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Ecology Review.

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1 Ecology Review

2 The process of respiration is important because:
A. it releases energy from food B. it transports food to where it is needed C. it removes wastes from the body D. it produces food

3 What type of energy is stored in a plant and then used in muscle cells of an animal that ate the plant? A. mechanical energy B. electromagnetic energy C. chemical energy D. heat energy

4 Coal is a rock that scientists think was formed millions of years ago as plants died and decomposed in huge swamps. What assumption do scientists make to explain coal? A. plants used C02, water and sunlight in the past the same way they do today. B. plants used oxygen, sugar, and sunlight to create energy in the past C. in the past, animals were the organisms that underwent photosynthesis. D. scientists assume life processes worked differently in ancient times.

5 In the ocean, large fish sometimes have their teeth cleaned by smaller fish. The smaller fish gets food and the larger fish gets clean teeth that are less likely to decay. This is an example of what type of relationship? A. predator/prey because one organism is hunted B. parasitism because one organism is harmed C. mutualism because both fish benefit D. competition between the two sizes of fish because of their size difference

6 Which substances are necessary for plants to produce sugar through photosynthesis?
A. Water, soil, chlorophyll B. Water, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll C. Water, minerals, cell wall D. Water, roots, oxygen

7 Which substances are the products of photosynthesis?
A. carbon dioxide and oxygen B. carbon dioxide and water C. glucose (sugar) and oxygen D. glucose (sugar) and water

8 Which of the following relationships would best describe a fox eating a duck? A. producer/consumer B. predator/prey C. symbiosis/mutualism D. symbiosis/parasitism

9 Which of the following. relationships would best describe a
Which of the following relationships would best describe a mosquito sucking blood from a deer? A. producer/consumer B. predator/prey C. symbiosis/mutualism D. symbiosis/parasitism

10 Students planted flowers for an experiment under identical conditions
Students planted flowers for an experiment under identical conditions. They used seeds for 12 different flowers. Each different flower was in a separate pot. They were all placed in the same light and temperature conditions. The independent variable is the variable that you deliberately change. The dependent variable is the one that responds because of the one you changed. You want to find out which plants will best survive in salty soil. What would be your dependent variable? A. amount of salt given B. whether the plant survived or not C. amount of water given D. kind of flower

11 Students planted flowers for an experiment under identical conditions
Students planted flowers for an experiment under identical conditions. They used seeds for 12 different flowers. Each different flower was in a separate pot. They were all placed in the same light and temperature conditions. The independent variable is the variable that you deliberately change. The dependent variable is the one that responds because of the one you changed. How would the students find out which plants will best survive in salty soil? A. add different amounts of salt to each plant because the type of flower is the independent variable B. add different amounts of salt to each plant because salt is the independent variable C. add 1 tablespoon of salt to each plant because the kind of flower is the independent variable D. add 1 tablespoon of salt to each plant because salt is the independent variable

12 When considering food webs, which of these are producers. A. birds B
When considering food webs, which of these are producers? A. birds B. fungi C. mammals D. trees




16 Use the graph to answer the following question
Use the graph to answer the following question. What can be inferred from the graph about year 7 and 8? A. disease hit the coyote population, reducing their numbers B. something happened to the rabbit population that decreased their numbers C. something happened to the coyote population that decreased their numbers D. rabbits were able to reproduce in greater numbers

17 Use the graph to answer the following question
Use the graph to answer the following question. What relationship do the rabbit and coyote populations have with each other? A. they do not appear to be related B. when one goes up the other goes up also C. the coyote population responds to changes in the rabbit population D. the rabbit population responds to changes in the coyote population

18 Suzanne wanted to better understand the effect of light on seed germination. She planted 8 seeds, 4 in each of 2 cups. She placed one cup in a dark closet and the other on a sunny window sill. She gave the plants the same amount of water and observed them for a week. Which of the following would invalidate any data she collects? A. She used different soils in each cup B. She forgot to water all of the plants one day C. She didn't weigh the seeds before she planted them D. Nothing grew up in either cup

