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DNA The Molecule of Life.

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1 DNA The Molecule of Life

2 Overview: Life’s Operating Instructions
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick Structure of the molecule of inheritance Deoxyribonucleic acid Rosalind Franklin Used X-ray crystalography to take the first picture of the molecule © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 Figure EXPERIMENT Radioactive protein Phage Bacterial cell Batch 1: Radioactive sulfur (35S) DNA In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase performed experiments showing that DNA is the genetic material of a phage known as T2. Radioactive DNA Figure 16.4 Inquiry: Is protein or DNA the genetic material of phage T2? Batch 2: Radioactive phosphorus (32P)

4 Batch 1: Radioactive sulfur (35S) DNA
Figure EXPERIMENT Empty protein shell Radioactive protein Phage Bacterial cell Batch 1: Radioactive sulfur (35S) DNA Phage DNA Radioactive DNA Figure 16.4 Inquiry: Is protein or DNA the genetic material of phage T2? Batch 2: Radioactive phosphorus (32P)

5 Radioactivity (phage protein) in liquid Phage
Figure EXPERIMENT Empty protein shell Radioactive protein Radioactivity (phage protein) in liquid Phage Bacterial cell Batch 1: Radioactive sulfur (35S) DNA Phage DNA Centrifuge Radioactive DNA Pellet (bacterial cells and contents) Figure 16.4 Inquiry: Is protein or DNA the genetic material of phage T2? Batch 2: Radioactive phosphorus (32P) Centrifuge Radioactivity (phage DNA) in pellet Pellet

6 Complimentary strands
Figure 16.7 Double helix Nucleotide Antiparallel Complimentary strands 5 end C G Hydrogen bond C G 3 end G C G C T A 3.4 nm T A G C G C C G A T 1 nm C G T A C G G C C G A T Figure 16.7 The double helix. A T 3 end A T 0.34 nm 5 end T A (a) Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure Space-filling model (c)

7 Purine  purine: too wide
Figure 16.UN01 Purine  purine: too wide Pyrimidine  pyrimidine: too narrow Figure 16.UN01 In-text figure, p. 310 Purine  pyrimidine: width consistent with X-ray data

8 Two findings became known as Chargaff’s rules
Erwin Chargaff – measured the amount of each base (ATCG) in segments of DNA from different organisms Two findings became known as Chargaff’s rules The base composition of DNA varies between species In any species the number of A and T bases are equal and the number of G and C bases are equal © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

9 Sugar Sugar Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Sugar Sugar Guanine (G)
Figure 16.8 Sugar Sugar Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Figure 16.8 Base pairing in DNA. Sugar Sugar Guanine (G) Cytosine (C)

10 (a) Parent molecule A T C G T A A T G C Figure 16.9-1
Figure 16.9 A model for DNA replication: the basic concept.

11 (a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands A T A T C G C G T A T A
Figure A T A T C G C G T A T A A T A T G C G C (a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands Figure 16.9 A model for DNA replication: the basic concept.

12 (a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands (c)
Figure A T A T A T A T C G C G C G C G T A T A T A T A A T A T A T A T G C G C G C G C (a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands (c) “Daughter” DNA molecules, each consisting of one parental strand and one new strand = semi-conservative Figure 16.9 A model for DNA replication: the basic concept.

13 DNA Replication Replication proceeds in both directions from the origins of replication. replication fork - a Y-shaped region where new DNA strands are elongating Helicases - enzymes that untwist the double helix at the replication forks Single-strand binding proteins bind to and stabilize single-stranded DNA Topoisomerase – enzyme that corrects “overwinding” ahead of replication forks by breaking, swiveling, and rejoining DNA strands © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

14 Single-strand binding proteins
Figure 16.13 Primase 3 Topoisomerase RNA primer 5 3 5 3 Helicase Figure Some of the proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication. 5 Single-strand binding proteins

15 Synthesizing a New DNA Strand
Enzymes called DNA polymerases catalyze the elongation of new DNA at a replication fork by adding to the 3’ end of an existing molecule. Most DNA polymerases require an RNA primer (primase) and a DNA template strand to build from. The rate of elongation is about 500 nucleotides per second in bacteria and 50 per second in human cells. © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

16 Nucleoside triphosphate
Figure 16.14 New strand Template strand 5 3 5 3 Sugar A T A T Base Phosphate C G C G G C G C DNA polymerase OH 3 A T A Figure Incorporation of a nucleotide into a DNA strand. T P OH P P i P P C 3 Pyrophosphate C OH Nucleoside triphosphate 2 P i 5 5 Nucleotides are added as nucleoside triphosphate (i.e. dATP).

