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2012 Task Force on Teacher Leadership & Compensation Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Task Force on Teacher Leadership & Compensation Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Task Force on Teacher Leadership & Compensation Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

2 Progress to Date March Purpose, Objectives and Norms April TAP, OPE and task force scope and sequence May Theory of Action and Review of Pay for Performance & Career Ladder Pilots June Refining our Theory of Action and Strategic Objectives; SWOT Analysis Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

3 Our Legislative Mandate SF 2284 Sec. 11. TEACHER PERFORMANCE, COMPENSATION, AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE. 1. The director of the department of education shall appoint, and provide staffing services for, a teacher performance, compensation, and career development task force to develop recommendations for a new teacher compensation system to replace the current teacher compensation system which addresses, at a minimum, the following: a. Duties and responsibilities of apprentice, career, mentor, and master teachers. b. Utilizing retired teachers as mentors. c. Strategic and meaningful uses of finite resources and the realignment of resources currently available. d. Mechanisms to substantially increase the average salary of teachers who assume leadership roles within the profession. e. Standardizing implementation of task force recommendations in all of Iowa’s school districts and public charter schools. Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

4 Our Legislative Mandate (continued) SF 2284 Sec. 11. TEACHER PERFORMANCE, COMPENSATION, AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE. 2. The task force shall also propose a peer coaching pilot project to expand excellence in the teaching profession. The proposal shall include recommendations for peer coaching criteria goals, strategies, documentation of progress, incentives for participation, and program evaluation. Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

5 Current Working Groups 1)Compensation: Don, Phil, Connie, Julie, Mary Jane, Mike May 2)Capacity Building: Jessica, Jodie, Paul, Justin 3)Professional Opportunities: Molly, Kent, Diane, Teresa 4)Stakeholder Engagement: David, Duane, Dan, Angie, Ann 5)Scalability/Sustainability : Jason, Mike Cormack, Jason, Carl, Denny, Galen/Tom Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

6 Proposed Working Groups and Focus Areas 1)Compensation: Don, Phil, Connie, Julie, Mary Jane, Mike May, Jason Strategic and meaningful uses of finite resources and the realignment of resources currently available. Mechanisms to substantially increase the average salary of teachers who assume leadership roles within the profession. 2)Teacher Leadership & Career Development: Jessica, Jodie, Paul, Justin, Molly, Kent, Diane, Teresa Duties and responsibilities of apprentice, career, mentor, and master teachers. Utilizing retired teachers as mentors. Peer coaching pilot project 3)S3: Stakeholders, Scalability and Sustainability: David, Duane, Dan, Angie, Ann, Isaiah, Mike Cormack, Carl, Denny, Galen/Tom Standardizing implementation of task force recommendations in all of Iowa’s school districts and public charter schools. Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

7 Emerging Ideas: Compensation If we effectively compensate teachers, we will then attract, retain and elevate the profession. If we elevate compensation to a competitive level, we will attract a greater pool of candidates. If we create effective compensation for teacher leadership roles, then we will better retain high quality teachers. If we used a market-based (differentiated) system of pay for hard-to-fill positions, then we will better address labor market inequity. Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

8 Emerging Ideas: Teacher Leadership & Career Development 11 IOWA Condition of Education Report If we recruit and promote excellent educators and support them as they collaborate reflectively to refine their practice Possible Strategic Objectives - TAP - PLCs If highly effective teachers are given opportunities to grow, refine and share their expertise, and all educators are given time to engage in focused, professional, collaborative, and reflective relationships with these teacher leaders, then. … Possible Strategic Objectives - Identify teacher leadership roles and responsibilities - Determine teacher leader competencies - Develop ways to promote effective teachers into teacher leadership roles. - Create flexibility in teacher leadership models and structures to accommodate school/district needs/size. - Provide essential resources (time, money, etc.) Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force

9 Emerging Ideas: Stakeholders, Scalability, Sustainability Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force If we can create the political will at the state policy level, and if stakeholders understand the opportunity to remake the status of the teaching profession, then we can change the mindset of the whole profession. If a clear system with quality implementation is unveiled and supported by stakeholders with their confidence that it will continue, and a permanent entity guides this initiative then…

10 Our Work Today Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force 10:00-10:20: Opening Activity; Overview of Legislative Requirements of the Task Force and Review of Progress 10:20 – 11:40: Eagle Country Presentation; Question and Answer Session 11:40 – 12:10: Lunch 12:10 – 1:40: Working Group Sessions (divided by sub-group areas) 1:40 – 2:00: Sub-group Share-out and Next Steps

11 Our Work Ahead Teacher Leadership & Compensation Task Force Original Plan August: Breaking it Down: Examining the Components of Our Work: Teacher Leadership, Compensation, Accountability and Value-Added Measurement September: Putting it all Together October: Finalizing the Recommendations Revised Cover August agenda via wiki resources Move up agenda for September meeting to August Move agenda for October meeting to September Final review and comment via e-mail and wiki at end of September/early October Decisions Extend August meeting time and/or add additional meeting in August Potentially create additional subcommittee for peer review Other?

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