19 Which process directly produces the energy needed to carry out life activities? A. circulation B. digestion C. excretion D. respiration

20 photosynthesis, mechanical energy, light energy, respiration
Study the list above. Which sequence best shows the path of energy that allows animals to move? A. photosynthesis --> light energy --> mechanical energy --> respiration B. mechanical energy --> light energy --> photosynthesis --> respiration C. light energy --> photosynthesis --> respiration --> mechanical energy D. respiration --> light energy --> photosynthesis --> mechanical energy

21 Gina was trying to model the flow of energy through an ocean ecosystem by using the pond behind their house. She observed fish, algae, water plants, frogs, aquatic insects, and various decomposing microorganisms living in the pond. She wants to order the organisms of her pond by how energy flows through them. Which would be the most correct ordering? A. water plants --> frogs --> insects --> fish B. algae --> microorganisms --> insects --> fish C. fish --> water plants --> frogs --> microorganisms D. algae --> fish --> frogs --> microorganisms

22 What energy conversion happens when animals use respiration?
A. Nuclear energy is converted to chemical energy B. Chemical energy is converted to nuclear energy C. Chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy D. Heat energy is converted to chemical energy

23 Which substance do plants use for their energy and growth needs. A
Which substance do plants use for their energy and growth needs? A. carbon dioxide B. oxygen C. sugar D. water

24 Read the following information to answer the question that follows
Read the following information to answer the question that follows. In 1648, a Flemish alchemist, Jan van Helmont, had a theory. To test it, he grew a tree in a tub of soil, adding nothing but measured quantities of water for five years. During that time he kept track of the weight of the soil and the tree. At the end of the experiment the tree had gained 164 pounds and the soil had lost 2 ounces. What could van Helmont conclude from his experiment? A. Trees need only soil and light to grow B. Most of the tree’s increase came from the soil. C. Most of the tree's increase came from something other than the soil. D. Most of the tree's increase came from particles in the tub.

25 In a closed terrarium, more photosynthesis is taking place than respiration. Which gas would you expect to increase? A. Air B. Carbon dioxide C. Oxygen D. Nitrogen

26 An organism produces sugars from carbon dioxide and water using light as the energy source for the reaction. This organism would be: A. An animal B. A bacteria C. A fungus D. A parasite E. A plant

27 In your travels through space you have discovered a new planet that is inhabited by dragon-like creatures. As you study these creatures you notice that one is a particularly large and fierce species. It seems to make its home in areas that are inhabited by a large number of small animals, which act like consumers. In all of your studies you have not observed any violence between the two species even though the smaller animals often enter the dwellings of the larger animals. Which of the following statements about these two animals would most likely be true? A. These two species may have a mutualistic symbiotic relationship B. These two species are part of a predator/prey relationship C. These two species most likely interact in a parasitic symbiotic relationship D. These two species most likely do not interact in any way

28 Which of the following relationships would best describe a weasel eating a bird's eggs?
A. producer/consumer B. predator/prey C. symbiosis/mutualism D. symbiosis/parasitism

29 A group of scientists have found an animal in a glacier while exploring the Antarctic. It is unlike anything that has ever been found before. You have been called in as an expert to help them try to classify it. It has bat-like wings, ears like a cow, large eyes that would work well for seeing in the dark, hand-like feet with weak nails, front teeth that are incisor-like and back teeth that are molar-like. When dissected the stomach contained vegetable matter. If they had found tapeworm in the intestines of this creature along with the vegetative matter, which of these relationships would have existed between the animal and the tapeworm? A. producer/consumer   B. predator/prey C. symbiotic/parasitic D. symbiotic/mutualistic

30 What process do animals use in order to release the energy stored in food?
A. circulation B. conversion C. photosynthesis D. respiration

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