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Technology Integration Planning Guidelines for Development A Visual Guide/ Couva West Secondary School.

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1 Technology Integration Planning Guidelines for Development A Visual Guide/ Couva West Secondary School.

2 Map Expectations Students Learn through the use of technology in the classroom. Teachers will use the technology provided to deliver the curriculum. Laptops, ICT training, functional classrooms. Parents Their children will use technology to do well academically. Learning will take place in an enhanced setting. ICT training. Safety of the hardware to and from school. Teachers Use ICT in the delivery of the curriculum. Parents will monitor the use of laptops at home. More computers, ICT training in the use of lesson planning for students of different abilities. MOE/ School’s Administration ICT will be used to enhance learning in the Information Age. Teachers, Parents and Students will use the technology provided to increase learning strategies. Computers, air- conditioned classrooms, technical expertise. Key Question: 1.Identify the groups to benefit from the ICT infusion Intervention 2.What should each group expect from ICT Infusion? 3.What do each of these groups expect from each other? 4.What resources are required? Identify Groups

3 Resource Requirements Teachers Need to be trained in ICT. Those who are trained need to impart knowledge to members of the departments. Need technical know how. TPACK (Ranking) What do we have..NOW! Limited number of computers. One Lab.Fluctuations in power supply. Some students are unable to use the technology. Present School Resources 30 computers for staff and students. Two ICT classes at Examination level. ICT Equipment & Infrastructure Present Access to Technology(s) What we need to have? More computers that teachers can access. More air=conditioned classrooms. Knowledge e of available web sites Training Requirements Need all teachers to be fully trained in the use of ICT. Sharing of web sites to facilitate an enhanced technological environment. Who/What? Collaborative Software Productivity Software Web 2.0 Timeframe & Measurement One term. Increased performance at the end of term examinations.

4 What is the Relative Advantage ? (Why should I use a technology based method?) 1)To Monitor the Heads of Department and know what is being done through the submission of lesson plans online by teachers. 2)To monitor the progress of students. 3)Compare students performance by subjects. What is the Advantage of infusing the Technology ? 1)Students will learn at their own pace. 2)Individual attention. 3)Better research skills. 4)World of windows for best practices to be shared. 5)Less paper work. 6)Easy to monitor each department and students performance and progress. 7)Students will be engrossed in their school work … therefore a more disciplined school.

5 Objective & Assessment of Infusion (How will I know what students have learnt?) Students – E.g. Improve assessment scores Increase student research skills w/use of technology Promote time on task – Reduction of mis-behaviour – Increase in student motivation Teachers – E.g. Greater class control. Less in-disciplined students. Higher marks Lesson more appealing. Enhanced learning environment. Assessment – E.g Online assignments Projects Formative / Summative

6 Measurement. E.g. School: Indices (Last Yr vs. Present Yr) 1.Physical improvements (technology) 2.Spill Over Effect +- (Pervasiveness) 3.Initial Challenges 4.Lessons Learnt

7 How will you Measurement? (What measures apply to my school?) Students Fewer student skipping classes.. Less absenteeism More students will use ICT in projects. Group presentations Teachers Clinical Supervision Exam pass rate/ School, CSEC Increased Use of ICT in the classrooms in subject delivery. Differentiated learning strategies employed in the classroom situation. Subject based data base…accessible for all teachers.

8 Integration Strategies (What teaching Strategies will work best?) Term 1Term 2 Needs assessment Training for all teachers. Term 3 Integration of ICT in the curriculum. Monitoring and evaluation. 1.What tools/techniques will you introduce based on your learnings for each term? 2.What is a good starting point for integration?

9 Integration Strategies (What tools will support the teaching strategies?) Term (2) Sensitize staff Use ICT in lesson planning Tactics

10 Preparation of Instructional Environment (Are conditions in place to support teaching & learning?) Step 1 Needs assessment Step 2 Infrastructural works Resources Step 3 Sensitization, Training and Implementation.

11 Plan Revisions Do we need new measurements? Are additional resources required? Who will take them? What Corrective Actions are needed?

12 Monitoring & Evaluation (What worked well?) Objectives TeacherStudentSchoolMoe_ICT Identify best practices for each group

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