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Oakland Schools Labor Coalition Labor’s budget proposals to District Feb.-Mar. 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Oakland Schools Labor Coalition Labor’s budget proposals to District Feb.-Mar. 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oakland Schools Labor Coalition Labor’s budget proposals to District Feb.-Mar. 2010

2 Oakland Schools Labor Coalition AFSCME 257: Custodians, food service, aides to handicapped AFT 771: Adult Ed hourly teachers BTC: Building Trades workers IBT: Warehouse workers & drivers OEA: Classroom teachers, education professionals SEIU 1021: Administrative, instructional staff UAOS: Certificated & classified administrators Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO

3 Here’s the money…Overview 1Excess management, salaries (site & ctrl ofc)$10 million 2Unmandated testing$10 million 3State Trustee$317,500 4Outsourcing / consultant contracts$5 million 5New Teacher Project$1 million 6School consolidation (3-4 schools)$1 million 7Reduce reserve from 2% to 1%$4.6 million 8 Waive payments on state loan, fines for violating state ed code $7 million 9Adult Education (non-classroom instruction)$1 million 10Measures E/G (misallocated portion)$5 million $35 million

4 Excess management, salaries 80 x $125,000 = $10 million / year State’s 55% rule is 8 administrators / 100 teachers Ed. Code 41372 Eliminate unnecessary NEXOs & office overhead, top administrators (total cost is $3.3 million) Audit of OUSD found as many as 78 excess management positions in 2006-07

5 Unmandated testing $10 million / year Money wasted on technology alone – at least $5 million / year At least $5 million is wasted on contractors, unnecessary testing staff time Developing test Validating questions Producing / distributing tests Administering tests Scoring / assessing tests Analyzing test results Gaming the test / “teaching to the test” Professional development on how to teach to the test – developing, presenting Additional technology for testing: hardware and software

6 State Trustee $317,500 / year What work does Trustee perform? Will State reimburse District for Audit findings from Trusteeship period? Transfer by Jack O’Connell to charter schools of $500,000

7 Consultant contracts, outsourcing Minimum $5 million / year… Review every dollar for duplication Utilize in-house talent Evaluate consultants, track outcomes Redirect contracted-out coaching, professional development, PD presentations, new teacher recruitment and subsidies to in-District resources

8 The New Teacher Project $1.2 million How effective are Teach for America, Oakland Teacher Fellows? Do these programs provide stability? Re-invest in District’s community, build a future in the District; Stabilize, professionalize workforce Shift to Teach Tomorrow in Oakland

9 Consolidate (not close) schools Reluctantly, in the context of drastic cuts, work to preserve small schools wherever possible while eliminating duplicate management Respect parents, community in process – strive for stability and confidence Assess the 13 most recently divided schools (now more than 30) and consolidation, not closure Improve safety and security, compromised on divided campuses

10 Reduce “reserve for economic uncertainty” Temporarily reduce from 2% ($8 million) to 1% ($4 million) - one-time savings Seek a waiver under these extraordinary circumstances

11 Payments on State Loan $6 million / year for 5 years Seek legislative support to waive or suspend payments Seek State reimbursement for Audit findings under state receivership, especially in Attendance, State/Fed Compliance $1 million / year OUSD is fined more than $1 million / year for violations. The money goes to the state – even though the state was responsible for the violations under the state takeover. Impact of State takeover 2002-03$37 million deficit 2009-10$100 million debt

12 Adult Education Eliminated 200 teachers - only 150 teachers remain 9 non-classroom-instruction = salary $804,000 Non-classroom-instruction support staff = salary $281,000 Total $1,085,000

13 Measures E & G Permanent parcel tax to "attract and retain qualified credentialed teachers" and "maintain small class sizes“ Generates $20 million / year in revenue $5 million misallocated – mostly coaching and professional development – including professional development for principals and Nexo's! Spending authorized by state administrator without community oversight since April 2008

14 Total savings 1Excess management, salaries (site & ctrl ofc)$10 million 2Unmandated testing$10 million 3State Trustee$317,500 4Outsourcing / consultant contracts$5 million 5New Teacher Project$1 million 6School consolidation (3-4 schools)$1 million 7Reduce reserve from 2% to 1%$4.6 million 8 Waive payments on state loan, fines for violating state ed code $7 million 9Adult Education$1 million 10Measures E/G (misallocated portion)$5 million $35 million

15 Oakland Schools Labor Coalition We make this District work AFSCME 257: Custodians, food service, aides to handicapped AFT 771: Adult Ed hourly teachers BTC: Building Trades workers IBT: Warehouse workers & drivers OEA: Classroom teachers, education professionals SEIU 1021: Administrative, instructional staff UAOS: Certificated & classified administrators Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO

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