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Neural Basis of Speech 2/29/00.

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1 Neural Basis of Speech 2/29/00

2 Neuron Neuron = Nervous system cell
Neuron cell body (contains nucleus) Nucleus (contains genetic material) Dendrites (projections; communication from 1 neuron to another) Axon (single long process which conducts nerve impulses to muscles, glands or other neurons) Rarely can be replaced Cannot regenerate

3 Neuron Structure Nucleus Dendrites Nucleolus Axon

4 Neuron Three basic types: Sensory Neurons Motor Neurons Interneurons
Conduct nerve impulses from sensory receptor (eye or ear) to the brain & spinal cord Travel from periphery to central site Direction of travel is afferent Motor Neurons Carry neural instructions from the brain to muscles or glands Travel from central nervous system to the periphery Direction of travel is efferent Interneurons Most numerous of all types Constitute neural tissue of brain & spinal cord

5 Neuron Three primary structure types: Monopolar Bipolar Multipolar
Cell body located in a collateral section that connects to transmitting zone of dendrite & axon Cell of somatic sense (sense of touch & pressure) Bipolar Cell body along the main structure of the neuron with the dendrite extending in one direction from body and the axon in the other direction Found in special senses (vision, audition, olfaction) Multipolar Multiple dendrites project from cell body Neuron of the CNS & motor neuron innervating muscle

6 Types of Neurons CB= Cell Body Bipolar Unipolar Multipolar Axons

7 Neural Connections Communication between neurons is achieved by the release of neurotransmitters Synapse= Tiny gap between 2 neurons Presynaptic Neuron= Transmits impulse Postsynaptic Neuron= Receiving impulse Excitation (promoting neural activity) Inhibition (reducing neural activity) Neurotransmitter=Chemicals involved in neural communication Released from terminal boutons of one neuron into cleft of synaptic junction Contained in synaptic vesicles

8 Synapse Vesicles PRESYNAPTIC NEURON Lock & Key Synaptic Cleft

9 Neurotransmitters 100 different kinds Major: Slower Neurotransmitters:
Glutamate Aspartate Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Glycine Relatively simple & fast action Central to basic life processes Slower Neurotransmitters: Seratonin Norepinephrine Dopamine

10 Synaptic Connections Neuron B Neuron C Synapses Myelin Neuron A

11 Myelin & Glia Larger axon insulated with fatty coating- Myelin
Increases speed of neural transmission Reduces interference with the neural message Multiple sclerosis- dymyelinating Neurons outnumbered by glial cells Hold neurons in place & provide nutrients Oligodendroglia (form myelin in CNS) Schwann (form myelin in the PNS)

12 Neural Impulse Neurons generate electrical impulse traveling the length of the nerve fibers Neural activity= electrical & chemical activity Neuron is like a battery Stores electrical potential by accumulating positive charge in one terminal & excessive negative at the other terminal An electrical potential across the membrane is created Extracellular positive compared to intracellular Ions carry charges positive: sodium (Na+ ) & potassium (K+) Negative: chlorine (CL=)

13 Neural Impulse Positive ions- concentrated outside the cell (sodium)
Negative ions- concentrated inside the cell Resting membrane potential (-70 millivolts) created due to excessive positive outside cell Maintained through sodium-potassium pump act to exchange sodium ions found inside the cell with potassium ions found outside the ell Neuron at rest= polarized Neural activity= depolarization

14 Sodium-Potassium Pump
Sodium (Na+) Extracellular fluid Sodium Channel Potassium Channel Potassium (K+) Intracellular fluid

15 Neural Impulse Action potential occurs= Wave of depolarization
Depolarization occurs when an action in another neuron momentarily lowers the voltage of a region of a membrane Causes voltage-controlled gates to open that regulate sodium channels Sodium floods into the cell Polarity reverses from -70 to +30 mV Cell returns to rest (sodium-potassium pump)

16 Neural Impulse Depolarization effects tiny portion of membrane at a time. Causes a wave down the entire membrane by causing voltage gated channels to open Wave continues until the axon terminal Synapse with other neuron Transmitted to next neuron

17 Na+ Na+ B A D Na+ C A B C D CL- K+ K+ K+ K+ A= resting state;
ionic imbalance Na+ CL- B A K+ B= depolarization; Sodium channels open; potential positive D Na+ K+ C K+ K+ C= Opening of potassium channels; potential returns negative D= return to rest as sodium-potassium pump works A B C D

18 Neuroanatomy of the Vocal Mechanism

19 Neuroanatomy of the vocal Mechanism
Volitional control of muscles of the larynx resides in the brain. Connecting points in brain that have a role in control of phonation: cortex, subcortical areas, midbrain & medulla. Next slides will briefly review phonation neuroanatomy & neurophysiology.

