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Product Lifecycle Management Solutions of Enterprise Group 8 楊士霆 (d927821) 吳友仁 (g923836) 白珊慈 (g923840)

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2 Product Lifecycle Management Solutions of Enterprise Group 8 楊士霆 (d927821) 吳友仁 (g923836) 白珊慈 (g923840)

3 Outline  Concept of PLM  Case Study 1 : Consultant of IBM  Case Study 2 : Boeing Company  Case Study 3 : Beautone Company  Conclusion

4 Concept of PLM  Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) allows business to design, analyze, and manage their products from initial conception to retirement.  PLM solutions create collaborative, integrated and scalable product development environments that satisfy customer demands faster.  PLM is about process, not product “The process of making products” R&D $ in US firms has traditionally been 2/3 on products and 1/3 on process.

5 Real cost Reduction

6 IBM  IBM is the world's largest information technology company.  PLM solutions from IBM and Dassault Systemes.

7 IBM’s PLM Solution  What benefits are IBM solution provides Enterprise ? - Share knowledge, data and expertise quickly and easily between team players. - Manage the complexity of product designs, variations, and production processes while responding more rapidly to international market and standards requirements.

8 3D Collaborative Workspaces

9 IBM Solution Tools  CATIA V5 - A collaborative product design software for CAD, CAM, CAE.  ENOVIA - Provides e-business support, includes product, process and resource data.  SMARTEAM - Provides best-in-class solutions for product teams

10 Solution in difference Industries  Aerospace  Automotive  Chemical and petroleum  Consumer goods  Electronics  Industrial machinery  Shipbuilding

11 Solution (1/2)  Aerospace - Help Aerospace enterprise shorten cycle times, reduce costs, and adapt smoothly to market changes.  Automotive - Help automotive enterprise to develop innovative products, speed time-to-market, and maximize their ROI. (return on investment)

12 Solution (2/2)  Chemical and petroleum - Help enterprise access product data in real-time, improve on-site asset management through digital modeling, and move with each market shift.  Industrial machinery - Help Industrial machinery enterprise foster innovation and speed time to market, reduce costs while maintaining quality, and react to fluctuating demand.

13 A Case Study - Boeing  Problem: Inconsistent product data. Increased complexity of non-mechanical components. Meeting rigid cycle times while manufacturing quality.  Boeing - A global company designing a plane is a complex and conscientious job. linking each team of designing in different localities on purpose working with the same best-in-class tools and processes

14 Conduct by IBM and Dassault  The role: Dassault Systemes: CATIA and ENOVIA software products from. IBM: As the core spans all Boeing business units and all sites  On purpose Throughout Boeing and on current programs where their use makes business sense

15 Technique  CATIA: enables engineers to digitally design and manipulate a product.  ENOVIA a suite of software applications that electronically simulate. Boeing is committed to CATIA and ENOVIA as standard tools for new programs across the enterprise. Closer to the Boeing goal of “design anywhere, build anywhere”.

16 Boeing Company’s Success  Strategic to the success  BIVDS: Analysis and design in the early stage of product development, Relex Software Corporation, for estimating reliability and maintainability.  Mock-up initiated with the 777 and then product Generation 737.  Development to anywhere, anytime throughout the product life cycle, leveraging the value of partnership.  Keep providing the computing tools and support required to design and build future products.

17 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)  Allow design, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance engineers to work within a consistent digital mock-up environment. They ensure a standard approach to specifications, engineering rules, operational parameters and simulation results – all of which will support affordable JSF development.  In addition, ENOVIA will provide the electronic database needed to develop advanced JSF support concepts that promise to reduce JSF life-cycle costs.

18 Performance  Boeing: Allowing 38,000 people visit the statistics of the same production at the time.  Getting degree of accuracy of BOM up to 100%.  The average times of modifying orders from 17 times down to 0.  A significant competitive advantage through major improvements in engineering cycle time, quality and cost.  By IBM and Dassault Systemes conduct the concept of PLM.

19 ● Case introduction ● Why to conduct into PDM ● Four purposes of PDM ● Five modules of PDM ● Stages of conducting into PDM ● Delivered the document Case Study 3 : Beautone

20 Case Study ( Beautone ) ■ Background : CAST/ITRI (工研院系統與航太發展中心) →Beautone (貝爾敦) ■ Beautone Company : — Produces paper stationery of the office — Main product : office-file , Data notebook , Paper for printer…..

21 The reason of conducting into PDM ■ Past method: (1) Raise the productivity (2) Reduce the inventory ■ Now method: (1) Shorten time that product appears on market (2) Accumulate knowledge to promote new product R&D ability.

22 The purpose of conducting into PDM (1)Product’s BOM management (2) Engineering changes management (3) Electronic document and diagram (4) Electronic process

23 The five modules of PDM (1) Engineering data management (2) Component data management (3) Product structure management (4) Engineering changes management (5) Design process management

24 The stage of conducting into PDM Step1 : System analysis Step2 : System design Step3 : Application development Step4 : System deployment Step5 : System on Live Step6 : System in production and maintenance

25 Delivered document CAST/ITRI delivered the document to Beautone during each stage. ( 1 ) System analyzes and designs - stage ‧ Information flow chart ‧ Function request ‧ Specification of the electronic process

26 Delivered document ( 2 ) System develops and tests - stage ‧ Source code of the ASP program ‧ Test reports ( 3 ) System on line - stage ‧ User manual ‧ Teaching material ‧ Administrator manual

27 Conclusion  Most current PLM solutions still rely on form, fit and function-oriented models of the product. PLM solution needs a more comprehensive and global model. Form, Fit, Function

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