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] Study of team work techniques for safety Q.Committees BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research center IranianRailways BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research.

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Presentation on theme: "] Study of team work techniques for safety Q.Committees BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research center IranianRailways BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research."— Presentation transcript:


2 ] Study of team work techniques for safety Q.Committees BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research center IranianRailways BY:Reza Hatai Head,Machinery,Dep.,Research center IranianRailways

3 Why Group working? 1-Moral boosting and partnership 2- Strengthening the mood of admitting criticizes 3-Motivating personals to work better by convincing that the final decision belongs to them. 4-These are some problems, which have not a unique solution so the best way to choose is variety of votes. 5-Learning the principles for solving problems 6-Group motivation 7-Speed in getting result

4 Problem solving Groups 1-Task force committees 2-Department groups 3-Quality control groups 4-Improvement groups

5 Problem solving procedure 1)- Presenting a clear description of the problem. 2)- Analyzing the problem, gathering and describing the information. 3)- Techniques for drawing, and brain storming, inspecting the solutions to modify or remove the causes of problems. 4)- Mutual agreements about the most effective elements and the best solutions. 5)- Presenting the final solution. 6)- Performing the solution 7)- Re evaluation

6 Pareto principle: "Always the 20 percent of the factors causes the 80 percent of problems"

7 To draw the Pareto diagrams: 1-All effective elements should be listed Factors Redundancy A 25 B 12 C 2 D 44 E 5 F 7

8 2-Putting factors in order and finding added redundancy ElementsRedundancyAdded redundancy D 44 44 A 25 69 F 17 86 B 12 98 E 5 103 C 2 105


10 \ In second step we can draw the diagram with these values:



13 1-4) Methods and working process in Brain storming meeting Helding Brain storming meeting contain server following process: 1-Writing the meeting regulations of brain storming and installing it on the board. 2-Writing the subject of Brain storming 3-Expressing the opinions about the causes of problems and presenting the solution by each member. 4-Recording all decisions although being simple – mindedly. 5-Creating the opinions and thinking alike members in recognizing common cases in unanimity by each person. 6-Inserting the elements in fish bon diagram. 7-Evaluating the ideas by Pareto principle ( Which was described before)

14 Brain stroming roles 1)- No Critical cases should be based on the thesis 2)- Being thoughtless (Attention: When our brain ware forms like 0/the creativity of our ideas will increase more and this time such sleeping mood, waking up time or driving for a long time) has an important effect on our brain storming meeting. 3)- The emphasis is on the extreme opinions. 4)- All cases should be noted even repeated ones. 5)- All opinions should be inserted and never denied

15 5W+1H  What’s the problems and what’s not?  When does it happen and when not?  Why does it happen and why not?  Where does it happen and where not? Who is responsible for starting and who is for finishing? How can we recognize the problems and how to find out when not happened?

16 Representing the solution 1)- Identifying the final goal for representing the solution. 2)- The demands of Manager should be found out & perceived. 3)- Ensuring the report to be logical and in order 4)- Thinking about probable questions. 5)- Being ready to describe the matters and equipment (imaginary- diagram- Photo,… )

17 Offering the solution Re evaluation




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