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Centre for Budget & Policy Studies Challenges in Achieving Equity in our Education System In the Context of the Right to Education Act.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Budget & Policy Studies Challenges in Achieving Equity in our Education System In the Context of the Right to Education Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Budget & Policy Studies Challenges in Achieving Equity in our Education System In the Context of the Right to Education Act

2 2 Structure of the presentation

3 3 CBPS Engagement with RTE An analysis of the state rules on Right to Education Act in Orissa, Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh (2011) Financial and Governance Challenges of Implementing Right to Education Act 2009 in Karnataka, India (2012) Financial and Governance Challenges of Implementing Right to Education Act 2009 in Odisha, India (2012) A study on Quality of Acceptance of Children admitted in Private Unaided Schools in Bangalore under section 12 (1) (c) of the RTE Act (2013) Small Area study on quality of private schools in Bangalore rural for district human development report (2013) National Level seminar on Right to Education: Debates and Challenges in New Delhi (2013) State Level seminar on Right to Education: Debates and Challenges in Bangalore (2013)

4 4 Financial Challenges

5 5 How much do the states need? Total Financial Requirements (In Crores) HeadKarnatakaOdisha Physical Infrastructure1392 (5.03%)8142 (26.49%) Teacher Salary21049 (76.14%)15581 (50.69 %) Inclusion and Quality5060 (18.30%)6714 (21.84%) Research, Monitoring and Evaluation141(0.51%)296 (0.87%) Total27,64230,733 Estimates for the period of 2011-14

6 6 Are the states prepared to meet the financial challenges? Year KarnatakaOdisha Total expenditures in elementary education (Nominal) CBPS Estimates for RTE implementation Total expenditures in elementary education (Nominal) CBPS Estimates for RTE implementation ABCD 2010-115,371-2,902- 2011-12*6,4037,0573,17111,561 2012-13**8,1557,8404,26411,227 *Revised estimates; **Budget estimates (Education Department only)

7 7 Governance Challenges

8 8 Teacher Education, Recruitment and Management Numbers and Quality Teacher training institutions – Karnataka and Odisha Role of teachers in inclusive education State Districts where % schools PTR > 30 (p) % schools % Government schools PTR > 30 (P) % Government schools PTR>35 (UP) PTR > 30 PTR > 35 (UP) Karnataka322.7621.88.0413.98 Odisha34634.6239.8741.11

9 9 9

10 10 Children & 12(1) (c): inclusion, exclusion, accountability Government reimbursement not enough Entry level class – LKG or class 1 SES Profile – weaker and disadvantaged, but Unscrupulous practices – lottery, existing students being admitted, screening, weightage to caste /economic criteria Free education means no tuition fee? Bad Influences? Critical Role of Teachers Trained but unaware of RtE (21 percent of 171 teachers knew nothing about the act) Teachers role as facilitators

11 11 Out-of pocket expenditure under 12(1) (c) Description of item Range of amount spent in (Rs) UniformsRs 500 – Rs 4500 (for 2 sets) BooksRs 600 – Rs 4,500 VanRs 500 to Rs 6,500 SportsRs 500 to Rs 2,000 ActivitiesRs 500 to 20,000 ShoesRs 200 to Rs 2,500 Private TuitionsRs 100 to Rs 400 RTE Application FormRs 100 to Rs 150 Maintenance FeesRs 10,000 to Rs 13,000 Examination FeeRs 500 Computer Fees/Smart ClassRs 1,200 to Rs 10,000 AdmissionRs 600 to Rs 38,000 Capitation Fee/DonationRs 4,000 to Rs 25,000

12 12 Challenges reported by teachers ChallengesNumber of times cited as a problem Slow learners31 Illiterate parents/lack of parental support at home 20 Indiscipline20 Language problem (not all children understand English) 16 Special children/ having to be an inclusive school 11 Lack of resources at home10 Diverse background of students5 Unsatisfactory quality of or no previous schooling 5 Hyper active children5

13 13 In conclusion Financially Karnataka fairly comfortable position Odisha huge gaps Governance Issues of inclusion challenge for both government and private systems and related to quality Shift in governance and delivery process

14 14 Thank you

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