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Module based on a kit from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Module based on a kit from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nothing Fishy About Evolution: Explore biochemical evidence for evolution
Module based on a kit from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Adapted from a presentation by Stan Hitomi Monte Vista High School, Danville, CA. Kirk Brown Tracy High School, Tracy, CA.

2 Outline Overview From DNA to Protein Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Trees
Electrophoresis / SDS-PAGE Analysis of Fish Proteins Extension Activity

3 Overview

4 Question addressed in this module:
Can we tell how closely related species are by analyzing their molecules?

5 Hands-on Evolution Lab
Get four different fish! (grocery store, canal, pond, ocean; fresh or frozen is OK) Isolate total protein from fish muscle Use polyacrylamide electrophoresis to separate proteins by size Analyze protein profiles from a variety of fish Compare biochemical and phylogenetic relationships

6 From DNA to Protein

Transcription mRNA: AUG GCU AGC ACU UGA Translation Protein: Met-Ala-Ser-Thr-Stop

8 Effect of Mutation on Protein
DNA: TAC CGA TCG TGA ACT C Transcription mRNA: AUG GCU AGC ACU UGA G Translation Protein: Met-Ala-Ser-Thr-Stop Gly

9 Structural Effects of Mutation on Proteins
Range of possible effects Change one amino acid Change many amino acids Shorten a protein Lengthen a protein Remove a protein Add a protein

10 Functional Effects of Mutation on Proteins
Range of possible effects Abolish function Slightly alter function Generate new function No effect on function

11 Levels of Protein Structure

12 Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Trees

13 Traditional Systematics and Taxonomy
Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Traditional classification based upon traits: morphological behavioral

14 Phylogenetic Tree

15 Electrophoresis / SDS-PAGE

16 Electrophoresis Mixture of molecules (e.g., DNA or protein) migrates through a gel matrix Separation of molecules can be based on: Size Shape Charge Gel made of agarose or polyacrylamide - +

17 Why Use Polyacrylamide Gels to Separate Proteins?
Smaller pore size than agarose Proteins much smaller than DNA average protein = kD “average” DNA = >2000 kD

18 Vertical Electrophoresis
Polyacrylamide gels are run vertically Gels must solidify in the absence of oxygen Therefore, gels poured between glass plates Forces use of comb which makes vertical wells

19 SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
CH2 CH3 SDS detergent solubilizes proteins negative charge added to proteins SDS

20 Why heat the samples? Heating the samples helps denature proteins and protein complexes, allowing the separation of individual proteins by size s-s - + SDS, heat proteins with SDS

21 How does SDS-PAGE work? - +
Proteins (negatively charged due to SDS) move to positive electrode Proteins separate by size Smaller proteins move faster - + largest large small smallest

22 Analysis of Fish Proteins

23 Experiment: Day 1

24 Experiment: Day 2

25 Experiment: Day 3

26 Protein Size Size measured in kilodaltons (kDa)
Dalton = mass of hydrogen atom = 1 atomic mass unit Average amino acid = 110 daltons

27 Selected Muscle Proteins
Protein kDa Function titin center myosin in sarcomere dystrophin anchoring to plasma membrane filamin cross-link filaments into gel myosin heavy chain 210 slide filaments spectrin attach filaments to plasma membrane nebulin regulate actin assembly a-actinin bundle filaments gelosin fragment filaments fimbrin bundle filaments actin form filaments tropomyosin 35 strengthen filaments myosin light chain 27 slide filaments troponin (T, I, C) 30, 19, 17 mediate regulation of contraction thymosin 5 sequester actin monomers

28 Actin and Myosin Actin Myosin 5% of total protein Two heavy subunits
20% of vertebrate muscle mass Two light subunits 375 amino acids Breaks down ATP during muscle contraction Forms filaments

29 Gel Analysis Lane 1. Kaleidoscope Markers 2. Shark 3. Salmon 4. Trout
5. Catfish 6. Sturgeon 7. Actin and Myosin Standard

30 Gel Analysis Sturgeon Salmon Catfish Shark Trout
Compare similarities and differences of different lanes to see if correlates well with the fish evolutionary tree

31 Extension Activity

32 Molecular Weight of Kaleidoscope Standards
kDa mm Size of proteins in Kaleidoscope standard is known Plot Distance Migrated (mm) vs. Size (kDa) on semi- log graph paper

33 Molecular Weight of Unknowns
Measure distance migrated for selected unknown proteins on gel Determine size of unknowns from the graph

34 Biotechnology Explorer Program Serious About Science Education

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