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Research  Dr. Richard Davidson › Job Strain and Emotions  Dr. Candice Pert › Neuropeptides  Dr. Peter Schnall › Map of the Brain Mind/Body Approaches.

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2 Research  Dr. Richard Davidson › Job Strain and Emotions  Dr. Candice Pert › Neuropeptides  Dr. Peter Schnall › Map of the Brain Mind/Body Approaches to Mental Fitness  Tai Chi  Qigong  Yoga

3 Davidson –Mapped out areas of brain activation according to negative (right prefrontal cortex) and positive emotions (left prefrontal cortex). –Olympians have higher levels of activation for the left prefrontal cortex –Mental and physical life capacity is flexible, dynamic, and expansive. –Robust health can result from systematic training of the mind through planned, systematic inner development. –The far reaches of human flourishing can be explored by training our mind (Dacher,P20-22)

4 Pert –Discovered message-carrying neuropeptides –Thoughts, feelings, and visual images produce specific neuropeptides –Neuropeptides alter our physiology to reflect a specific mental state. (Dacher, P17)

5 Schnall –Identified managers who suffered from “job strain” and those who didn’t. –In the circumstance of high demand and low control, managers who felt overwhelmed by their role developed disturbing emotions that led to chronic hypertension and enlarged heart. –The unrelenting stress of negative emotions Causes permanent change in physiology of the body. (Dacher, P19)

6 Mental training reduces hyperactivity of the body helping to control;  Blood pressure  Pulse  Muscular tension  Capillary blood flow  Bowel and bladder motility  (Dacher, P83)

7 Mental Fitness  Helps prevent mental distress and physical illness  Enhances recovery from disease  (Dacher, P86)

8 › All physical activity can be beneficial to both mind and body. › Many people are already aware of the benefits they get mentally when they exercise.  Exercise helps relieve stress and clear the mind. › There are many exercises which are specifically beneficial for both mind and body.

9 Tai Chi Ancient Chinese Movements that originate in martial arts practice. Practiced for its health and relaxation benefits. Creates well being. Combats stress. Popular low-intensity workout around the world.

10 Qigong Translated from the Chinese to mean "energy cultivation" or "working with the life energy." Ancient Chinese system of postures, exercises, breathing techniques, and meditations. Techniques are designed to improve and enhance the body's qi.

11 Bhakti Yoga One of six major branches of yoga. Represents the path of self-transcending love or complete devotion to the divine. Developed in Hindu culture. Focuses the believer's mind and heart on the divine. Focus is on worship, devotion, and service to the divine.

12  Research has shown that there is a mind/body connection.  Mental training helps to control physiological affects.  Tai chi, Qigong, and Bhakti Yoga all work on the mind and body.

13  Dacher, E.S., (2006). Integral Health: the path to human flourishing. California: Basic Health.

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