17 Overall directions of replication
Figure 16.15 Overview Leading strand Lagging strand Origin of replication DNA polymerase can only add to the 3’ end (5  3). Leading Strand Lagging Strand Okasaki Fragments DNA ligase Primer Leading strand Lagging strand Origin of replication Overall directions of replication 3 5 5 RNA primer 3 3 Sliding clamp DNA pol III Parental DNA 5 Figure Synthesis of the leading strand during DNA replication. 3 5 5 3 3 5

18 Overall directions of replication
Figure 16.15a Overview Leading strand Lagging strand Origin of replication Primer Leading strand Lagging strand Figure Synthesis of the leading strand during DNA replication. Overall directions of replication

19 3 5 3 Template strand 5 Figure 16.16b-1
Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand.

20 RNA primer for fragment 1
Figure 16.16b-2 3 5 Template strand 3 5 3 RNA primer for fragment 1 5 1 3 5 Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand.

21 RNA primer for fragment 1
Figure 16.16b-3 3 5 Template strand 3 5 3 RNA primer for fragment 1 5 1 3 5 3 Okazaki fragment 1 5 1 3 5 Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand.

22 RNA primer for fragment 1
Figure 16.16b-4 3 5 Template strand 3 5 3 RNA primer for fragment 1 5 1 3 5 3 Okazaki fragment 1 5 1 RNA primer for fragment 2 3 5 5 3 2 Okazaki fragment 2 1 3 5 Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand.

23 RNA primer for fragment 1
Figure 16.16b-5 3 5 Template strand 3 5 3 RNA primer for fragment 1 5 1 3 5 3 Okazaki fragment 1 5 1 RNA primer for fragment 2 3 5 5 3 2 Okazaki fragment 2 1 3 5 Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand. 5 3 2 1 3 5 5 3

24 RNA primer for fragment 1
Figure 16.16b-6 3 5 Template strand 3 5 3 RNA primer for fragment 1 5 1 3 5 3 Okazaki fragment 1 5 1 RNA primer for fragment 2 3 5 5 3 2 Okazaki fragment 2 1 3 5 Figure Synthesis of the lagging strand. 5 3 2 1 3 5 5 3 2 1 3 5 Overall direction of replication

25 Overall directions of replication
Figure 16.17 Overview Leading strand Origin of replication Lagging strand Leading strand Lagging strand Overall directions of replication Leading strand 5 DNA pol III 3 Primer Primase 3 5 3 Parental DNA Figure A summary of bacterial DNA replication. DNA pol III Lagging strand 5 DNA pol I DNA ligase 4 3 5 3 2 1 3 5

26 Overall directions of replication
Figure 16.17b Overview Origin of replication Leading strand Lagging strand Leading strand Lagging strand Overall directions of replication Leading strand Primer Figure A summary of bacterial DNA replication. DNA pol III Lagging strand 5 DNA pol I DNA ligase 4 3 5 3 3 3 2 1 5

27 DNA Replication Complex
Figure 16.18 DNA pol III Parental DNA Leading strand 5 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 Connecting protein Helicase Lagging strand template 3 5 Figure A current model of the DNA replication complex. DNA pol III Lagging strand 3 5 DNA Replication Complex

28 Nucleotide Excision Repair
Figure 16.19 5 3 Hopefully: DNA Polymerases edit the new strand as they move along the molecule = mismatch repair If not:  Nucleotide Excision Repair Nucleases 3 5 Nuclease Proofreading Nucleotide Excision Repair 5 3 3 5 DNA polymerase 5 3 Figure Nucleotide excision repair of DNA damage. 3 5 DNA ligase 5 3 3 5

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