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Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS How to Implement the WaveVideo Plugin in an MSR Router.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS How to Implement the WaveVideo Plugin in an MSR Router."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS How to Implement the WaveVideo Plugin in an MSR Router

2 2 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart- 9/15/2015 10:43 PM WaveVideo Example of application specific congestion control Implemented as: –Video Encoder –Router Plugin –Video Decoder Current implementation is in the Crossbow framework Uses about 3 Mb/s for video Requires congestion to demonstrate its usefulness

3 3 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart- 9/15/2015 10:43 PM Current WV Assumptions It will be given some indication of: –Its target rate in bits/second –Does not actually use any indication of congestion being present Currently works with DRR –Sends a PCU message to the crossbow packet scheduler for interface to get its target rate. If WV behaves, no one else will drop its packets. –WV plugin needs to be the only place where WV packets get dropped –Relies on DRR dropping packets from the longest queue Each flow corresponds to a queue All flows share equally Therefore if WV stays under its share and there is congestion it will be because there is another longer queue

4 4 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart- 9/15/2015 10:43 PM Ingress SPC, No FPX interrupt PCU Framework Y.1 X.1Z.1 W.1 IP Options X.2Y.1 Z.2 SW Interrupt Priority HW Interrupt APIC Buffer Management Insert IntraPort Shim (Add Input VIN)... SP 1 SP 2 SP N APIC Exact Match (add SID) Route Lookup (Add Output VIN) SID? IP opt? Local Resource Manager (swint) APIC DQ Out PN 0 Out PN 1... Out PN M hi frequency interrupt (100us) CP commands CP command processor Command (AAL0) reply to CP Replace IntraShim with IntgerShim In/Out (AAL0) DQ Broadcast Cells Do we have any Packet Scheduling on Ingress Side? Will WV packets be dropped if there is congestion?

5 5 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart- 9/15/2015 10:43 PM Egress SPC, No FPX interrupt PCU Framework Y.1 X.1Z.1 W.1 Manage X.2Y.1 Z.2 SW Interrupt Priority HW Interrupt APIC Buffer Management Insert IntraPort Shim (Add Input VIN)... In P 1 In P 2 In P M APIC Exact Match (add SID) SID? Local Resource Manager (swint) CP commands CP command processor Command (AAL0) reply to CP Determine Out VC Remove Shim APIC DQ Out NH 0 Out NH 1... Out NH N DRR Service drr thread hi frequency interrupt (100us) DQ Broadcast Cells Is this Packet Scheduling on Egress Side per flow? If not, how can WV know that it behaving will make a difference?

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