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7 th Grade Science Cells and Internal Structures Review.

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2 7 th Grade Science Cells and Internal Structures Review

3 A:B: PlantsAnimals C:D: Neither Both Plants and Animals There are two main types of cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and are found in ______ and _______. Eukaryotic Prokaryotic #1

4 D. Both Plants and Animals

5 A:B: Cell wallCell membrane C:D: Plant wallAnimal wall #2 What is the outer cover of a plant cell that provides the plant with support even on a windy day? (B) In this diagram.

6 A. Cell wall

7 A:B: PlasmaCells #3 All organisms are composed of __________. C:D: CytoplasmInorganic matter

8 B. Cells

9 A:B: Cell wallNucleus C:D: Lysosome Vacuole #4 Which structure is usually present only in plant cells? (B) In this diagram.

10 A. Cell wall

11 A:B: plasmachloroplasts C:D: cellsNone of these In organisms, ______ are the basic unit of life and are found in all tissue and organs. #5

12 C. Cells

13 A:B: It gives the cell shape and support C:D: Both of theseNone of these It controls cellular activities #6 The nucleus in a cell contains chromosomes made of DNA material. What is the function of this nucleus? (D) In this diagram.

14 A. It controls cellular activities

15 A:B: MitochondriaGlucose C:D: ChloroplastsVacuoles #7 What are the small green structures in plants that trap energy from the sun and allow it to produce its own food? (F) In this diagram.

16 C. Chloroplasts

17 A:B: Stores fluid and waste within a cell Produces energy in a cell C:D: Both Neither #8 What is the function of the vacuole within a cell? (A) In this diagram.

18 A. Store fluid and waste within a cell.

19 A:B: Inorganic matterInternal structures C:D: BothNeither #9 ___________ help an organism to obtain energy, get rid of waste, grow, and reproduce.

20 B. Internal structures

21 A:B: PlantAnimal #10 Photosynthesis occurs in what type of cell? C:D: MitochondriaVacuole

22 A. Plant

23 A:B: Neither a plant or animal Plant C:D: AnimalPlant & animal #11 These cells would most likely belong to a _________.

24 D. Plant

25 A:B: MitochondriaNucleus C:D: Vacuolenone of these #12 In this diagram, which organelle indicates the part of the cell that contains most of the cells DNA?

26 B. Nucleus

27 A:B: MitochondriaNucleus C:D: Cell membranenone of these #13 In this diagram, which organelle indicates the part of the cell that separates the interior of the cell from its environment?

28 C. Cell membrane

29 A:B: Cell membraneMitochondria C:D: Chloroplastnone of these #14 The cell structure responsible for producing food in a plant. (F) In the diagram.

30 C. Chloroplasts

31 A:B: Nerve cellBone cell C:D: Muscle cellBlood cell #15 The cell in this picture is long because its function is to transport messages from one place to another. What kind of cell is this?

32 A. Nerve cell

33 A:B: Nerve cellBone cell C:D: Muscle cellBlood cell #16 The cells in this picture are narrow in the center Because their function is to transport oxygen to other cells. What kind of cell is this?

34 D. Blood cell

35 A:B: GlucoseBrain #17 Which of these is an example of an organelle? C:D: CytoplasmAmoeba

36 C. Cytoplasm

37 A: B: Cell Theory Organism Theory #18 *All organisms are made up of one or more cells. *Cells are the smallest unit of life. *All cells come from pre-existing cells. These are the main facts of _____ _____. C: D: System Theory Amoeba Theory

38 A. Cells Theory

39 A: B: Cells, tissue, organs, organ systems, organisms Tissue, organs, organisms, cells, organ systems C: D: Organisms, organs systems, organs cells, tissue None of these #19 Which of these are the correct levels of organization in living things from smallest to largest.

40 A. Cells, tissue, organs, organ systems, organisms

41 Parts of the Cell Rap #20

42 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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