It is the end of October and water is being pulled out of the Snake River to get the snowmaking system working so that Keystone can open their slopes. How could this output of water affect the water quality of the Snake River in this area? (think about the ppb lab) Draw an illustration to help explain the above situation. The pollutants do not have as much water to dilute them, thus the concentration of pollutants is higher.

12 Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!

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