20 Cortical Mechanisms of Phonatory Control
The cerebral cortex is responsible for: conceptualization, planning, and execution of speech , including phonation. Three major areas of the cortex responsible for vocalization: a) Precentral & postcentral gyrus, b) Anterior (Broca’s) area, c) Supplementary motor area.

21 Cortical Areas Involved in Speech Movement Control
Primary Motor Cortex Premotor & Supplementary Cortex Somatosensory Cortex Broca’s Area -Stimulation of these areas can initiate, stop or distort vocalization. -These behaviors occur in dominant & nondominant hemispheres.

22 Speech and Phonation are complex motor acts
Involves simultaneous activation and control of many muscles. Control of these motor acts occurs primarily in the cortex. Control of individual muscles occurs lower in the brain. No evidence that cortical stimulation produces a response in a single solitary muscle. Higher brain function = idealization of the event, integration of sensory information, feedback control, and coordination of various muscles.

23 Subcortical Mechanisms
Motor cortex has connections to the Thalamus ( egg shaped in the middle of the cerebral cortex), A major portion of the diencephalon or interbrain. Contain nuclei for language & speech Relay station from cortical to subcortical brain Thalamus has major pathways to the motor cortex & Broca’s area. Parts of the diencephalon: a) hypothalamus, b) metathalumus, c) epithalumus, d) subthalumus, & e) third ventricle.

24 Thalamus: What Does it Do?
Projections to Cerebral Cortex Acts as a relay for impulses in lower areas of the brain. Integrates emotion into a complex motor act. Plays a major role in: coordinating out-going information from cortex, integrating incoming sensory information adding emotionality to speech Thalamus Diencepahalon Midbrain Projections to Cerebellar Cortex Pons

25 Nuclei in thalamus that project to parts of the cerebral cortex
to & from Sup. Parietal Lobule Motor area receives its projections from the ventrolateral nucleus. 1971- ventrolateral nucleus shown to be responsible for initiation of speech movements & control of loudness, pitch, rate & articulation. Broca’s area- receives connections from dorsomedian nuclei. to & from Prenucleus to & from Parietal Lobe Massa Intermedia Dorsal Median Lateral Dorsal Ventral Lateral Ventral posterior Lateral

26 Midbrain Structures Midbrain (mesencephalon) lies beneath the thalamus. Cerebral peduncles lie on anterior surface of the midbrain and connect the cerebrum with the brainstem and spinal cord. Posterior side has four colliculi: Superior (visual function), inferior (audition). Within midbrain lies the cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius, surrounded by periaqueductal gray.

27 Periaqueductal Gray: What does it do?
Stimulation of dorsal and ventrolateral areas of periaqueductal gray = activity in some laryngeal muscles. 1985- Larson reported some cells in ventrolateral area stimulate muscle activity, whereas some suppress activity. Periaqueductal gray is an intermediate area between recognition of a stimulus and the production of a motor act.

28 Brainstem Bilateral structures in brainstem implicated in the neural control of phonation: Nucleus ambiguus Nucleus tractus solitarii Nucleus parabrachialis How do we know these structures are involved in phonation?

29 Yoshida, Mitsumasu, Hirano Study
Traced connections among brainstem structures. Injected tracer chemical into one nucleus ambiguus. Found evidence of tracer throughout the contralateral nuclei, nuclei tractus solitarri bilaterally, in nucleus parabrachialis and bilaterally in the lateral and ventrolateral parts of the periaqueductal gray area, with a predominance ipsilaterally. Conclusion: Many interconnections bilaterally among the nucleus ambiguous, nucleus tractus solitarri, and motor roots of vagus.

30 Cerebellum Structure lying posterior to the midbrain area.
Implicated in the control of movement. Three main portions: a) vermis, b) pars intermedia, c) hemispheres Consists of many traverse folia- increases surface area. Fissura prima- fissure separating anterior & posterior lobes.

31 References: Colton, R.H. & Casper, J.K.,(1990), Understanding Voice Problems: A physiological perspective for diagnosis and treatment,, Williams & Wilkins. Bhatnager, S.C. & Andy, O.J., (1995), Neuroscience for the study of communicative disorders, Williams & Wilkins. Kuehn, D.P., Lemme, M.L. & Baumgartner, J.M., (1989), Neural basis of speech, hearing, and language, College- Hill Press. Lieberman, M., (1991), Neuroanatomy made easy and understandable, Aspen Publishers. Netsell, R., (1985), Speech and language evaluation in neurology-adult disorders, Grune & Stratton. Poritsky, R., (1992), Neuroanatomy: a functional atlas of parts & pathways, Mosby-Year Book.

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